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(flat/linear) (平铺/线性)
<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Favicon" target="_blank">Favicon</a> is a small image associated with a website and displayed by the web browser next to the address bar. At Wikidot all Sites are getting the default Wikidot favicon, but you can change it. <br/><br/> Your current displayed favicon is: <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Favicon" target="_blank">Favicon</a>是一张与网站相关联的小图片,它会显示在浏览器的地址栏旁。在 Wikidot 中,所有网站都默认使用 Wikidot favicon,但是您可以对其进行修改。<br/><br/>您当前显示的图标是:
<a href="http://www.wikidot.com/faq:upgrades" target="_blank">Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about the upgrades</a> <a href="https://www.wikidot.com/faq:upgrades" target="_blank">关于升级的常见问题</a>
Facebook Connect 连接至Facebook
Fatal, but recoverable exception #233. Please contact sales@wikidot.com 严重但可恢复的错误 #233!请联系sales@wikidot.com
Fatal, but recoverable exception (355). Please contact sales@wikidot.com 严重但可恢复的错误 (355)!请联系sales@wikidot.com
Fatal, but recoverable exception. Please contact sales@wikidot.com 严重但可恢复的错误!请联系sales@wikidot.com
Favicon 网站图标(Favicon)
Feature name and description 功能名称及描述
February 二月
Feed "%s" is temporarily disabled. Please try again in a few minutes. 消息来源 “%s” 暂时无法使用。请几分钟后再试一次。
Field 栏位
File "%s" deleted 已删除文件 “%s”。
File "%s" moved away to page "%s". 文件 “%s” 已移至页面 “%s”。
File "%s" moved from page "%s". 文件 “%s” 已从页面 “%s” 移出。
File "%s" renamed to "%s". 文件 “%s” 已重新命名为 “%s”。
File Information 文件信息
File already exists 文件已存在
File does not exist. 文件不存在。
File exists 文件存在
File name 文件名称
File size 文件大小
File to add does not exist 要添加的文件不存在
File to be added to page already exists 要添加的文件已经存在
File type 文件类型
File upload 上传文件
File uploaded. 文件已上传。
File with contacts: 附通讯录的文件:
File with this name already added 拥有该名称的文件已被添加
Files 附件
First and last name 名和姓
First and last name: 名和姓:
First name
First row as header: 将第一行作为标题:
Flag anonymous user 标记匿名用户
Flag as objectionable 标记为令人反感的
Flag page 标记页面
Flag user 标记用户
Flag user as abusive 标记为不当行为用户
Flickr.com Flickr.com
Fold 折叠
Fold All 全部折叠
Follow you 关注您
Footnotes 脚注
For a complete guide on starting a forum look at this <a href="http://community.wikidot.com/howto:forum-step-by-step" target="_blank">Step-by-step Howto</a>. 有关创建论坛的完整指南,请参阅此<a href="https://community.wikidot.com/howto:forum-step-by-step" target="_blank">分步教学文件</a>。
For inquiries about sales, orders and offer, the sales representatives can be contacted by email <a href="mailto:sales@wikidot.com">sales@wikidot.com</a>. 如需咨询销售、订单或报价的相关问题,可以发送电子邮件至<a href="mailto:sales@wikidot.com">sales@wikidot.com</a>联系销售代表。
For some reason this web address is not allowed or is reserved for future use. 因为某些原因,本网址不允许使用或保留给以后使用。
Force lock acquire 强制取得锁定
Force lock removal 强制移除锁定
Forcibly recreate lock 强制重建锁定
Forgotten your username or password? 忘记了您的用户名或密码?
Form errors 表单错误
Form errors. 表单错误。
Format for minFontSize and maxFontSize must be the same (px, em or %). 最小字号与最大字号的格式必须相同(px、em 或 %)。
Format for minFontSize and maxFontSize must be the same (px, em, pt or %). 最小字号与最大字号的格式必须相同(px、em、pt 或 %)。
Forum 论坛
Forum Permissions 论坛权限
Forum Settings 论坛设置
Forum Structure 论坛结构
Forum category 论坛分类
Forum category: 论坛分类:
Forum functions use a few special pages. If you have just activated the forum it is very likely that your site does not contain links to these pages. <br/><br/> The special forum pages are: 论坛功能会使用一些特殊的页面。若您刚启用论坛,很可能您的网站还没有指向这些页面的链接。<br/><br/>特殊的论坛页面有:
Forum permissions 论坛权限
Forum settings 论坛设置
Forum signature 论坛签名档
Forum special pages 论坛特殊页面
Forum structure 论坛结构
Forum thread 论坛讨论串
From 来自
From categories 来自分类
From now on you will receive all emails sent to the list. 从现在开始,您将会收到所有发送至此列表的电子邮件。
From time to time we send a newsletter that cover the most important changes in the Wikidot.com Services, sometimes promotional offers and other things that might be interesting for you. We certainly do not send anything that would be considered "spam". It is highly recommended to accept our Newsletter. 我们会不定期一份电子报,内容涵盖 Wikidot.com 服务的重要变更,有时还包括促销优惠以及其它您可能感兴趣的内容。我们绝不会寄送任何会被视为“垃圾邮件”的内容。强烈推荐您接收我们的电子报。
From: 来自:
Full customization 完整的自定义功能
Full file URL 完整的文件 URL
Full money-back guarantee if you do not like it 如果您不满意,我们保证退还全部金额
The file containing all the signatures can be downloaded in CSV format (Comma Separated Values). This can be easily imported into major spreadsheet applications such as OpenOffice Calc, Gnumeric or Excel. 包含所有签名内容的文件可以下载为 CSV 格式(数值以逗号隔开)。您可以轻松地将其导入主流的表格处理软件中,例如:OpenOffice Calc、Gnumeric 或 Excel。
The file named %1 already exists as an attachment to page %2. You have no permission to overwrite/delete files on this page. 页面 %2 已有名为 %1 的文件。您没有权限覆盖/删除此页上的文件。
The file named %1 already exists as an attachment to page %2. Do you want to overwrite it? 页面 %2 已有名为 %1 的文件。您确定要覆盖它?
The file named %1 already exists. You have no permission to overwrite/delete files on this page. Please choose another name for the file and try again. 名为 %1 的文件已经存在。您没有权限覆盖/删除此页上的文件。请重新命名文件,然后再试一次。
The file named %1 already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? 名为 %1 的文件已经存在。您要覆盖它吗?
The file with that name already exists. Choose a different name for it. 同名的文件已存在。请重新命名文件。
The following HTML code for label "%1" was not recognized: 标签为 “%1” 的下列 HTML 代码无法识别:
The form contains some errors. 此表单包含一些错误。
The form data could not be sent to the specified email address. 无法发送表单数据至指定的电子邮箱地址。
The form has been sent. Thank you! 表单已发送。感谢您!
The format of the address is not valid 网址格式无效
female 女性
file action 文件操作
file/attachment action 文件/附件操作
files 文件
files changes 附件变更
flag user as abusive 标记为不当行为用户
flags 标记
footnote 脚注
for attached files 用于附件
forum default 论坛默认值
forum only 仅论坛
forum post on 论坛帖子发布于
forums only 仅论坛
from 来自
from a private IP range 来自一个私有 IP 段
from bonus slots 来自奖励时段
from category 来自分类

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