Zh Joke
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Currently editing
(all pages) | (全部的页面) |
+ Add another entry | + 新建一个别的条目 |
+ add a new entry | + 新建一个条目 |
+ add a new list | + 新建一个把别的东西列出来的东西 |
… and %1 more new notifications | …还有其他 %1 个新的别人发给你的东西 |
<a href="https://www.wikidot.com/panel:adsense">AdSense configuration panel</a> | <a href="http://www.wikidot.com/faq:adsense">AdSense FAQ</a> | 分类群组是讨论东西的地方的分类的集合,也是讨论东西的地方里的最大单元。 |
<li>all pages and their content</li> <li>page tags</li> <li>category settings</li> <li>permission settings</li> <li>themes (including custom themes)</li> <li>forum structure (groups and categories)</li> | <li>所有页面及其内容</li> <li>页面标签</li> <li>类别设置</li> <li>权限设置</li> <li>主题(包括自定义主题)</li> <li>论坛结构(群组和类别)</li> |
A campaign with this identifier already exists | 具有此标识符的活动已经存在 |
A campaign with this name already exists | 带有这个名字的运动已经存在 |
A category group is a collection of forum categories and the largest unit in the forum. | 类别组是论坛类别的集合,也是论坛中最大的单位。 |
A few HTML tags are allowed: | 一些允许的HTML标签 |
A few notes | 新的批注 |
A few tips for your Site | 关于您网站的一些提示 |
A few tips just for you: | 仅供您使用的一种提示: |
A few useful tools to manage this Site. | 一些有用的工具来管理这个网站 |
A file named %1 already exists as an attachment to page %2. You don't have permission to overwrite or delete files on this page, so please choose other name for the file and try again. | 一个命名为%1的文件已经作为2%页的附件存在。您无权覆盖或删除此页面的文件,因此请为文件选择其他名字,然后重试。 |
A file named %1 already exists as an attachment to page %2. Do you want to overwrite it? | 一个名为%1的文件已经作为第%2页的附件存在。你想覆盖它吗? |
A moderator resigned from your site | 版主已经从您的网站说拜拜了 |
A new member joined your site | 新成员面试了您的网站 |
A small error processing your order has occurred. If the problem persists please contact sales@wikidot.com. | 在处理你订单的时候bugdot卡炸了。再下个订单吧白痴。如果问题仍然存在,和sales@wikidot.com谈话。 |
ALL | 全部的 |
API Access | API访问 |
API Settings | API设置 |
API access | API访问 |
About | 关于 |
About Wikidot.com | 关于 Wikidot.com |
About me | 关于我 |
Above page content | 以上页面内容 |
Above sidebar | 侧边栏上方 |
Abuse | 乱搞 |
Accept | 接受 |
Accept invitation | 接受邀请 |
Access Policy | 访问政策 |
Access policy | 访问の策略 |
Access to this profile is restricted. | 这个配置文件的访问受到限制。 |
According to <a href="http://openid.net">OpenID.net</a>: | 根据<a href=“http://openid.net”>OpenID.net</a>: |
According to the data above, you are a subject to VAT tax. <strong>%1% VAT will be included</strong> in all your purchases at Wikidot.com. | 根据上述数据,您需要缴纳增值税。<strong>%1% VAT 将包括</strong> 在您在 Wikidot.com 上进行的所有购买中。 |
According to the data above, you are subject to VAT "reverse charge". <strong>VAT will not be added</strong> to your purchases. | |
According to the data above, you are subject to VAT exemption. <strong>VAT will not be added</strong> to your purchases. | |
Account | 账号 |
Account notifications | 账号信息 |
Account type | 账号类型 |
Account type: | 账户类型 |
Account upgrade confirmation | 账号升级确认 |
Action | 行动 |
Action: | 行动: |
Actions | 行动 |
Activate forum now | 火速激活论坛 |
Activate my account now | 火树激活我的账号 |
Active features | 活动功能 |
Activities settings | 活动设置 |
Activity | 活动 |
Ad position | 广告排行榜 |
Ad unit is being displayed in your side bar, just above its content. | 广告单元显示在侧边栏中,就在这个内容的正上方。 |
Ad unit is being displayed in your side bar, just below its content. | 广告单元显示在侧栏中,就在这个内容的下方。 |
AdSense for your website | 适用于您网站的广告感知 |
AdSense is an on-line advertising program that helps you earn money with your Wikidot site. The AdSense configuration panel is detached from the Site Manager and located at our main website. | AdSense是一个广告计划,可帮助您通过Wikidot网站获得钱财。AdSense配置面板与网站管理器分离。位于我们的著网站上。, |
AdSense limits you to one ad unit at a given predefined location | |
Add | 加 |
Add a New Comment | 添加新评论 |
Add a contact | 添加你的狐朋狗友 |
Add a custom location | 添加一个自定义位置 |
Add a new meta tag | 添加新的元标记 |
Add autonumbering | 添加自动编号 |
Add autonumbering to a category | |
Add contact | 添加新的联系人 |
Add custom label | 添加自定义标签 |
Add more | 添加更多好van的 |
Add more recipients | 添加更多的收件人 |
Add new IP block | 添加新的ip块 |
Add new posts | 添加新的贴子 |
Add pingbacks | 添加回拨 |
Add pingbacks to a category | |
Add to All Pages | 添加到所有页面 |
Add to This Page | 添加到此页面 |
Add to cart | 添加到购物车 |
Add to contacts | 添加到通讯录 |
Add to contacts? | 添加到通讯录? |
Add user | 添加用户 |
Add user to block list | |
Added tags: %s. | |
Added to administrators | 添加到管理员名单 |
Added to moderators | 添加到管理员名单 |
Adding <em>%1</em> as a contact | 添加 <em>%1</em> 为联系人 |
Adding a meta tag with the name already used will effectively replace the existing entry. <br/><br/> Meta entries added to a page override global meta information added to all pages. | |
Address | 地址 |
Address of the list: | 列表地址: |
Address of the site: | 网站地址 |
Admin | 管理 |
Admin notifications for site | 网站的管理员通知 |
Admin of | 管理员 |
Administer your petition campaigns | 管理你的活动 |
Administrator of the following sites: | 以下站点的管理员: |
Administrators | 管理员 |
Admins | 管理员 |
Ads to be displayed on: | 广告将展示在: |
Ads visibility options | 广告可见设置 |
Advanced Settings | 高级设置 |
Advertising | 广告 |
After you provide a valid password, if you already have a Wikidot.com account you will be asked to log in, if not you will be asked to create a user account - this will take just a minute. | 提供有效密码后,如果您已有 Wikidot.com 帐户,系统将要求您登录,如果没有,系统将要求您创建一个用户帐户 - 这将只需要大约一分钟的时间。 |
All | 全部的 |
All Members | 所有混吃混喝的成员。 |
All categories | 所有类别 |
All registered Users | 所有注册的用户 |
All transactions and data are transferred using secure 128-bit SSL encryption. <br/> Read our policies: <a href="http://www.wikidot.com/legal:terms-of-service" target="_blank">Terms of Service</a>, <a href="http://www.wikidot.com/legal:privacy-policy" target="_blank">Privacy Policy</a> and <a href="http://www.wikidot.com/faq:upgrades" target="_blank">Upgrades FAQ</a>. | |
Allow Wikidot users to post links with a karma level greater than or equal to | 允许 Wikidot 用户发布活跃等级大于或等于的链接 |
Allow hotlinking to uploaded files | 允许链接到上传的文件 |
Alphabetically | 按字母排序 |
Already have a Wikidot account? | 已有wikidot 账户? |
Already rated | 已经评分! |
An administrator resigned from your site | 管理员已经跑路了,就在这个网站。 |
An error has occurred while connecting to Google AdSense servers. | 抱歉,连接到 Google AdSense 服务器时bugdot又卡了。 |
An error initializing PayPal payments has occurred. Please try again or contact support@wikidot.com. | 初始化 PayPal 付款时发生错误。请再试一遍或联系 support@wikidot.com |
An error initializing bitcoin payments has occurred. Please try again or contact support@wikidot.com. | 初始化比特币支付时发生错误。请重试或联系 support@wikidot.com。 |
An error initializing bitcoin payments has occurred. Please try again or contact support@wikidot.com. Code: 1 | 初始化比特币支付时发生错误。请重试或联系 support@wikidot.com。 |
An error occurred when processing your request. | |
An error occurred while processing the request. | |
Anchor text (optional): | |
Anchor text: | |
And to | |
And visible only to: | |
And what won't be? | |
Anonymous | 匿名 |
Anonymous abuse | 匿名滥用 |
Anonymous edit | 匿名编辑 |
Anonymous user | 匿名用户 |
Anonymous user info | 匿名用户信息 |
Anonymously | 匿名 |
Anonymously? | 匿名? |
Another Wikidot.com site already maps the "%s" domain. | 另一个 Wikidot.com 站点已经映射了“%s”域。 |
Another Wikidot.com site already redirects the "%s" domain. | 另一个 Wikidot.com 站点已重定向“%s”域。 |
Another account is using this email address: please try again with another email address you own | 另一个帐户正在使用此电子邮件地址:请使用您拥有的另一个电子邮件地址重试 |
Anyone can be a member | 任何人都可以成为会员 |
Anyone can view | 任何人都可以查看 |
App id: | 应用标识 |
Apparently, the reason was: | 显然 |
Appearance & Behaviour | 外观与行为 |
Appears beneath the name. | |
Appears on the top-left corner of your Wikidot site. | |
Append | |
Append content without editing the whole page source. | |
Application text | |
Application text: | |
Applications | |
Apply | |
Applying is disabled for this site. | |
April | |
Are you a human? Leave blank this stupid checkbox. | |
Are you a human? You are so fast :) | |
Are you really really really sure? Anyway, remember there is an UNDO for this operation. | |
Are you sure you do not want to be a member of this site any more? | |
Are you sure you want to add <em>%1</em> as your new contact? | |
Are you sure you want to ban (block) address <strong class="ban-ip-dialog-ip"></strong> from modifying the site as an anonymous user? | |
Are you sure you want to ban (block) user <strong class="ban-user-dialog-user-name"></strong> from accessing the site in the future? | |
Are you sure you want to delete the above post? There is no way to recover deleted posts. | |
Are you sure you want to delete the invitation for <strong class="delete-invitation-dialog-user-email"></strong>? | |
Are you sure you want to delete this layout? | |
Are you sure you want to delete this theme? | |
Are you sure you want to remove <strong class="remove-admin-dialog-user-name"></strong> from site administrators? | |
Are you sure you want to remove <strong class="remove-moderator-dialog-user-name"></strong> from site moderators? | |
Are you sure you want to remove the block for the IP <strong class="delete-ip-list"></strong>? | |
Are you sure you want to remove the user block for the user <strong class="delete-user-list"></strong>? | |
Are you sure you want to remove user <strong class="remove-ban-user-dialog-user-name"></strong> from the members <u>and</u> ban from accessing the site in the future? <br/><br/> If the user is also an administrator/moderator of this site their privileges will be lost too. | |
Are you sure you want to remove user <strong class="remove-user-dialog-user-name"></strong> from the members? <br/><br/> If the user is also an administrator/moderator of this site their privileges will be lost too. | |
Are you sure you want to remove your membership application for site | |
Are you sure you want to resign from being a site administrator? | |
Are you sure you want to resign from being a site moderator? | |
As easy as can be — if you already have a Facebook account, we will log you in or create a new Wikidot account within seconds! | |
As the URL element one can use www location (http://..., https://...), ftp location (ftp://...) and a few others. <br/><br/> Malformed URL elements will not be parsed by the wiki engine. | |
Assign new Master Admin? | |
Attached files… | |
Attempts | |
Attention should be also paid to the pages that depend on this one either by directly linking to it or by including it. Click below to see what pages depend on this one. | |
August | |
Authentication error. | |
Author | |
Author of the post | |
Author of the thread | |
Auto Watching | |
Auto accept from | |
Auto mark activities as read | |
Auto-watch sites I join, pages I create, edit or comment. | |
Automatic page numbering | |
Automatic update related to page rename: "%s" to "%s". | |
Autonumbering | |
Autonumbering of pages | |
Availability of the above features might depend on the subscription plan chosen. | |
Avatar | |
Avatar, Karma, Pro icons | |
The above can be inserted almost anywhere, but the recommended locations are e.g.: <a href="/nav:side"><tt>nav:side</tt></a> (sidebar) or main content of a page. <br/><br/> If you choose to allow Ads in the page and the module is not found - Ads will be displayed in the footer.<br/> If you choose to allow Ads only in the footer, the module will be ignored. <br/><br/> To customize the layout of links you can pass additional parameters to the module: | |
The account has been activated. Signing in… | |
The account has been already activated. You may need to sign in with your login and password. | |
The ad unit is displayed above the page content, right below the title. | |
The ad unit is displayed below the page content, but above the footer. This is a very good location because your visitors can spot ads right after finishing reading the page. | |
The adresses you enter here will be <strong>added</strong> to the list below when you click "upload". <br/> Most of the CSV formats will do, including these from GMail and MS Outlook. | |
The ads are displayed at the very bottom of a page, below the page footer. | |
The amount will be paid to | |
accept | |
accepted membership application | |
action | |
actions | |
active | |
activity at | |
add new post in this thread | |
add to watched | |
added/removed file from | |
administrators | |
ago | |
align left | |
align right | |
all registered | |
all wikidot users | |
allow Ads anywhere on the page | |
allow Ads in the page body | |
and | 和 |
and have total of %1 storage (%2 used) | |
and others | |
anonymous | |
anonymous users | |
append | |
application accepted | |
application declined | |
attach a new file to this page | |
attached file, | |
attachments (files) | 配件(文件) |
avatar, Pro icons (skip karma) | |
avatar, karma (skip Pro icons) |
See how the translations evolved
Frank Shi亲笔签名!