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+ Add another entry + Tilføj endnu en post
+ add a new entry + tilføj en ny post
+ add a new list + tilføj en ny liste
… and %1 more new notifications … og 1% flere nye meddelelser
<a href="https://www.wikidot.com/panel:adsense">AdSense configuration panel</a> | <a href="http://www.wikidot.com/faq:adsense">AdSense FAQ</a> <a href="https://www.wikidot.com/panel:adsense">AdSense-indstillingspanel</a> | <a href="http://www.wikidot.com/faq:adsense">AdSense-FAQ</a>
<li>all pages and their content</li> <li>page tags</li> <li>category settings</li> <li>permission settings</li> <li>themes (including custom themes)</li> <li>forum structure (groups and categories)</li> Hyt3b4by
A campaign with this identifier already exists Der findes allerede en kampagne med dette id
A campaign with this name already exists Der findes allerede en kampagne med dette navn
A category group is a collection of forum categories and the largest unit in the forum. En kategorigruppe er en samling af forumemner og er den største enhed i forummet.
A few HTML tags are allowed: Enkelte HTML-tags er tilladt:
A few notes Nogle få noter
A few tips for your Site Et par tips til dit site:
A few tips just for you: Et par tips kun til dig:
A few useful tools to manage this Site. Et par nyttige værktøjer til at håndtere dette site.
A file named %1 already exists as an attachment to page %2. You don't have permission to overwrite or delete files on this page, so please choose other name for the file and try again. En fil med navnet %1 findes allerede som en vedhæftet fil til side %2. Du har ikke tilladelse til at overskrive eller slette filer på denne side, så vælg et andet navn for filen og prøv igen.
A file named %1 already exists as an attachment to page %2. Do you want to overwrite it? En fil med navnet %1 findes allerede til side %2. Vil du overskrive den?
A moderator resigned from your site En af dine moderatorer forlod din side
A new member joined your site Et nyt medlem tilsluttede sig til dit site
A small error processing your order has occurred. If the problem persists please contact sales@wikidot.com. En lille fejl opstod under en af dine ordrer. Hvis problemet fortsætter, kan du kontakte sales@wikidot.com.
API Access Fbabtwgs
API Settings API Indstillinger
API access API adgang
About Om sitet
About Wikidot.com Om Wikidot.com
About me Om mig
Above page content Over sideindholdet
Above sidebar Over sidebaren
Abuse Misbrug
Accept Accepter
Accept invitation Accepter invitation
Access Policy Efvwr
Access policy Adgangspolitik
Access to this profile is restricted. Adgang til denne profil er begrænset.
According to <a href="http://openid.net">OpenID.net</a>: Ifølge <a href="http://openid.net">OpenID.net</a>:
According to the data above, you are a subject to VAT tax. <strong>%1% VAT will be included</strong> in all your purchases at Wikidot.com. Bsybsyna
According to the data above, you are subject to VAT "reverse charge". <strong>VAT will not be added</strong> to your purchases. Ifølge dataene ovenfor, er du et emne for "omvendt momspligt". <strong>Moms vil ikke blive tilføjet</strong> dine køb.
According to the data above, you are subject to VAT exemption. <strong>VAT will not be added</strong> to your purchases. Ifølge dataene ovenfor, er du et emne for momsfritagelse. <strong>Moms vil ikke blive tilføjet</strong> dine køb.
Account Konto
Account notifications Kontomeddelelser
Account type Kontotype
Account type: Kontotype:
Account upgrade confirmation Kontoopgraderingskonfirmation
Action Handling
Action: Handling:
Actions Dv egnwtb
Activate forum now Ca d a
Activate my account now Aktivér min konto nu
Active features Aktiver funktioner
Activities settings C ac a
Activity Aktivitet
Ad position Rg tebbet
Ad unit is being displayed in your side bar, just above its content. Tilføj enhed der vil vises på din sidebar lige over dens indhold.
Ad unit is being displayed in your side bar, just below its content. Tilføj enhed der vil vises på din sidebar lige under dens indhold.
AdSense for your website AdSense til dit website
AdSense is an on-line advertising program that helps you earn money with your Wikidot site. The AdSense configuration panel is detached from the Site Manager and located at our main website. AdSense er et online annonceringsprogram, der hjælper dig med at tjene penge med din Wikidot-hjemmeside. AdSenses indstillingspanel er adskilt fra Site Manager og er placeret på vores hovedhjemmeside.
AdSense limits you to one ad unit at a given predefined location AdSense giver dig til en annonceenhed på et givet sted
Add Tilføj
Add a New Comment Tilføj en ny kommentar
Add a contact Tilføj en kontakt
Add a custom location Gnatab
Add a new meta tag Tilføj et nyt metatag
Add autonumbering Tilføj autonumerering
Add autonumbering to a category Tilføj autonumerering til en kategori
Add contact Tilføj kontakt
Add custom label Nef sc
Add more F wg wwf
Add more recipients Tilføj flere modtagere
Add new IP block Engsg
Add new posts Tilføj nye indlæg
Add pingbacks Ebwbttvw
Add pingbacks to a category Tilføj pingbacks til en kategori
Add to All Pages Tilføj til Alle artikler
Add to This Page Tilføj til Denne side
Add to cart Tilføj til indkøbsvogn
Add to contacts Tilføj til kontakter
Add to contacts? Tilføj til kontakter?
Add user Tilføj bruger
Add user to block list Føj bruger til blokerings liste
Added tags: %s. Tilføjede tags: %s.
Added to administrators Tilføjet til adminstratorer
Added to moderators Tilføjet til moderatorer
Adding <em>%1</em> as a contact Lav <em>%1</em> til en kontakt
Adding a meta tag with the name already used will effectively replace the existing entry. <br/><br/> Meta entries added to a page override global meta information added to all pages. Tilføjning af et metatag med et navn der allerede er brugt vil effektivt erstatte det forrige metatag. <br/><br/> Metatags føjes til en global side med metaoplysninger fra til alle sider.
Address Adresse
Address of the list: Listens adresse:
Address of the site: Sitets adresse:
Admin Admin
Admin notifications for site Sitets admin meddelelser
Admin of Admin af
Administer your petition campaigns Administrer dine 'petition'-kampagner
Administrator of the following sites: Administrator af følgende websteder:
Administrators Keyeyk6j3
Admins Gsnabf
Ads to be displayed on: Annoncer der skal vises på:
Ads visibility options Annonceindstillinger(synlighed)
Advanced Settings Gxmtjs
Advertising Reklame
After you provide a valid password, if you already have a Wikidot.com account you will be asked to log in, if not you will be asked to create a user account - this will take just a minute. Qdvvdq fs
All Alle
All Members Dgnsgbsf
All categories Alle kategorier
All registered Users M vzzng
All transactions and data are transferred using secure 128-bit SSL encryption. <br/> Read our policies: <a href="http://www.wikidot.com/legal:terms-of-service" target="_blank">Terms of Service</a>, <a href="http://www.wikidot.com/legal:privacy-policy" target="_blank">Privacy Policy</a> and <a href="http://www.wikidot.com/faq:upgrades" target="_blank">Upgrades FAQ</a>. Stjstjhtw
Allow Wikidot users to post links with a karma level greater than or equal to Tillad Wikidotbrugere at poste links med et karmaniveau større end eller lig med
Allow hotlinking to uploaded files Tillad hotlinking til at uploade filer
Alphabetically Alfabetisk
Already have a Wikidot account? Tnegsnfb
Already rated Allerede bedømt
An administrator resigned from your site En administrator forlod din side
An error has occurred while connecting to Google AdSense servers. En fejl er opstået under forbindelse til Google AdSense-servere.
An error initializing PayPal payments has occurred. Please try again or contact support@wikidot.com. En fejl der initialiserede PayPal-betalinger opstod. Prøv venligst igen eller kontakt support@wikidot.com.
An error initializing bitcoin payments has occurred. Please try again or contact support@wikidot.com. Afb adbfa
An error initializing bitcoin payments has occurred. Please try again or contact support@wikidot.com. Code: 1 Sc sf af
An error occurred when processing your request. En fejl opstod under behandlingen af din odre.
An error occurred while processing the request. Der skete en fejl under bearbejdningen af anmodningen.
Anchor text (optional): Fastlås tekst (valgfrit):
Anchor text: Fastlås tekst:
And to Dhmsg
And visible only to: Og kun synlig for:
And what won't be? BCbfa
Anonymous Anonym
Anonymous abuse Hdgbzs
Anonymous edit Anonym redigering
Anonymous user Anonym bruger
Anonymous user info Anonybrugerinfo
Anonymously Dhmnvz
Anonymously? Sfnz vcz
Another Wikidot.com site already maps the "%s" domain. En anden Wikidot.com-hjemmeside ejer allerede domænet "%s".
Another Wikidot.com site already redirects the "%s" domain. Et andet Wikidot.com-websted omdirigerer allerede domænet "%s".
Another account is using this email address: please try again with another email address you own En anden bruger bruger denne e-mailadresse: Prøv venligst igen med en anden e-mail du ejer.
Anyone can be a member Tsjhra
Anyone can view Yjejts
App id: Utedyksgn
Apparently, the reason was: Tilsyneladende var grunden:
Appearance & Behaviour DD
Appears beneath the name. Vises under navnet.
Appears on the top-left corner of your Wikidot site. Vises i det øverste, venstre hjørne at din hjemmeside.
Append Tilføj
Append content without editing the whole page source. Tilføj indhold til siden uden at redigere den.
Application text Ansøgningstekst
Application text: Ansøgningstekst:
Applications Ansøgninger
Apply Gem indstillinger
Applying is disabled for this site. Ansøgning er deaktiveret for dette websted.
April April
Are you a human? Leave blank this stupid checkbox. Eeuej
Are you a human? You are so fast :) Jejejeje
Are you really really really sure? Anyway, remember there is an UNDO for this operation. Er du virkelig, virkelig, virkelig sikker? Husk at du godt kan gå tilbage efter handlingen.
Are you sure you do not want to be a member of this site any more? Er du sikker på du ikke har lyst til at være medlem af denne side mere?
Are you sure you want to add <em>%1</em> as your new contact? Er du sikker på du gerne vil tilføje <em>%1</em> som din nye kontakt?
Are you sure you want to ban (block) address <strong class="ban-ip-dialog-ip"></strong> from modifying the site as an anonymous user? Djjdjd
Are you sure you want to ban (block) user <strong class="ban-user-dialog-user-name"></strong> from accessing the site in the future? Jxjdjd
Are you sure you want to delete the above post? There is no way to recover deleted posts. Er du sikker på du vil slette indlægget ovenover? Der er ingen måde at genskabe slettede indlæg.
Are you sure you want to delete the invitation for <strong class="delete-invitation-dialog-user-email"></strong>? Jsjus
Are you sure you want to delete this layout? Jrjrjd
Are you sure you want to delete this theme? Jejeje
Are you sure you want to remove <strong class="remove-admin-dialog-user-name"></strong> from site administrators? Jdjddj
Are you sure you want to remove <strong class="remove-moderator-dialog-user-name"></strong> from site moderators? Jdjsjsj
Are you sure you want to remove the block for the IP <strong class="delete-ip-list"></strong>? Jrjjr
Are you sure you want to remove the user block for the user <strong class="delete-user-list"></strong>? Jfjfjfjd
Are you sure you want to remove user <strong class="remove-ban-user-dialog-user-name"></strong> from the members <u>and</u> ban from accessing the site in the future? <br/><br/> If the user is also an administrator/moderator of this site their privileges will be lost too. Jrjdjdj
Are you sure you want to remove user <strong class="remove-user-dialog-user-name"></strong> from the members? <br/><br/> If the user is also an administrator/moderator of this site their privileges will be lost too. Rjdjejejej
Are you sure you want to remove your membership application for site Er du sikker på du vil slette din medlemskabsansøgning for denne hjemmeside
Are you sure you want to resign from being a site administrator? Er du sikker på du vil trække dig som administrator for dette websted?
Are you sure you want to resign from being a site moderator? Er du sikker på du vil trække dig som moderator for dette websted?
As easy as can be &mdash; if you already have a Facebook account, we will log you in or create a new Wikidot account within seconds! Sididkdidjdj
As the URL element one can use www location (http://..., https://...), ftp location (ftp://...) and a few others. <br/><br/> Malformed URL elements will not be parsed by the wiki engine. Som URL-domænet kan man bruge en www placering (http://..., https://...), en ftp-placering (ftp://...), og et par andre. <br/><br/> Misdannede URL-domæner kan ikke blive fortolket af wikien.
Assign new Master Admin? Tildel ny Overadmin?
Attached files… Vedhæftet filer…
Attempts Forsøg
Attention should be also paid to the pages that depend on this one either by directly linking to it or by including it. Click below to see what pages depend on this one. Du bør også rette din opmærksomheden mod de sider, der er afhængige af denne enten ved direkte at linke til den eller ved at indbefatte den. Klik nedenfor for at se, hvilke sider afhænger af denne.
August August
Authentication error. Godkendelsesfejl.
Author Forfatter
Author of the post Indlægets forfatter
Author of the thread Trådens forfatter
Auto Watching Dds
Auto accept from Eee
Auto mark activities as read Markér automatisk aktiviteter som læst
Auto-watch sites I join, pages I create, edit or comment. Autoovervåg hjemmesider jeg deltager i, jeg har lavet, retter i eller kommenterer.
Automatic page numbering Eeee
Automatic update related to page rename: "%s" to "%s". Automatisk opdatering vedrørende sideomdøbning: "%s" til "%s".
Autonumbering Egjsng
Autonumbering of pages Autonummerering af sider
Availability of the above features might depend on the subscription plan chosen. Tilgængeligheden af de ovenstående funktioner kan afhænge af det valgte abonnementet.
Avatar Avatar
Avatar, Karma, Pro icons Dgnnbx
The above can be inserted almost anywhere, but the recommended locations are e.g.: <a href="/nav:side"><tt>nav:side</tt></a> (sidebar) or main content of a page. <br/><br/> If you choose to allow Ads in the page and the module is not found - Ads will be displayed in the footer.<br/> If you choose to allow Ads only in the footer, the module will be ignored. <br/><br/> To customize the layout of links you can pass additional parameters to the module: Ovenstående kan indsættes næsten overalt, men de anbefalede steder er bl.a.: a href="/nav:side"><tt>nav:side</tt></a> (sidebar) eller hovedindhold af en side. <br/><br/> Hvis du vælger at tillade annoncer på siden, og modulet er ikke fundet - Vil annoncer blive vist i bunden.<br/> Hvis du vælger at tillade annoncer, men kun i sidefoden, vil modulet ignoreres. <br/><br/> For at tilpasse layoutet af links, kan du overføre yderligere parametre til modulet:
The account has been activated. Signing in… Denne bruger er blevet aktiveret. Logger ind…
The account has been already activated. You may need to sign in with your login and password. Denne bruger er allerede blevet aktiveret. Du bliver nødt til at logge ind med dit brugernavn og kodeord.
The ad unit is displayed above the page content, right below the title. Annonceenheden vises over sidens indhold, lige under titlen.
The ad unit is displayed below the page content, but above the footer. This is a very good location because your visitors can spot ads right after finishing reading the page. Annonceenheden vises nedenunder sideindholdet, men over sidefoden. Dette er en meget god placering, fordi dine besøgende ser annoncen lige efter de har læst indholdet på siden.
The adresses you enter here will be <strong>added</strong> to the list below when you click "upload". <br/> Most of the CSV formats will do, including these from GMail and MS Outlook. Hefadgad
The ads are displayed at the very bottom of a page, below the page footer. Annoncerne bliver vist helt i bunden af siden, under sidefoden.
The amount will be paid to Beløbet vil blive udbetalt til
accept acceptér
accepted membership application accepteret medlemskabsansøgning
action handling
actions handlinger
active aktiv
activity at Rykns
add new post in this thread Lav et nyt indlæg i denne tråd
add to watched bliv online
added/removed file from Etjfbsbgs
administrators administratorer
ago siden
align left til venstre
align right til højre
all registered Tjdjgebfs
all wikidot users alle wikidotbrugere
allow Ads anywhere on the page tillad annoncer overalt på hjemmesiden
allow Ads in the page body tillad annoncer i sideindholdsenheden
and og
and have total of %1 storage (%2 used) og have total af %1 størrelse (%2 brugt)
and others og andre
anonymous anonym
anonymous users anonyme brugere
append tilføj
application accepted Z bjfbd
application declined Sgbsfbzc
attach a new file to this page vedhæft en ny fil til denne side
attached file, vedhæftede filer,
attachments (files) vedhæftninger (filer)
avatar, Pro icons (skip karma) avatar, Pro-ikoner (fjern karma)
avatar, karma (skip Pro icons) avatar, karma (fjern Pro-ikoner)

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