Translating to: zh-joke
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<p> Hi, %1! </p> <p> You are changing your email address to <a href="mailto:%3">%3</a>. In order to confirm your new email address and complete the change please click the verification link below: </p> | <p> 你吼,%1!</p> <p>你正在将你的电子邮箱地址修改为<a href="mailto:%3">%3</a>。要确认你的新电子邮箱地址并完成此修改,请点击下方的验证链接:</p> |
HTML block cannot be found. | HTML方块消失在了虚空 |
Has sticky state | 到最顶上 |
Have everything under control | 万物皆在你的掌控之中! |
Have you considered upgrading your account? Pro accounts give you access to tons of new features, lets you create more sites and upload more files. | 您是否考虑过充648拿SVIP?SVIP允许您使用大量牛X的功能,也允许您创建更多网站和上传更多文件。 |
Have you made the payment? We have not detected it yet.<br /> However you can safely close this window. Once we receive a confirmation, your account will be upgraded. If this does not happen for a few hours, contact us! | 您给我们充钱了吗?我们还没有收到你充钱的信息。<br />不过,您可以安全地关闭此窗口了。一旦我们确认无误,您的账户将变得牛X。如果数小时后没啥回复,请联系我们! |
Hello <em>name of the recipient</em>, | 嗨害嗨! <em>收件人姓名</em>, |
Hello! | 嗨害嗨! |
Hello, | 嗨害嗨, |
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Help: <a href="http://www.wikidot.com/doc:quick-reference" target="_blank">wiki text quick reference</a> | 救命的:<a href="http://www.wikidot.com/doc:quick-reference" target="_blank">维基语法一眼看完</a> |
Help: <a href="http://www.wikidot.com/doc:quick-reference" target="_blank">wiki text quick reference</a> <a href="http://snippets.wikidot.com" target="_blank">code snippets collection</a> | 救命的:<a href="http://www.wikidot.com/doc:quick-reference" target="_blank">维基语法一眼看完</a> <a href="http://snippets.wikidot.com" target="_blank">别的大佬搓的代码</a> |
Here is a list of pages that do not exist but there are links that point to them. | 以下是不存在但有指向它们的链接的页面列表。 |
Here you can change your avatar. | 这里可以把您的;-)换掉。 |
Here you can change your password. | 这里可以更改您的密码。 |
Here you can enable/disable user icon visibility within this Site. | 这里您可以显示/隐藏站内用户的;-)。 |
Hi | 嗨害嗨 |
Hi, %1! | 嗨害嗨,%1! |
Hi, I just want to remind you about the invitation I have sent you some time ago. | |
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High-traffic site | |
Hint: you can select multiple files from the file dialog, simply hold Shift or Ctrl while selecting. | |
History | 历史 |
History of invitations | |
History of orders | |
Hotlinking | |
How does this really work? | |
The <tt>horizontal</tt> parameter forces the horizontal layout, setting the <tt>skipBy</tt> removes the bottom line about Text-Link-Ads.com. | |
has been accepted. You are now a member of this site. | 申请过力,恭喜您,您现在是本站的一员了! |
has been declined. | 哦不,申请被拒了。 |
heading level 1 | 1级标题 |
heading level 1 (largest) | 1级标题(大得要死) |
heading level 2 | 2级标题 |
heading level 3 | 3级标题 |
heading level 4 | 4级标题 |
heading level 5 | 5级标题 |
heading level 6 | 6级标题 |
heading level 6 (smallest) | 6级标题(小得要死) |
hidden | 隐藏 |
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high | 高 |
history | 历史 |
horizontal line | 一个横着的线 |
hours | 小时 |
hr | 小时 |
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