Translating to: co
Translation not started
Translation in progress
Currently editing
- list of subscribers | - 纵列观者 |
Landing page is not valid | 注入者页弗可生效 |
Language | 言 |
Language: | 言也 |
Last edited on | 后撰 |
Last name | 近名 |
Last post | 近发件 |
Last post date | 其后邮之期 |
Layout | |
Layout code can't be empty. | |
Layout code: | |
Layout name | |
Layout name must be given. | |
Layout name should not be longer than 30 characters. | |
Layout with this name already exists within this site. | |
Leave blank to keep the original name | |
Let the user invite | 请者邀己 |
Let users apply | |
License | |
License preview: | |
Limit: | 极也: |
Link to your profile | 链于本人之册 |
Linked from | |
Linked page %s does not exist | |
Linked to (wanted page name) | |
Links to websites are not allowed in the invitation message | |
List of blocked users | |
List of pages tagged with | |
List of pending (not accepted) email invitations | |
List of wanted pages | |
Loading list of files | |
Loading page revisions… | 载其页撰之目 |
Loading… | 载中… |
Location | |
Lock Page | 锁页 |
Lock Thread | 锁之众讨串 |
Lock conflict | 锁相弗合 |
Lock has expired | |
Lock intercepted | |
Lock mode | 模式于锁 |
Lock this thread | 锁此众讨串 |
Lock will expire in: %1 seconds (if user remains inactive) | 锁撰将为: %1 秒后解撰占之权(若此者弗撰矣) |
Locked by | 锁撰自 |
Locking a page is a site administrator tool | 锁页乃至上管权之物 |
Login | 登之 |
Login email: | 登之电邮 |
Look who rated this page | 观何人讲评此页 |
The login and password do not match. | 账钥不相配 |
last edited | 后撰 |
left | 左 |
left with text wrapping (float) | 左滑字文换行(浮动也) |
like UA-XXXXX-X | 如 UA-XXXXX-X 般 |
lock page | 锁页 |
low | 低 |
See how the translations evolved