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(flat/linear) Hfwewh
<a href="" target="_blank">Favicon</a> is a small image associated with a website and displayed by the web browser next to the address bar. At Wikidot all Sites are getting the default Wikidot favicon, but you can change it. <br/><br/> Your current displayed favicon is: Cw2h2cehc3rh
<a href="" target="_blank">Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about the upgrades</a> Bwd'bqcdbc
Facebook Connect Bascbcdwcdqb
Fatal, but recoverable exception #233. Please contact Daar het 'n ernstige, maar verhaalbare uitsondering fout #233 voorgekom. Kontak asseblief
Fatal, but recoverable exception (355). Please contact Daar het 'n ernstige, maar verhaalbare uitsondering fout (355) voorgekom. Kontak asseblief
Fatal, but recoverable exception. Please contact Daar het 'n ernstige, maar verhaalbare uitsondering fout voorgekom. Kontak asseblief
Favicon webwerf-ikoon ('//Favicon//')
Feature name and description Ebcdcdwbdbcqcqdh
February Februarie
Feed "%s" is temporarily disabled. Please try again in a few minutes. Voere "%s" is tydelik versper. Probeer weer in 'n paar minute.
Field Veld
File "%s" deleted 3cjcfwncwf
File "%s" moved away to page "%s". 2cjwcrjwcfj
File "%s" moved from page "%s". Cfebvfebvwfnwvfwd
File "%s" renamed to "%s". Sn. Sxj dj
File Information Lêer inligting
File already exists Lêer bestaan reeds
File does not exist. Vdbwvdwbf
File exists Lêer bestaan al
File name Lêernaam
File size Lêergrootte
File to add does not exist Bdbddbdb
File to be added to page already exists Bddbbdhdhe
File type Lêertiepe
File upload Lêeroplaai
File uploaded. Jjfjfjfjf
File with contacts: Fjdncncn
File with this name already added Bdbdjdnx
Files Lêers
First and last name Voornaam en van
First and last name: Fjdjdjdi
First name Voornaam
First row as header: Rhrhrhrhrj
Flag anonymous user Merk anonieme gebruiker
Flag as objectionable Merk as aanstootlik
Flag page Merk bladsy
Flag user Merk gebruiker
Flag user as abusive Merk gebruiker as beledigend Jddjehjeejejeu
Fold Vou
Fold All Vou al
Follow you Volg jou
Footnotes Gmgmgmfm
For a complete guide on starting a forum look at this <a href="" target="_blank">Step-by-step Howto</a>. Fngmvngm
For inquiries about sales, orders and offer, the sales representatives can be contacted by email <a href=""></a>. Cnffnfnfn
For some reason this web address is not allowed or is reserved for future use. Vir sommige rede om hierdie web-adres is nie toegelaat nie of is gereserveer vir toekomstige gebruik.
Force lock acquire slot verkry
Force lock removal 'Geforseerde' slot afgehaal
Forcibly recreate lock 'Geforseerde' slot herstel
Forgotten your username or password? Nddnnddn
Form errors Hehejeheh2
Form errors. Vorm foute.
Format for minFontSize and maxFontSize must be the same (px, em or %). Formaat vir minFontGrootte en maksFontGrootte moet dieselfde eenheid hê (px, em of %).
Format for minFontSize and maxFontSize must be the same (px, em, pt or %). Dhdhdhddh
Forum Jfjffjfjfjfjfj
Forum Permissions Nfbffbfnfjf
Forum Settings Jddndbdn
Forum Structure Hdbdbddn
Forum category Forum kategorie
Forum category: Ebebeheh
Forum functions use a few special pages. If you have just activated the forum it is very likely that your site does not contain links to these pages. <br/><br/> The special forum pages are: Bdbdbdbfb
Forum permissions Forum permissie
Forum settings Brvffbrb
Forum signature Forum handtekening
Forum special pages Bdbfn
Forum structure Bfdbfb
Forum thread Forum onderwerp
From Vanaf
From categories Vanaf kategorieë
From now on you will receive all emails sent to the list. Djrjrnrn
From time to time we send a newsletter that cover the most important changes in the Services, sometimes promotional offers and other things that might be interesting for you. We certainly do not send anything that would be considered "spam". It is highly recommended to accept our Newsletter. Van tyd tot tyd stuur ons 'n nuusbrief wat dekking van die belangrikste veranderinge in die dienste, soms mag spesiale aanbiedings en ​​ander dinge dalk interessant vir jou wees. Ons sal beslis niks stuur wat as "spam" geklassifiseer kan word nie. Dit word sterk aanbeveel om ons nuusbrief te aanvaar.
From: Vanaf:
Full customization Bddbdvdvdbdb
Full file URL Volle lêer URL
Full money-back guarantee if you do not like it Dnndnddnwn
The file containing all the signatures can be downloaded in CSV format (Comma Separated Values). This can be easily imported into major spreadsheet applications such as OpenOffice Calc, Gnumeric or Excel. Die lêer met al die handtekeninge kan afgelaai word in CSV formaat (deur kommas geskeide waardes). Dit kan maklik ingevoer word in groot spreiblad programme soos <em>OpenOffice Calc</em>, <em>Gnumeric</em> of <em>Excel</em>.
The file named %1 already exists as an attachment to page %2. You have no permission to overwrite/delete files on this page. 'n Lêer met die naam %1 bestaan al ​​reeds as 'n aanhegsel tot bladsy %2. Jy het geen toestemming om lêers op hierdie bladsy te vervang/verwyder nie.
The file named %1 already exists as an attachment to page %2. Do you want to overwrite it? 'n Lêer met die naam %1 bestaan ​​al reeds as 'n aanhegsel tot bladsy %2. Wil jy dit oorskryf?
The file named %1 already exists. You have no permission to overwrite/delete files on this page. Please choose another name for the file and try again. Fnfnfjfn
The file named %1 already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? 'n Lêer met die naam %1 bestaan ​​al reeds. Wil jy dit oorskryf?
The file with that name already exists. Choose a different name for it. J4rjej
The following HTML code for label "%1" was not recognized: Jeejejje
The form contains some errors. Die vorm bevat 'n paar foute.
The form data could not be sent to the specified email address. Die vorm data kon nie aan die gespesifiseerde e-pos adres gestuur word nie.
The form has been sent. Thank you! Jejwjwwhjw
The format of the address is not valid Die formaat van die adres is nie geldig nie
female vroulik
file action lêer funksie (aksie)
file/attachment action lêer/aanhangsel optrede (aksie)
files Hdhdj
files changes J2j2j2
flag user as abusive Merk gebruiker as beledigend
flags Merker
footnote Jewjej
for attached files Nssnsn
forum default Jwjwj
forum only Slegs forum
forum post on Fjfhfhfhfh
forums only Slegs forums
from vanaf
from a private IP range van 'n private IP-reeks
from bonus slots Urhrrhthth
from category vanaf kategorie

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