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10 more sites + 50 GB storage 10 pliaj retejoj kaj 50 GB da memoro
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<p> Many thanks,<br/> &mdash; - The "%1" team. </p> <p> Multajn dantkon,<br/> &mdash; - La teamo "%1". </p>
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MailForm form data formulara datumo MailForm
Make sure you have a link somewhere to <a href="/forum:start"><tt>forum:start</tt></a> and possibly to <a href="/forum:recent-posts"><tt>forum:recent-posts</tt></a> but nothing else.<br/> Good places are certainly <a href="/nav:top"><tt>nav:top</tt></a> or <a href="/nav:side"><tt>nav:side</tt></a>. An example code to copy&amp;paste is given below: Certigu, ke vi havas ligilon ie al <a href="/forum:start"><tt>forum:start</tt></a> kaj eble al <a href="/forum:recent-posts"><tt>forum:recent-posts</tt></a> sed al nenio alia.<br/> Bonaj lokoj certe estas <a href="/nav:top"><tt>nav:top</tt></a> aŭ <a href="/nav:side"><tt>nav:side</tt></a>. Jen ekzempla kodo por kopii&amp;alglui:
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Master Administrator role can be transferred to another admin, but only the Master Administrator can do this. La rolo de ĉefadministranto povas transdoniĝi al alia administranto, sed nu la ĉefadministranto povas fari tion.
Master admin Ĉefadministranto
Master administrator of this site is: %1. Only master administrators can enable control over advertising space by upgrading their accounts. Ĉefadministranto de ĉi tiu retejo estas: %1. Nur ĉefadministrantoj povas ebligi direktipovon pri reklama spaco per promocio de siaj kontoj
Max %1 characters (%2 characters left) Maksimume %1 simboloj (restas %2 simboloj)
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Member invitation for user %%USERNAME%% Membriĝpeto por la uzanto %%USERNAME%%
Member invitation for user <strong class="sm-tmp-not-user-name"></strong> Membriĝpeto por la uzanto <strong class="sm-tmp-not-user-name"></strong>
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Missing your language? Translation incomplete?<br/> Help us <a href="%1">translate Wikidot!</a> Ĉu ni mankas vian lingvon? Ĉu la traduko nekompletas?<br/> Helpu nin <a href="%1">traduki Wikidot-on!</a>
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Moreover the page content has been already changed. The safest solution is to stop editing, review changes made to the page and apply your changes again. <br/><br/> It is recommended that you now see the "diff" changes of your current edit, wait until the other lock expires or is released and edit the page source and insert your changes again.
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The maximum size of a contact list is 1,000 people La maksimuma grado de kontaktlisto estas 1000 personoj
The module is temporarily unavailable. Please check back later! La modulo estas dumtempe nehavebla. Bonvolu kontroli pli poste!
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The most popular <strong>Pro </strong> plan is only <strong style="font-size: 120%">%1 119.90</strong> for the full year, less than <strong style="font-size: 120%">%1 10 per month</strong>. If you need more features or more space, upgrade to a higher plan anytime!
[[module <em>%s</em>]] No such module, please <a href="http://%s/doc:modules" target="_blank">check available modules</a> and fix this page.
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