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I've created interslavic translation some time ago, I know its not ready yet, but it doesnt show neither on the translations stats nor in experimental languages in admin settings. How can I fix it?
I've been translating some words/sentences lately, but I see the stats are not changing anymore. When do they get changed?
I guess:
I found two texts that were completely identical. This may be caused by a complicated historical process, or it may simply be a mistake.
Another duplicate.
Also menu is English not Japanese
Since 13/14 of November 2018 the account-tabs are not tranlated ?
My account is setup in german , but not translated..?
I have set up a bug alöso:
Service is my success. My (Open source), Wikidot-Handbook.
Sie können fragen und mitwirken in der deutschsprachigen » User-Gemeinschaft für WikidotNutzer oder
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Thx for PM, last code deploy didn't pass correctly - it broke translations.
Bartłomiej Bąkowski @ Wikidot Inc.
';.;' TeRq (Write PM)
It is fine now again ! Thanks !
Service is my success. My (Open source), Wikidot-Handbook.
Sie können fragen und mitwirken in der deutschsprachigen » User-Gemeinschaft für WikidotNutzer oder
im deutschen » Wikidot Handbuch ?
Hello developers!
I try to translate "Draft Exists" message:
"You have saved the draft of this page. Do you want to edit the draft? Please note that editing and saving the original will discard all changes saved in draft.","Edit Original","Edit Draft",and
"You have saved draft. Select one option","Cancel and Delete Draft","Cancel and Leave Draft".
But I can't find them at all.Where are them (or can you add them to "Translations")?
As TeRq once said: "This pop-up dialog is generated by JavaScript and unfortunetly untranslatable."
My problem is: there is under the new changes marked since 2.Jan.,2018 ( a,e,o,p ) , and in my german language templates there were the changes done (
BUT where in Wikidot are this new phrases used?
How can I make a good translation, when I do not know where amd how the phrases are used?
a: App id:
e: E.g. XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX - what and where is this used?
o: OneSignal - what is this ?
p: Push notifications configuration. - what is this?
Service is my success. My (Open source), Wikidot-Handbook.
Sie können fragen und mitwirken in der deutschsprachigen » User-Gemeinschaft für WikidotNutzer oder
im deutschen » Wikidot Handbuch ?
Where do I find the "wanted pages", "orphaned pages" and "draft pages" text? Can't find them on "W", "O" and "D" pages, search gives me nothing.
I have only translated the "Site tools" in german ( s:de ) , these words you are searching are not found in the translation table (german is 100 % translated).
Service is my success. My (Open source), Wikidot-Handbook.
Sie können fragen und mitwirken in der deutschsprachigen » User-Gemeinschaft für WikidotNutzer oder
im deutschen » Wikidot Handbuch ?
So currently there is no way to translate them? That's a shame.
Yes, this is…
Service is my success. My (Open source), Wikidot-Handbook.
Sie können fragen und mitwirken in der deutschsprachigen » User-Gemeinschaft für WikidotNutzer oder
im deutschen » Wikidot Handbuch ?
Russian and Chinese are now marked as stable. Those two new languages will be displayed in Stable language section on the languages list.
Bartłomiej Bąkowski @ Wikidot Inc.
';.;' TeRq (Write PM)