Translating to: zh
Translation not started
Translation in progress
Currently editing
%1 characters left | 尚餘 %1 個字元 |
%1 characters left. Only 4 lines. | %1個字元可用。只用4行。 |
1. Choose your plan. | 1.選擇您的計劃。 |
2. Complete the payment. | 2.完成付款。 |
<li>create more Sites,</li> <li>fully control advertising on your Sites and earn money</li> <li>upload larger files,</li> <li>easily manage available storage per-Site,</li> <li>more members for all your private Sites,</li> <li>get access to advanced Site traffic statistics,</li> <li>enable secure SSL access to any of your Sites,</li> <li>and <strong><a href="http://www.wikidot.com/plans" target="_blank">much more!</a></strong></li> | <li>創建更多的網站;</li> <li>完整控制網站上的廣告來獲取利益;</li> <li>上傳更大的檔案;</li> <li>分網站輕鬆管理可用的存儲空間;</li> <li>為您的私有網站添加更多的成員;</li> <li>使用高級網站流量統計功能;</li> <li>為您的所有網站啓用SSL安全訪問功能;</li> 還有 <li><strong><a href="http://www.wikidot.com/plans" target="_blank">更多功能!</a></strong></li> |
CAPTCHA verification disabled | CAPTCHA 驗證碼已禁用 |
CSS code seems to be too long. | CSS 代碼似乎過長。 |
CSS code: | CSS 代碼: |
Campaign identifier does not match any defined petition | 活動 ID 與任一已定義的聯署都不相符 |
Can not fetch group data. | 無法取得群組資料。 |
Can not fetch photoset data - photoset might not exist or not be public (or other problem). | 無法取得相片集資料 - 相片集或許不存在或不公開(或其它問題)。 |
Can not find related page. | 無法找到相關頁面。 |
Can't rename non-existing page | 無法命名一個不存在的頁面。 |
Can't rename that file | 無法重命名這個檔案 |
Cancel | 取消 |
Cancel my vote | 取消我的投票 |
Canceling order… | 正在撤銷購買訂單… |
Cannot fetch Flickr photo (id: %s). The photo either does not exist, or is private | 無法獲取Flickr照片(ID:%s)。或許這張照片不存在或屬於私密照片。 |
Cannot prolong the same feature multiple times. | 無法多次展延同一功能。 |
Card processing exception. | 信用卡處理錯誤。 |
Categories | 分類 |
Categories with autonumbering | 有自動編號的分類 |
Categories with pingbacks enabled | 啟用迴響的分類 |
Category | 分類 |
Category "%s" can not be found. | 找不到分類 "%s"。 |
Category contains non-numeric pages. | 分類包含非數字名稱的頁面。 |
Category name | 分類名稱 |
Category name: | 分類名稱: |
Category names can only contain letters, numbers and the dash character ("-"). | 分類名稱只能使用英文字母、數字與破折號("-")。 |
Category not valid | 類別無效 |
Category string too long. | 分類字串過長。 |
Change | 改變 |
Change comments | 修改回應 |
Change email | 變更電子郵件 |
Change payment method | 變更付款方法 |
Change the Master Administrator | 更改主管理員 |
Change the name (also URL address, possibly the category) of the page. | 變更頁面名稱(及 URL 位址,或許會影響分類)。 |
Change type | 變更類型 |
Changes saved. | 已保存更改。 |
Changing your e-mail will also affect your logging in. You will be required to login using your new email (after confirming) and password (does not change). | 更換電子郵件也會影響您的登錄。您將需要使用新的電子郵件(確認後)和密碼(不會更改)登錄。 |
Check It | 瞧一瞧 |
Check again | 再看一次 |
Check out how this page has evolved in the past. | 看看本頁過去是如何沿革的。 |
Check pending applications | 看看擱置的申請書 |
Check pricing and upgrade | 查看定價和升級 |
Choose <em>Base</em> to create as much as possible from scratch. | 選擇 <em>Base</em> 可獲得最大的發揮空間。 |
Choose a file to upload: | 請選擇要上傳的檔案: |
Choose an existing category | 選擇既有的分類 |
Choose another campaign | 選擇另一項活動 |
Choose how your Wiki looks like | 選擇您的 Wiki 的外觀 |
Choose layout | 選擇佈局 |
Choose the category: | 請選擇分類: |
Choose the payment method: | 請選擇付款方法 |
Choose the recipient from your contacts | 從您的通訊錄選擇收件者 |
Choose the structure of you Wiki | 選擇您的 Wiki 結構。 |
City | 城市 |
City: | 城市: |
Clear | 清除 |
Clear flags | 清除標記 |
Clear mapping | 清除對映 |
Clear this location | 清除此位址 |
Click here to edit contents of this page. | 請點此編輯本頁內容。 |
Click here to toggle editing of individual sections of the page (if possible). Watch headings for an "edit" link when available. | 單擊此處切換頁面各部分的編輯按鈕(如果可能)。 在標題邊會顯示「編輯」鏈接。 |
Click here to toggle editing of individual sections of the page (if possible). Watch headings for an "edit" link when available. | 單擊此處切換頁面各部分的編輯按鈕(如果可能)。 在標題邊會顯示「編輯」鏈接。 |
Client type: | 用戶類型 |
Clone | 複製 |
Clone again | 再次複製 |
Clone the Wiki | 複製維基 |
Clone this Wiki | 複雜本維基 |
Clone this site | 複製本站 |
Close | 關閉 |
Close diff view | 關閉差異檢視 |
Close message | 關閉訊息 |
Close preview | 關閉預覽 |
Close this box | 關閉本對話框 |
Close this window | 關閉本視窗 |
Close this window, you will not need it anymore | 請關閉本視窗,您已不再需要它。 |
Close window | 關閉視窗 |
Closed | 封閉 |
Closed — anyone can view, but membership is restricted | 封閉 — 任何人都可以檢視,但成員資格受到限制 |
Code type: | 程式碼類型: |
Collect | 收集 |
Collect (and display) following fields | 收集(並顯示)下列欄位 |
Collect and view statistics | 收集和查看統計信息 |
Combined transfer from all your sites this month. | 本月從您的使用網站合并轉移。 |
Comment | 回應 |
Comments | 回應 |
Comments for page | 回應於 |
Communication error has occurred. | 發生通訊錯誤。 |
Community | 社交圈 |
Company | 公司 |
Company name: | 公司名稱: |
Compare versions | 比較版本 |
Completed | 已完成 |
Confirm | 確認 |
Confirm Wikidot.com account termination | 確認終止Wikidot.com帳號 |
Confirm my signature | 確認我的簽名 |
Congratulations! | 恭喜! |
Connect your account with Facebook with just a few clicks | 現在結合您的Facebook和Wikidot帳戶 |
Connection error to BlockChain API. | 與區塊鏈 API 的連接錯誤。 |
Contact | 聯絡 |
Contacts list | 通訊錄 |
Content must not be longer than 1024 characters. | 內容不得超過 1024 個字元。 |
Content of my | 我的内容 |
Content type | 內容類型 |
Continue | 繼續 |
Control ads on your Wiki | 控制維基上的廣告 |
Control spam and abuse | 控制垃圾郵件和濫用行爲 |
Correct the code manually | 手動更正程式碼 |
Could not select that theme | 無法選取該佈景主題 |
Could not send the email - please try again later | 無法寄送電子郵件 - 請稍後再試 |
Could not set parent page: A page cannot be its own parent! | 無法設定父頁面:一個頁面不可為自己的父頁面! |
Could not upload the file: it is larger than the maximum allowed | 無法上傳檔案:它檔案大小超過允許的上限 |
Country | 國家 |
Country: | 國家: |
Create | 建立 |
Create a New Layout | 建立新佈局 |
Create a New Theme | 建立一個新主題 |
Create a backup | 建立備份 |
Create a backup of your Wiki. It will contain every page and every file uploaded. You can't automatically restore your Wiki from backup. <br/><br/> Wikidot is safe enough not to create backup at all. | 為您的維基創建一個備份。它將會包含所有頁面和上傳的文件。您不能自動從備份恢復您的維基。<br/><br/>即使您不創建備份,Wikidot 也足夠安全。 |
Create a new account | 建立一個新帳號 |
Create a new account with Facebook Connect | 使用Facebook Connect建立帳號 |
Create a new campaign | 發起一項新活動 |
Create a new forum category | 創建新的討論壇類別 |
Create a new forum group | 建立一個新的論壇群組 |
Create a new group | 建立一個新群組 |
Create a new page | 建立一個新頁面 |
Create a new thread | 發起一個新的討論串 |
Create account | 建立帳號 |
Create an account | 建立帳號 |
Create backup | 建立備份 |
Create new threads | 建立新討論串 |
Create page | 建立頁面 |
Create site | 建立網站 |
Created on | 建立於 |
Credit card | 信用卡 |
Cross-site security | 跨站安全性 |
Current and active features | 目前和啟用功能 |
Current category | 目前的分類 |
Current extra access list | 目前的特殊權限清單 |
Current meta tags: | |
Current name | 目前的名稱 |
Current name (address) of this site is: <strong>%1</strong>.wikidot.com. If you want to change it (i.e. the part before the ".wikidot.com" domain) please use the following form. <br/><br/> Please note however that this might confuse your users since they will not be able to access this wiki with the old web address. <br/><br/> This action is available only to the Master Administrator of the site. <br/><br/> Once again: please, use it with care. | |
Current page | 目前的頁面 |
Current page name | 目前的頁面名稱 |
Current revision number | 目前的版本號碼 |
Current site storage size: %1 used of total %2, %3 still free | 目前的網站儲存容量:%2 中已用 %1,尚餘 %3 |
Currently no categories are marked as Pingbacks. | 分類目前都沒有迴響。 |
Currently no categories are marked as autonumbered. | 分類目前都沒有自動編號。 |
Currently you have no buddy icon. If you want to upload one, please use the options below: | |
Custom | 習慣 |
Custom Domain | 自定義域名 |
Custom domain | 自訂網域名稱 |
Custom domain: | 自訂網域名稱: |
Custom footer | 自訂頁尾 |
Custom layouts | 自定義佈局 |
Custom license | 自定義許可證 |
Custom profile pages are only available for Pro sites | 自定義個人資料頁面僅適用於專業網站 |
The campaign can not be found. | 找不到該活動。 |
The category already contains pages that have non-numeric names. If you choose to override this warning, the pages will be left untouched and should not affect the autonumbering scheme. <br/><br/> However, each new page you will try to create will automatically be numbered. Moving and renaming pages will be limited too. | 這個分類已包含非數字名稱的頁面。若您選擇忽略這個警告,那些頁面將不作修改,且應該不會影響自動編號的架構。<br/><br/>然而,您試著建立的每一個新頁面將會自動編號。移動與重新命名頁面的功能也會受限。 |
The category can not be found. | 找不到該分類。 |
The confirmation email has been sent to the email address you have specified. Please check your mailbox and click on the confirmation link in the email to validate your signature. | 確認信已寄到您指定的電子郵件位址。請檢查您的信箱,並點擊信中的確認連結以驗證您的簽名。 |
The confirmation link is missing or invalid. In case the problem repeats please contact us at support@wikidot.com. | 確認鏈接缺失或者無效 |
The confirmation link is not active anymore. | 確認鏈接不在處于活動狀態。 |
The conflicting locks are | 衝突的鎖定為 |
The coupon code you have entered does not exist. | 您輸入的優惠碼不存在。 |
The custom license text should not be longer than 300 characters. | 自訂的授權文字不得超過 300 個字元。 |
cancel | 取消 |
card | 卡 |
category | 分類 |
center | 置中對齊 |
change | 變更 |
changed meta tags of | 變更了该頁元標簽 |
changed tags of | 變更該頁標簽 |
changed title of | 變更該頁標題 |
changes | 變更 |
characters left. | 個字元可用。 |
characters left<br/> | 個字元可用<br/> |
choose your new password | 選擇您的新密碼 |
city, country + whatever you consider important | 城市,國家 + 任何您覺得重要的資訊 |
clear flags | 清除旗標 |
clear float | 清除浮動屬性 |
clear floats (both) | 清除浮動屬性(包含左右) |
clear floats (left); | 清除浮動屬性(左) |
clear floats (right); | 清除浮動屬性(右) |
close | 關閉 |
co-members + contacts | 共同成員 + 聯係人 |
code | 程式碼 |
code block | 程式碼區塊 |
code block wizard | 程式碼區塊精靈 |
code wizard | 程式碼精靈 |
comment | 評論 |
comment at | 評論在 |
commented | 已評論 |
commented at | 評論 |
comments | 註解 |
contacts only | 僅來源於通訊錄 |
content source text changed | 內容原始碼文字已改變 |
create a new page in this category | 在此分類建立一個新頁面 |
create pages | 建立頁面 |
created | 已建立 |
created a new page "%s" at %s | 在 %s 建立了一個名為 “%s” 的新頁面 |
created page | 已被建立的頁面 |
See how the translations evolved