
Translating to: bw

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Currently editing


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%1 characters left %1 karakters nearent
%1 characters left. Only 4 lines. %1 karakters nearent. Not 4 galins
1. Choose your plan. 1. Vællarul uts plann
2. Complete the payment. 2. Ĉomplar uts betalening
<li>create more Sites,</li> <li>fully control advertising on your Sites and earn money</li> <li>upload larger files,</li> <li>easily manage available storage per-Site,</li> <li>more members for all your private Sites,</li> <li>get access to advanced Site traffic statistics,</li> <li>enable secure SSL access to any of your Sites,</li> <li>and <strong><a href="" target="_blank">much more!</a></strong></li>
CAPTCHA verification disabled
CSS code seems to be too long. CSS-kod meérerio er ogso lank.
CSS code: CSS-kod:
Campaign identifier does not match any defined petition
Can not fetch group data.
Can not fetch photoset data - photoset might not exist or not be public (or other problem).
Can not find related page.
Can't rename non-existing page
Can't rename that file
Cancel Hætavir
Cancel my vote Hætavir mist tiswyt
Canceling order… Hætavirent rikefollet…
Cannot fetch Flickr photo (id: %s). The photo either does not exist, or is private
Cannot prolong the same feature multiple times.
Card processing exception.
Categories Kategorys
Categories with autonumbering Kategorys ale autonummaning
Categories with pingbacks enabled
Category Kategory
Category "%s" can not be found. Ta kategory "%s" ne ottirio er laheled.
Category contains non-numeric pages.
Category name Kategoryimy
Category name: Kategoryimy:
Category names can only contain letters, numbers and the dash character ("-").
Category not valid Kategory neguldyg
Category string too long.
Change Onder
Change comments Onder ĉommentals
Change email Onder emayl
Change payment method
Change the Master Administrator
Change the name (also URL address, possibly the category) of the page.
Change type
Changes saved.
Changing your e-mail will also affect your logging in. You will be required to login using your new email (after confirming) and password (does not change).
Check It
Check again
Check out how this page has evolved in the past.
Check pending applications
Check pricing and upgrade
Choose <em>Base</em> to create as much as possible from scratch.
Choose a file to upload: Vællarul ann isĉatil til halar
Choose an existing category
Choose another campaign
Choose how your Wiki looks like Vællar ta likigal fa uts wiki
Choose layout
Choose the category: Vællarul ta kategory:
Choose the payment method:
Choose the recipient from your contacts
Choose the structure of you Wiki Vællarul te buniyet et uts wiki
City Civitil
City: Civitil:
Clear Rudor
Clear flags
Clear mapping
Clear this location Rudor ta litiening
Click here to edit contents of this page. Klikerul anĉi til redir ta sidde-enntak
Click here to toggle editing of individual sections of the page (if possible). Watch headings for an "edit" link when available.
Click here to toggle editing of individual sections of the page (if possible). Watch headings for an "edit" link when available.
Client type:
Clone Astinnar
Clone again Astinnar otemo
Clone the Wiki Astinnar te wiki
Clone this Wiki Astinnar est wiki
Clone this site Astinnar te litie
Close Locir
Close diff view
Close message Locir besjed
Close preview Locir folmeét
Close this box Locir est bok
Close this window Locir est bindue
Close this window, you will not need it anymore Locirul est bindue, Ut ne zureria ti nemoi
Close window Locir bindue
Closed Lociled
Closed — anyone can view, but membership is restricted Lociled - dualĉe ottirio meér, po milgaidswul erio tamarkaled
Code type: Kodmahel:
Collect (and display) following fields
Collect and view statistics
Combined transfer from all your sites this month.
Comment Ĉommental
Comments Ĉommentals
Comments for page Ĉommentals per sidde
Communication error has occurred.
Community Eralonet
Company Kompany
Company name: Kompanyimy:
Compare versions Ĉompar verssions
Completed Ĉomplered
Confirm Gekraher
Confirm account termination
Confirm my signature Gekraher mist skilet
Congratulations! Moltarias!
Connect your account with Facebook with just a few clicks
Connection error to BlockChain API.
Contact Lunnadar
Contacts list Lunnadallitowis
Content must not be longer than 1024 characters. Enntak ne dolset er lankav de 1024 karakters.
Content of my Enntak et mist
Content type Enntakmahel
Continue Prodor
Control ads on your Wiki
Control spam and abuse
Correct the code manually
Could not select that theme
Could not send the email - please try again later
Could not set parent page: A page cannot be its own parent!
Could not upload the file: it is larger than the maximum allowed
Country Nassie
Country: Nassie:
Create Ludar
Create a New Layout
Create a New Theme
Create a backup
Create a backup of your Wiki. It will contain every page and every file uploaded. You can't automatically restore your Wiki from backup. <br/><br/> Wikidot is safe enough not to create backup at all.
Create a new account Ludar ann nut konta
Create a new account with Facebook Connect Ludar ann nut konta wo Facebook
Create a new campaign
Create a new forum category Ludar ann nut forokategory
Create a new forum group Ludar inn nut forogrup
Create a new group Ludar inn nut grup
Create a new page Ludar enn nut sidde
Create a new thread
Create account Ludar konta
Create an account Ludar ann konta
Create backup
Create new threads
Create page Ludar sidde
Create site Ludar litie
Created on Ludaled at
Credit card Kreditsvil
Cross-site security
Current and active features
Current category
Current extra access list
Current meta tags:
Current name Esdieled imy
Current name (address) of this site is: <strong>%1</strong> If you want to change it (i.e. the part before the "" domain) please use the following form. <br/><br/> Please note however that this might confuse your users since they will not be able to access this wiki with the old web address. <br/><br/> This action is available only to the Master Administrator of the site. <br/><br/> Once again: please, use it with care.
Current page Esdieled sidde
Current page name Esdieled siddeimy
Current revision number
Current site storage size: %1 used of total %2, %3 still free
Currently no categories are marked as Pingbacks.
Currently no categories are marked as autonumbered.
Currently you have no buddy icon. If you want to upload one, please use the options below:
Custom Persunneriger
Custom Domain Persunnerigeddomayn
Custom domain Persunnerigeddomayn
Custom domain: Persunnerigeddomayn:
Custom footer Persunneriged-footer
Custom layouts
Custom license Persunnerigedtilazet
Custom profile pages are only available for Pro sites
The campaign can not be found.
The category already contains pages that have non-numeric names. If you choose to override this warning, the pages will be left untouched and should not affect the autonumbering scheme. <br/><br/> However, each new page you will try to create will automatically be numbered. Moving and renaming pages will be limited too.
The category can not be found. Ta kategory ne ottirio er laheled.
The confirmation email has been sent to the email address you have specified. Please check your mailbox and click on the confirmation link in the email to validate your signature.
The confirmation link is missing or invalid. In case the problem repeats please contact us at
The confirmation link is not active anymore. Ta gekraheningkissit ne erio waldoyen nemoi.
The conflicting locks are
The coupon code you have entered does not exist.
The custom license text should not be longer than 300 characters.
cancel hætavir
card svil
category kategory
center cennt
change onder
changed meta tags of
changed tags of
changed title of
changes ondets
characters left. karakters nearent.
characters left<br/> karakters nearent<br/>
choose your new password vællar uts nut pattewot
city, country + whatever you consider important civitil, nassie + dualĉe Ut rasmatirio alý merkited
clear flags
clear float
clear floats (both)
clear floats (left);
clear floats (right);
close locir
co-members + contacts
code kod
code block kodmainut
code block wizard kodmainut-magýunnt
code wizard kod-magýunnt
comment ĉommental
comment at
commented ĉommentaled
commented at ĉommentaled at
comments ĉommentals
contacts only lunnadals not
content source text changed
create a new page in this category ludar enn nut sidde at ast kategory
create pages ludar siddes
created ludaled
created a new page "%s" at %s
created page ludaledsidde

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