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%d - number of the page, %s - original title <br/> Example: [Issue %d] %s<br/> Default format is %s, showing just the original title. | %d - nommer van die bladsy, %s - oorspronklike titel <br/> Voorbeeld: [Uitgawe %d] %s<br/> Standaard-Formaat is %s, wys slegs die oorspronklike titel. |
<p> Dear %1, </p> <p> Thank you for choosing <a href=""></a> for your websites. Your %2 expires in %3 days. By extending your %2 account status before it expires, you ensure that all your sites remain editable and that your uploaded files remain accessible. </p> <p> Without %2 status, your account will revert to five sites and 500MB of uploaded files. We will not delete your data: you can upgrade your account at a later time, and regain full control over your sites and files. </p> <p> Act now to keep your %2 status and all the advantages of a Professional Wikidot account. </p> | Fbrdbggeb |
<p> Dear %1, </p> <p> Thank you for choosing Wikidot for your websites. </p> <p> Your %2 has now expired. Your Wikidot account is now limited to five sites and 500MB of uploaded files. Additionally, your sites will now show the Wikidot toolbar, and bottom sites panel. In some cases, your sites may also show advertisements. </p> <p> We have not deleted your data: you can upgrade your account at any time, and regain full control over your sites and files. Upgrade now to restore your %2 status and all the advantages of a Professional Wikidot account. </p> | Jrggdgngj |
<strong>30-day free Pro Trial</strong>. | <strong> 30-dae gratis <em>'Pro Trial'</em> </strong> |
<strong><a href="" target="_blank">Description and comparison of the Pro plans</a></strong> | Rgvbfbefefb |
<strong>Do you want to change the Twitter user to post status updates as?</strong> You need to log in to your Twitter account and revoke access for "Tweet My Wiki" application before clicking "Stop posting updates to Twitter". Otherwise Twitter will keep automatically authorizing the application for the account previously set up. | <strong>Wil jy die Twitter gebruikers status opdateer om veranderinge te pos?</strong> Jy sal moet aanmeld by jou Twitter-rekening en die toegang vir "<em>Tweet My Wiki</em>" aansoek onttrek voor jy kliek op "<em>Stop posting updates to Twitter</em>". Anders sal Twitter outomaties magtig gee vir aansoeke vir die rekening wat voorheen opgestel is. |
Dashboard | Rthhge |
Data Form definition contains an error: | Efbfbewfbhwd |
Data collecting takes time and your statistics may not be available for a while. | Sgnsngwjgwgj |
Date | Datum |
Date changed | Datum verander |
Date completed: | Ryhebgbeg |
Date created | Datum geskep |
Date expires | T3hehthfe |
Date requested: | Sc bsgbg |
Date starts | Dv d v |
Date: | Datum: |
Day | Dag |
Dear | Bebddwh |
Dear %1 | Rbrbgbg |
Dear %2 | Efbbgeegbhgeegn |
December | Desember |
Decision sent. | Ueuriirittiti |
Default | Standaard |
Default currency not set. | Standaard valuta nie ingestel nie. |
Default landing page for unauthorized visitors: | Jrjrjrjrjrjr |
Default landing page name is too long. | Standaard landing bladsy naam is te lank. |
Default landing page should be given and be valid. | Standaard landing bladsy moet gegee word en geldig wees. |
Default nesting | Jddjdjdjdj |
Default nesting level: | Jrnrjrnr |
Default page source too long (max. %d characters) | Hfjgjt |
Default page title too long (max. %d characters) | Jejejek3 |
Default start page | Standaard tuisblad |
Define your own footer instead of standard "Hosted by" | Jrrjrhrjrjrj |
Delete | Verwyder |
Delete Completely | Heeltemal verwyder |
Delete Message | Boodskap verwyder |
Delete Wiki | Jeejjrkrjrj |
Delete account | Verwyder (gebruikers)rekening |
Delete campaign | Verwyder veldtog |
Delete file error. Please try again. | Jrjtrjjrrjjrjr |
Delete forum post | Verwyder forum pos/onderwerp |
Delete it if you wish. However due to caching issues you might need to hit "reload" in your browser to see the changes. It might also take max 1 hour for the change to be visible for others depending on their image caching. After you delete it, you can upload a new Windows 8 icon. | Xnxnfnd |
Delete it if you wish. However due to caching issues you might need to hit "reload" in your browser to see the changes. It might also take up to 1 hour for the change to be visible for others depending on their image caching. After you delete it, you can upload a new iOS icon. | Cncncnxn |
Delete it if you wish. However due to caching issues you might need to hit "reload" in your browser to see the changes. It might also take max 1 hour for the change to be visible for others depending on their image caching. After you delete it, you can upload a new favicon. | Bxbxdbbd |
Delete layout | Gytt |
Delete my Wikidot account | Gffgg |
Delete page | Verwyder bladsy |
Delete post | Verwyder pos/onderwerp |
Delete theme | Verwyder tema |
Deleted | Verwyder |
Deleted forum discussions should go here. | Verwyderde forum besprekings moet hier gaan. |
Deleted threads | Verwyderde onderwerpe |
Delivery failed | Aflewering het misluk |
Describe the file for others | Rrdddddd |
Description | Beskrywing |
Destination page | Bestemming bladsy |
Diff changes | Tussenin veranderinge |
Direct card payment, %1 card ending in …. | 4rrr |
Direct payments with VISA / MasterCard is not yet available. Although we are working hard to bring this functionality as soon as possible, please use secure payments with PayPal at the moment. | 8yhhh |
Disable locks | Gtgg |
Disabled | Ffff |
Disconnect from Facebook | Ffttt |
Discuss | Bespreek |
Discussion | Bespreeking |
Discussions can have different structures: nested (threaded) of flat (linear). <br/><br/> In the nested mode it is possible (up to the specified nesting level) to answer to any particular post in the discussion, create digressions etc. Replies have larger indentation. <br/><br/> In the linear mode each new post is appended at the end of the topic which does not allow creating independent paths. <br/><br/> WARNING: please note that changing nesting for an active forum can confuse users. | Xxxxxx |
Display ads to logged-in Wikidot users. | Djdjdjdj |
Display bottom toolbar | Jfhfhfh |
Display bottom toolbar on sites | Wys onderste nutsbalk op webwerwe |
Display top toolbar | Jcfbdfbfbfbfn |
Display top toolbar on sites | Wys boonste nutsbalk op webwerwe |
Displaying ads in the body of the page | Bfcbbccbcbfb |
Do not notify watchers | Djfjdjfuf |
Do you copy? | Gugjgjfjjf |
Do you really want to change your mind and rate this with <strong>%1</strong> point? | Ffjfjkf |
Do you want to enable "per page" forum threads? If so, every page from marked categories would contain a button at the bottom called "Discuss" which leads to a forum thread dedicated to the discussion about the particular page. <br/><br/> Also note that page discussion/comments can be enabled independently (and embedded within a page) for each page using the <a href="" target="_blank">Comments module</a>. | Fhdhdhd |
Does this page contain objectionable content? | Bevat hierdie bladsy aanstootlike inhoud? |
Doh! | Dog! |
Down to editor | Neer na skrywer (redakteur). |
Down to versions | Neer na uitgawe |
Download | Aflaai |
Download content of your Wiki | Ffffff |
Download data | Neer na inligting (data) |
Download from an existing web location | Laai af vanaf 'n bestaande webwerf |
Due to severe abuse Wikidot sites does no longer allow site members to send email invitations. Admins can still invite new members via email though in "Send email invitations" tab. | Ttttttt |
The <em>display</em> option refers to the <a href="#petition-display-paragraph">PetitionList</a> module described below. | Die <em>vertoon</em>opsie verwys na die <a href="#petition-display-paragraph">PetisieLys</a> module soos onder beskryf. |
The data you have entered is: | Die inligting wat jy verskaf het, is: |
The default footer contains important links and information. Removal of branding imposes more responsibility on you, the administrator of this Site. When changing the footer please follow the following guidelines. | Mhfjlfkhfchk |
The delegation works fine with the following identity providers: | Gjdjgjgddgj |
The destination page does not exist | Die bestemming bladsy bestaan nie |
The documents are identical - no changes. | Die dokumente is identies - geen veranderinge nie. |
date | datum |
days | dae |
decline | JgdhfssjgFhFH |
decrease indent | ScjhsffhzFH |
decrease list nesting | Zfhththstth |
default | standaard |
default forum permissions | standaard forum regte |
definition list | Agagdagfgd |
delegation | Gdsfhffua |
delete | verwyder |
delete block | Jsjdjej |
delete entry | Mdmfkffj |
delete file in this page | verwyder lêer in hierdie bladsy |
delete pages | verwyderde bladsye |
delete this page | verwyder hierdie bladsy |
details | Gjfjgj |
disable | Jrjrjrj |
disabled | Jfjfjfj |
div | Ndnxndn |
div block element | C cngngn |
do not tell | Moenie sê nie |
See how the translations evolved