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GB storage | GB储存空间 |
GB storage for 1 year | 1年的GB储存空间 |
Gender | 性别 |
Gender: | 性别: |
General | 通用 |
General Settings | 通用设置 |
General Wikidot.com documentation and help section. | 通用的 Wikidot.com 文件与说明。 |
Get a new Wikidot account | 创建一个新的 Wikidot 账户 |
Get a new wiki | 创建一个新的维基 |
Get it | 获取 |
Get my Wikidot site | 创建我的 Wikidot 网站 |
Get your new Wikidot site | 创建您的新 Wikidot 网站 |
Gets all the privileges related to forum. | 取得与论坛有关的所有权限。 |
Gets all the privileges related to wiki pages. | 取得与维基页面有关的所有权限。 |
Getting your new free Wikidot site is simple and takes about a minute. <br/> Please read the <a href="http://www.wikidot.com/legal:terms-of-service" target="_blank">Terms of Service</a> before creating a Wiki. | 创建您的崭新、免费的 Wikidot 网站很简单,只需要大概一分钟。<br/>请在创建维基之前阅读<a href="https://www.wikidot.com/legal:terms-of-service" target="_blank">服务条款</a>。 |
Go to the cloned Wiki | 前往克隆的维基 |
Google Analytics | Google分析 |
Great, you are ready to restore this previously deleted wiki. The site should look like and work exactly as before deleting it. <br/><br/> You could also set a new URL address for this recovered site. | 好极了!您已经准备好恢复之前删除的维基了。这个网站的外观及功能应该会跟删除之前完全一致。<br/><br/> 您也可以为它指定一个新的URL地址。 |
Group name: | 群组名称: |
Guest Admin of: | 游客管理员: |
Guests and low-karma users are not allowed to publish links on this site. | 游客和低活跃度用户不允许在此网站上发布链接。 |
guest | 游客 |
guru | 上师 |
See how the translations evolved
it's a beautiful day outside.
the birds are singing, the flowers are blooming…
on day like these…kids like you…