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(flat/linear) (flad/lineær)
<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Favicon" target="_blank">Favicon</a> is a small image associated with a website and displayed by the web browser next to the address bar. At Wikidot all Sites are getting the default Wikidot favicon, but you can change it. <br/><br/> Your current displayed favicon is:
<a href="http://www.wikidot.com/faq:upgrades" target="_blank">Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about the upgrades</a> <a href="http://www.wikidot.com/faq:upgrades" target="_blank">Tit stillede spørgsmål (Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)) om opgraderinger</a>
Facebook Connect Facebookforbindelse
Fatal, but recoverable exception #233. Please contact sales@wikidot.com Fatalt, men ved undtagelse kan erstattes #233. Kontakt venligst sales@wikidot.com
Fatal, but recoverable exception (355). Please contact sales@wikidot.com Fatalt, men ved undtagelse kan erstattes (355). Kontakt venligst sales@wikidot.com
Fatal, but recoverable exception. Please contact sales@wikidot.com Fatalt, men ved undtagelse kan erstattes. Kontakt venligst sales@wikidot.com
Favicon Webikon
Feature name and description Funktionsnavn og beskrivelse
February februar
Feed "%s" is temporarily disabled. Please try again in a few minutes. Feedet "%s" er midlertidigt deaktiveret. Prøv igen om et par minutter.
Field Felt
File "%s" deleted Fil "%s" slettet
File "%s" moved away to page "%s". Filen "%s" blev flyttet til siden "%s".
File "%s" moved from page "%s". Filen "%s" blev flyttet fra siden "%s".
File "%s" renamed to "%s". Fil "%s" omdøbt til "%s".
File Information Filinformation
File already exists Filen eksisterer allerede
File does not exist. Filen eksisterer ikke
File exists Filen eksisterer
File name Filnavn
File size Filstørrelse
File to add does not exist
File to be added to page already exists
File type Filtype
File upload Filupload
File uploaded.
File with contacts: Fil med kontakter:
File with this name already added
Files Filer
First and last name For- og efternavn
First and last name: For- og efternavn:
First name Fornavn
First row as header: Samme række som overskrift:
Flag anonymous user Andmeld anonym bruger
Flag as objectionable Anmeld som stødende
Flag page Anmeld side
Flag user Anmeld bruger
Flag user as abusive Anmeld bruger som udnyttende
Flickr.com Flickr.com
Fold Fold
Fold All Fold alt
Follow you Følg dig
Footnotes Fodnoter
For a complete guide on starting a forum look at this <a href="http://community.wikidot.com/howto:forum-step-by-step" target="_blank">Step-by-step Howto</a>. For at komplette guiden på at få et forum til at se sådan ud <a href="http://community.wikidot.com/howto:forum-step-by-step" target="_blank">Step-by-step</a>.
For inquiries about sales, orders and offer, the sales representatives can be contacted by email <a href="mailto:sales@wikidot.com">sales@wikidot.com</a>. For forespørgsler om salg, ordrer og tilbud, kan salgsrepræsentanter blive kontaktet via e-mail <a href="mailto:sales@wikidot.com">sales@wikidot.com</a>.
For some reason this web address is not allowed or is reserved for future use. Af en eller anden grund er denne hjemmeside ikke tilladt eller reserveret til fremtidig brug.
Force lock acquire Tving lås frem
Force lock removal Tving lås væk
Forcibly recreate lock Tvangsgenskab lås
Forgotten your username or password? Har du glemt dit brugernavn eller kodeord?
Form errors Formularfejl
Form errors. Formularfejl.
Format for minFontSize and maxFontSize must be the same (px, em or %). Formatet for minFontSize og maxFontSize skal være det samme (px, em or %).
Format for minFontSize and maxFontSize must be the same (px, em, pt or %).
Forum Permissions
Forum Settings
Forum Structure
Forum category Forumkategori
Forum category: Forumkategori
Forum functions use a few special pages. If you have just activated the forum it is very likely that your site does not contain links to these pages. <br/><br/> The special forum pages are: Forumfunktioner bruger nogle få specielle sider. Hvis du lige har aktiveret dette forum er det meget sandsynligt at din hjemmeside ikke indeholder links til disse sider. <br/><br/> De specielle forumsider er:
Forum permissions Forumtilladelser
Forum settings Forumindstillinger
Forum signature Forumsignatur
Forum special pages Specielle forumsider
Forum structure Forumstruktur
Forum thread Forumtråd
From Fra
From categories Fra kategorier
From now on you will receive all emails sent to the list. Fra nu af vil du modtage alle e-mails sendt til listen.
From time to time we send a newsletter that cover the most important changes in the Wikidot.com Services, sometimes promotional offers and other things that might be interesting for you. We certainly do not send anything that would be considered "spam". It is highly recommended to accept our Newsletter. Fra tid til anden sender vi et nyhedsbrev der indeholder de mest vigtige ændringer i Wikidot.com-servicer, nogle gange kampagnetilbud og andre ting, som kan være interessante for dig. Vi sender bestemt ikke noget der vil blive betragtet som "spam". Det anbefales stærkt at acceptere at modtage vores nyhedsbrev.
From: Fra:
Full customization
Full file URL Hele URL-filen
Full money-back guarantee if you do not like it Fuld få-pengene-tilbage-garenti hvis du ikke kunne lide det
The file containing all the signatures can be downloaded in CSV format (Comma Separated Values). This can be easily imported into major spreadsheet applications such as OpenOffice Calc, Gnumeric or Excel. Filen indeholder alle signaturer der kan downloades i CSV-format (Komma-Adskildte Værdier). Dette kan nemt importeres i større regneark-applikationer såsom OpenOffice Calc, Gnumeric eller Excel.
The file named %1 already exists as an attachment to page %2. You have no permission to overwrite/delete files on this page. Filen %1 eksisterer allerede som en vedhæftning til denne side %2. Du har ikke tilladelse til at overskrive/slette filer på denne side.
The file named %1 already exists as an attachment to page %2. Do you want to overwrite it? Filen %1 eksisterer allerede som en vedhæftning til denne side %2. Vil du overskrive den?
The file named %1 already exists. You have no permission to overwrite/delete files on this page. Please choose another name for the file and try again. Filen %1 eksisterer allerede. Du har ikke tilladelse til at overskrive/slette filer på denne side. Vælg venligst et andet navn for filen og prøv igen.
The file named %1 already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? Filen %1 eksisterer allerede. Vil du overskrive den?
The file with that name already exists. Choose a different name for it. Filnavnet eksisterer allerede. Vælg et andet navn til den.
The following HTML code for label "%1" was not recognized:
The form contains some errors. Formularen indeholder nogle fejl.
The form data could not be sent to the specified email address. Formulardataen kunne ikke blive sendt til e-mailadressen.
The form has been sent. Thank you! Formularen er blevet sendt. Tak!
The format of the address is not valid Formatet for adressen er ikke gyldig
female pige
file action filhandling
file/attachment action fil/vedhæftnings-handling
files filer
files changes filændringer
flag user as abusive Anmeld bruger som udnyttende
flags ændringen
footnote fodnote
for attached files for vedhæftede filer
forum default forumstandard
forum only kun forum
forum post on
forums only kun forummer
from fra
from a private IP range fra privat IP-interval
from bonus slots fra bonuspladser
from category fra kategori

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