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%1 is an advertising program that allows you to sell advertising space on your Site. At Wikidot we made it as easy as possible to join and configure your Wiki to work with TLA.
%1 is powered by and hosted at <a href=""></a> - an online platforms that enables individuals, professionals, groups and communities to rapidly build online websites and collaboration tools.
(includes %1%2 VAT)
<li> <strong>Invite your friends or coworkers!</strong><br/> It is easy to invite new people to join your site as members (if you need members at all).<br/> You can just send them <a href="javascript:;" onclick="%1">e-mails with special invitations</a>. </li> <li> Or even better:<br/> <a href="javascript:;" onclick="%2"><strong>you can allow your members to invite their friends</strong></a><br/> if you want the community to grow quickly! </li> <li> <strong>Invită-ţi prietenii sau colegii!</strong><br/> Este uşor să inviţi persoane să devină membri ai site-ului tău (aceasta dacă ai nevoie de membri). <br/> Poţi să le trimiţi o <a href="javascript:;" onclick="%1">invitaţie specială prin email</a>. </li> <li> Sau mai bine: <br/> <a href="javascript:;" onclick="%2"><strong>poţi să permiţi membrilor să îşi invite prietenii</strong></a><br/> dacă vrei să crească repede comunitatea! </li>
<li> If you make changes that apply to live wiki pages <u>make sure the changes do not affect site functionality</u>. Please check your styles with different browsers and create a sandbox category with test pages for experiments. </li>
<li> If your footer does not contain a link to as the hosting provider, make sure you provide sufficient <strong>contact information</strong> (or link to such information) so that people know how to contact either you or us. </li> <li> You must promptly either respond to or forward to us emails and feedback regarding copyright issues, legal issues or problem reports related to the platform. </li> <li> If you allow <strong>3rd party contributions</strong> (like on community sites, blog, collaboration pages etc), make sure that your Site follows our <a href="" target="_blank">Terms of Service</a> and your contributors are aware of this, either by providing a link to the original Terms, or by creating your own page with sufficient information. </li>
I am authorized to purchase services at on behalf of the company.
I am fine with sites and storage included in the plan.
I don't like it Nu îmi place
I have read and agree to the <a href="" target="_blank">Terms of Service</a>. Am citit şi sunt de acord cu <a href="" target="_blank">Condiţiile de utilizare</a>.
I like it Îmi place
I want to delete this site
I want to receive invitations:
I will use this Wikidot site for…
IMPORTANT: The transaction will appear on the credit card / bank statement as: <strong></strong>.
IP address Adresă IP
IP address(es):
IP address: <strong>%1</strong> Adresă IP: <strong>%1</strong>
IP already in the list. IP deja în listă.
IP block prevents users from editing and commenting on pages. Blocked IPs will no longer be able to do any harm to your Wiki. Yet, it <strong> does not </strong> block viewing of the content.
Identifier Identificator
If a thread is "sticky" - it remains on top of the threads list in the forum category view. This feature is recommended for threads of exceptional importance. Dacă un thread este "sticky" - rămâne deasupra listei de thread-uri în categoria forumului. Acest feature este recomandat pentru thread-uri importante.
If checked - unauthorized users will not be able to see <br/> neither your side bar nor top bar navigation elements. <br/> See a note below.
If enabled - regular users will not be able to post new messages to this thread, but Administrators and Forum Moderators will still be allowed. Dacă activat - utilizatorii obişnuiţi nu vor putea să posteze mesaje noi în acest thread, însă Administratorii şi Moderatorii de Forum încă vor putea.
If the company is a registered <b>VAT payer</b> <br/> in the <b>European Union</b> and use Wikidot for business purposes, <br/> please enter your European VAT ID.
If unchecked - these navigation elements will not be rendered.
If you already have a Wikidot account and want to use Facebook Connect for the first time, we advise you to:
If you already have a account you will be able to join the mentioned Site. If not, getting a account is easy and takes less than a minute. <br/><br/> To accept this invitation (and obtain a account if you don't have one yet) click the following link:<br/> <em>(generated link will be placed here)</em>
If you already have an account, please <a href="javascript:;" onclick="%1">sign in</a>.
If you are <strong>absolutely</strong> sure that the lock is not valid or have a very good reason to remove it, you can force the lock removal manually pressing the button below. Dacă eşti <strong>absolut</strong> sigur că lock-ul nu este valid sau ai un motiv întemeiat să îl elimini, poţi să forţezi eliminarea acestuia prin apăsarea butonului de mai jos.
If you are <strong>absolutely</strong> sure that the lock is not valid, you can force the lock removal manually pressing the button below. Dacă este <strong>absolut</strong> sigur că lock-ul nu este valid, poţi să forţezi eliminarea acestuia prin apăsarea butonului de mai jos.
If you are interested in a more advanced and flexible templating solution for your pages, make sure you read the documentation about the <a href="">"live templates" feature</a>.
If you are not sure, check out the <a href="" target="_blank">detailed comparison</a>. You can also change your plan (e.g. from Pro Lite to Pro+) later. Our 30-day full refund policy makes the purchase absolutely risk-free.
If you are the master administrator of this site, please either <a href="">upgrade your account</a> to enable secure access. You can also disable SSL access in the <a href="/_admin">Site Manager</a> for this site.
If you are using this site for education purposes (classroom, research, student project): <a href="javascript:;" onclick="%1">get a free educational upgrade</a>. Dacă foloseşti acest site în scopuri educaţionale (clasă, cercetare, proiect): <a href="javascript:;" onclick="%1">obţine un upgrade educaţional gratuit</a>.
If you change your mind, simply delete this email, your account will not be deleted.
If you choose the "single pages" option you will have to make<br/> separate submissions for your pages.<br/> Site-wide links appear on all pages in this Wiki.
If you consider upgrading your account to Pro+, please look at the <a href="" target="_blank">detailed plan comparison</a>.
If you do not want <a href="" target="_blank">breadcrumbs navigation</a> for this page - just leave the field below blank. Dacă nu vrei <a href="" target="_blank">navigare prin breadcrumbs</a> pentru această pagină - nu trebuie decât să laşi câmpul de mai jos blanc.
If you do not wish to receive such notification digests please go to %1 [you account settings] and configure the Notifications section.
If you have NOT attempted to change your email address associated with a Wikidot account or you are not a Wikidot user it is possible that you have received this email because someone else mistyped her/his own email address. If you however suspect any abuse, please contact the Wikidot team at <a href=""></a>.
If you have NOT attempted to delete your account at Wikidot, it means somebody else has triggered the procedure. Which means your account at Wikidot might be hijacked. If you suspect any abuse, please contact Wikidot support staff by sending an email to <a href=""></a>.
If you have NOT started the password recovery procedure it means that someone has entered your email address in the password recovery form. Please ignore this email if you believe you received it by mistake but please report it to <a href=""></a> if your suspect any abuse.
If you have made significant changes to the document and not saved it we can try to recreate the lock so you can safely continue editing. Please note however that it will not be possible if the page has changed meanwhile on the server or somebody else is editing the page now. Dacă ai făcut schimbări importante paginii şi nu le-ai salvat, putem încerca să recreăm lock-ul pentru a putea continua să editezi în siguranţă. Te rog ia aminte că nu va fi posibil dacă pagina a fost modificată între timp pe server sau altcineva editează pagina momentan.
If you have no idea what this email is about this means someone has entered your email address, most probably by mistake. If you expect abuse, please report it to: <a href=""></a>
If you have not received your verification link for more than 5 minutes it could indicate one of the following problems:
If you have started your account prior to 15 Dec 2008, some of the Pro-only features might be already enabled in your free account.
If you really want to terminate your account, click the button below.
If you run a forum, or display page comments, ads will be displayed between selected posts.
If you still have questions, please contact us at <a href=""></a>.
If you think that the user who connects to internet via: Dacă crezi că utilizatorul care se conectează la internet prin:
If you think they should be fixed - please do it by manually editing them. Dacă crezi că ar trebui corectate - te rog fă aceasta editându-le în mod manual.
If you think this page violates's <a href="" target="_blank">Terms of Service</a>, contains objectionable content, may offend etc., you can flag this page as objectionable. <br/><br/> No content will be automatically removed but the responsible authorities will be notified about the page and (if necessary) take some action. <br/><br/> Click below to toggle the flag. Dacă eşti de părere că această pagină încalcă <a href="" target="_blank">Condiţiile de Utilizare</a>, conţine conţinut inacceptabil, poate ofensa etc., poţi să marchezi pagina ca inacceptabilă. <br/><br/> Nici un conţinut nu va fi eliminat în mod automat însă autorităţile responsabile vor fi notificate despre pagină, şi dacă este necesar, vor lua măsuri. <br/><br/> Click mai jos pentru a activa flag-ul.
If you think this user violates <a href="" target="_blank">Terms of Service</a>, posts objectionable content, may offend by his/her actions etc., you can flag him/her as abusive. <br/><br/> No user will be automatically blocked, banned nor removed but the responsible authorities will be notified about the user and (if necessary) take some action. <br/><br/> Click below to toggle the flag. Dacă eşti de părere că utilizatorul încalcă <a href="" target="_blank">Condiţiile de Utilizare</a>, posteză conţinut inacceptabil, poate ofensa prin acţiunile sale etc., poţi să îl marchezi ca abuziv. <br/><br/> Nici un utilizator nu va fi blocat în mod automat însă autorităţile responsabile vor fi notificate, şi dacă este necesar, vor lua măsuri. <br/><br/> Click mai jos pentru a activa flag-ul.
If you think you have found a bug or simply something does not work as expected, please fill a bug report. <br/><br/> Currently the list of bugs is maintained at: Dacă eşti de părere că ai găsit un bug sau ceva ce nu funcţionează aşa cum pare firesc, te rog completează un raport pentru bug. <br/><br/> Momentan, lista de bug-uri este întreţinută la:
If you want the invited users to become your contacts and vice versa (i.e. add them to your list of contacts and add yourself to their lists) - toggle the "to contacts" checkboxes above. <br/><br/> You can not send more than <strong>200</strong> invitations at once.
If you want to allow users to become members of your Site, insert <a href="" target="_blank">Join module</a> on your Site. The precise behavior of the Join module depends on the access policy of the site: Dacă vrei să permiţi utilizatorilor să devină membri ai Site-ului tău, inserează <a href="" target="_blank">modulul de Join</a> pe Site-ul tău. Comportamentul acestui modul depinde de politica de acces setată pentru acest site:
If you want to discuss contents of this page - this is the easiest way to do it. Dacă vrei să discuţi conţinutul acestei pagini - aceasta este cea mai uşoară metodă.
If you wish to learn more about Wikidot, here are a few great starting points:
* [ Wikidot Community] -- active portal with thousands of participants
* [ Handbook] -- community-edited, guide to Wikidot available in multiple languages
* [ online Wikidot documentation]
* [ Wikidot front page]
If you wish, you can use your own avatar:
If your web browser does not open automatically, copy and paste the following link into your browser:
In a few easy steps we will confirm you are the owner of the user account you claim. First please provide the email <u>you have registered with</u>:
In case your account is not upgraded automatically please contact us.
In future please log in using your email address: @@%1@@ or username: %2.
In order for the domain mapping to work you should also do a few things: Pentru ca maparea domeniului să funcţioneze mai trebuie să faci câteva lucruri:
In order to view the feed you must authenticate via Basic HTTP Authentication mechanism. Many of the news aggregators support that method.
In order to view the feed you must authenticate via Basic HTTP Authentication mechanism. Many of the news aggregators support that method.
In the field below please insert any of the following:
In the next steps:
Inbox Inbox
Inbox folder Folderul Inbox
Include file attachments Include fişiere ataşament
Include page sources Include sursele paginii
Included page "%s" does not exist ([%s/%s/edit/true create it now])
Includes 10 Pro sites and 100 GB storage. <br/> This extends your Pro subscription for another year.
Includes 10 Pro sites, 100 GB storage and more features.
Includes 30 Pro+ sites and 200 GB storage, SSL and priority email support.
Includes 30 sites and 200 GB storage. <br/> This extends your Pro+ subscription for another year.
Includes 5 Pro sites and 30 GB storage. <br/> This extends your Pro subscription for another year.
Inclusions Incluziuni
Inclusions (using <tt>[[include]]</tt>) Incluziuni (folosind <tt>[[include]]</tt>)
Individial pages
Inherit from <tt>_default</tt>:
Initial content Conţinut iniţial
Instructions Instrucţiuni
Internal error while selecting forum category (code CNS) Eroare internă la selecţia categoriei din forum (cod CNS)
Internal error: no site.
Invalid PayPal transaction token. Please retry the purchase. Token PayPal de tranzacţie invalid. Te rog reîncearcă comanda.
Invalid entity type. Tip de entitate invalid.
Invalid file name
Invalid name for file
Invalid page
Invalid page name
Invalid site Site invalid
Invalid verification code. If you are terminating your account, please start again Cod de verificare invalid. Dacă îţi închei contul, te rog începe din nou
Invitation can not be found. Invitaţia nu poate fi găsită.
Invitation could not be found. Invitaţia nu a putut fi găsită.
Invitation sent.
Invitation-by-member is not enabled: please ask your site admin for help Invitaţia de către membru nu este activată: te rog cere ajutorul unui admin al site-ului
Invitations Invitaţii
Invite Invită
Invite members
Invite new members via email Invită membri noi prin email
Invite people to your Wiki
Invoice #
Invoice (PDF)
Invoices for all your purchases, including this one, are available in the <a href="javascript:;" onclick="%1" >Upgrades / Order history and invoices</a> tab.
Invoices, order history and other details are available at <a href="%1">Wikidot Account &#187; Upgrade</a>
Is <em>%1</em> an abusive user? Este <em>%1</em> un utilizator abuziv?
Is it worth it? It's easy to start, see for yourself:
Is this user abusive? Este acest utilizator abuziv?
It might be because we still do not support the advertising network you are using, our code recognition mechanism failed, or a malformed code was pasted. <br/><br/> If you believe the above should work, please let us know - we will look at it and get back to you.
It seems that the page is currently being edited by another user(s): Se pare că pagina este editată momentan de către un alt utilizator:
It seems that the page you have been editing has been changed meanwhile by another author. In such a case it is not possible to save your changes and the only reasonable solution is to cancel editing and start page edit again. <br/><br/> It is recommended that you now see the "diff" changes of your current edit, wait until the other lock expires or is released and edit the page source and insert your changes again. Se pare că pagina pe care o editai a fost schimbată între timp de alt autor. În acest caz nu este posibil să salvezi schimbările tale şi singura soluţie viabilă este să anulezi editarea şi să începi să editezi pagina din nou. <br/><br/> Este recomandat să te uiţi la "diferenţele" realizate de editarea curentă, să aştepţi să expire lock-ul sau să fie eliberat şi să editezi sursa paginii prin inserarea modificărilor tale din nou.
It seems that the page you want to create already exists. Se pare că pagina pe care doreşti să o creezi există deja.
It seems that you already possess the edit lock for this page. However it is not possible to open edit form because current situation suggests there might be another window opened by you where the page is edited or you have not exited previous edit properly. Se pare că posezi lock-ul de editare pentru această pagină. Însă nu este posibil să se deschidă form-ul de editare deoarece situaţia curentă sugerează că s-ar putea să existe o altă fereastră deschisă de tine unde pagina este editată sau nu ai încheiat editarea precedentă în mod adecvat.
It seems you already are a member of this site. Se pare că eşti deja membru al acestui site.
It seems you already are an admin of this site. Se pare că eşti deja admin al acestui site.
It seems you have already applied for membership. Se pare că ai aplicat deja pentru apartenenţă.
It seems you have already rated this content and your current rating is: Se pare că ai notat deja acest conţinut iar nota ta curentă este:
It seems you have no tags attached to pages. To attach a tag simply click on the <em>tags</em> button at the bottom of any page. Se pare că nu ai tag-uri ataşate paginilor. Pentru a ataşa un tag, dă click pe butonul <em>taguri</em> în josul paginii.
Item total
Items you are watching
The id attribute should be unique. Atributul id trebuie să fie unic.
The invitation does not exist, or has been deleted Invitaţia nu există, sau a fost ştearsă
[%2 %1] is hosted at [], the third largest wiki farm in the world.
Wikidot enables individuals and communities from all over the world to quickly build active websites and publish content within minutes. Go to %3 to create your own site.
if you already have a account daca ai deja un cont
image wizard
in discussion în discuţie
includes VAT for European Union customers
increase indent
increase list nesting
inline math
inline mathematical expression
insert any HTML code, including widgets and video or audio players
insert image
insert image wizard
invitation invitaţie
invitation to site
invited by invitat de
invites you to join!
it is worth it and is free se merită şi este gratuit
it is worth it and is free. se merită şi este gratuit.
italic (ctrl+i)

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