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+ Bulk invitations | + Skab modtagere |
<li> - blocks a single host </li> <li> or 123.45.67.* - blocks a range of IP addresses from to </li> <li> or 123.45.*.* - blocks a range of addresses from to </li> | Ggg |
Back | Tilbage |
Back to messages | Tilbage til beskeder |
Background color: | Rrr |
Backlinks | Tilbagelinks |
Backup | Backup |
Backup failed - will be enqueued in 30min | Ddd |
Backup file size: | Backupfilstørrelse: |
Ban | Dds |
Ban user? | Bloker bruger? |
Base font size | Basisskriftstørrelse |
Basic Free | Ddd |
Basic information | Basisinformation |
Because of your inactivity the 15-minute lock you obtained when you began editing has expired. | Du har været meget inaktivitet i den 15-minutterslås du fik, da du begyndte rettelsen af siden. På grund af det er din lås er udløbet. |
Before you change the footer | Før du ændrer sidefoden |
Below footer | Nedenunder sidefoden |
Below is the complete history of your orders, with corresponding VAT invoices where applicable. | Herunder er den komplette historik over dine ordre, med de tilsvarende momsfakturaer når det er relevant. |
Below is the list of all notifications related to this site. | Nedenfor er listen af alle notifikationer relateret til dette websted. |
Below page content | Nedenunder er sideindholdet |
Below please find the details related to your order. Make sure this represents what you want to buy. | Nedenunder finder du detaljerne relateret til din ordre. Sørg for, at dette udgør, hvad du ønsker at købe. |
Below sidebar | Under sidebar |
Below you can assign default page skeletons/templates (pages from the <em>template:</em> category) to new created pages in particular categories. | Xmhmgz |
Below you can choose a theme for your site. You can select an individual theme for each page category. | Dykgns |
Best regards -- The Wikidot.com Team |
Kærlig hilsen -- Wikidot.com Team |
Best regards<br/> — The <a href="%1">Wikidot.com</a> Team | Med venlig hilsen<br/> — <a href="%1">Wikidot.com</a>-teamet |
Between posts | Mellem indlæg |
Bibliography | Litteraturliste |
Bibliography item <em>%s</em> not found. | Litteraturlistetingen <em>%s</em> blev ikke fundet. |
Billing address | Faktureringsadresse |
Billing preferences | Faktureringsindstillinger |
Birthday | Dykxgmzgn |
Birthday: | Fødselsdag: |
Bitcoin address: | Tdmydym |
Block | Blokér |
Block Users and IP addresses | Hfsgnds |
Block cloning of this Site | Yidjyddky |
Block cross-site inclusion | AhtbstBF |
Block link | Blokér link |
Block this page | Lås denne side |
Block user | Blokér bruger |
Blocked users | Blokerede brugere |
Blocks | Blokeringer |
Body font | Fjlvx |
Body: | Zmngz |
Bootstrap version | Dukykhc |
Browse signatures | Se signaturer |
Bug report | Fejlindberetning |
By | Af |
By choosing "force lock acquire" you will remove conflicting locks and try to recreate your lock. <strong>Use with caution.</strong> <br/><br/> Warning: please note that page lock interception should not be used without a reason. While our mechanisms guarantee gracefull exits from conflicts without uncontrolled content loss, please use lock interception only when necessary. | Zkggmgmzmhx |
By creating an account you accept our | Gmxnhhdm |
By default Ads are displayed in the page footer. If you want to place Ads in the page body you have to use the module <tt>MonetizeTextLinkAds</tt> simply by pasting the following code: | Standardannoncer bliver vist i sidefoden. Hvis du vil placere annoncer inden i siden må du bruge modulet <tt>MonetizeTextLinkAds</tt> og så bare indsætte den følgende kode: |
By preceding the page name with "deleted:" it can be moved to a different category (namespace). It is more or less equivalent to delete but no information is lost. | Hvis du omdøber/flytter siden står der før sidenavnet i linket et 'deleted:'. Det vil sige næsten det samme som at slette - bare uden oplysningerne forsvinder. |
back to the lists | tilbage til listerne |
backlinks | tilbagelinks |
bibcite | Stdyktj |
bibliography | bibliotek |
bibliography block | litteraturliste |
bibliography citation | citering |
bold | fed |
bold (ctrl+b) | fed (ctrl+b) |
both unsecure and SSL enabled | begge ikke-sikrede og SSL mulig |
bottom of the page only | kun i bunden af siden |
bottom of the pages only | kun i bunden af siderne |
bulleted list | punktet liste |
by | af |
by password | af kodeord |
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