Chinese (Simplified) Translation
Phrases to translate are split based on the first letter (word "The" is removed from texts before determining the first letter though). Click any of the letters to start translating!
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Translation discussion — this is a place when translators can set conventions they use when translating to their language.
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Feel free to talk in your native language here :-)
This will be changed to zh-cn when two-part language codes are supported.
Kenneth Tsang (@jxeeno)
Update: I have pushed the current A-E Chinese Traditional translation through Google translate to converted traditional characters to simplified. Because I can not read Chinese, I have no idea of determining the quality of the translation. Feel free to change any translations :)
Kenneth Tsang (@jxeeno)
We can understand but sometimes we get confused by them.Stop doing that please.
I can (and have been recently) help. A-E are pretty much completed. If Ken you can put more letters in, I can start work on them.
@SJTU6108x: Thanks for your time! I've copied the Traditional translation (and changed the text to Simplified Characters) for translations up to M. I'll see if I have time to transfer N-Z later today.
Update: I have completely copied the translation from zh over (passing through Google Translate) to convert to Simplified script. Happy Translating!
Kenneth Tsang (@jxeeno)
That don't make us Chinese happy though.
I'm Chinese,and zh/tw are very DIFFERENT to ch! Although most of these copys can be understood, but they're not the best. Many translations are incorrect too. And this get us Chinese confused.
So DO NOT COPY ZH/TW any more!
Hey ThomasX,
The original copy was done 4 years ago before we had two separate translations for zh and cn. Because of this, we ended up with a mix of traditional and simplified Chinese in the same translation file. The quick a dirty method above was used to "separate" the two.
They are now kept and maintained separately by people like yourself.
Hope that makes sense!
Kenneth Tsang (@jxeeno)
I can see that there are 3 versions listed there: CN, ZH & TW.
How were that created? I think the Traditional Chinese (ZH) and Simplified Chinese (CN) would basically cover everything. People in Mainland China and Singapore use CN, and people from Taiwan and HK use Traditional Chinese. Unless you want to differentiate between the ZHHK and ZHTW - they got some slight style differences. But this is a crowd-translation project and I doubt the necessity for that.
ZH + CN will be good enough. I myself am from translation industry and we usually refer them as CHS + CHT.
An ACE CHINESE TRANSLATION team with global vision.
What is zh-joke?
Chinese (For joke)'
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There is a translation error:
not facicon ,but favicon
I have already corrected it,
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