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(Master Admin) | (主要管理者) |
10 more sites + 50 GB storage | 10個網站+50GB容量 |
5 more sites + 25 GB storage | 5個網站+25GB容量 |
<p> Many thanks,<br/> — - The "%1" team. </p> | <p> 非常感謝<br/> — - "%1" 團隊。 </p> |
MIME type | MIME 類型 |
MailForm form data | |
Make sure you have a link somewhere to <a href="/forum:start"><tt>forum:start</tt></a> and possibly to <a href="/forum:recent-posts"><tt>forum:recent-posts</tt></a> but nothing else.<br/> Good places are certainly <a href="/nav:top"><tt>nav:top</tt></a> or <a href="/nav:side"><tt>nav:side</tt></a>. An example code to copy&paste is given below: | |
Manage | 管理 |
Manage Site | 管理網站 |
Manage favicon and mobile appearance | |
Manage moderator permissions? | |
Manage users on your Wiki | 管理您的維基用戶 |
March | 三月 |
Mark all as read | 標記全部為已讀 |
Mark read | 標記為已讀 |
Mark unread | 標記為未讀 |
Master Administrator role can be transferred to another admin, but only the Master Administrator can do this. | |
Master admin | 主要管理者 |
Master administrator of this site is: %1. Only master administrators can enable control over advertising space by upgrading their accounts. | |
Max %1 characters (%2 characters left) | 最多 %1 個字符(剩餘 %2 個字符) |
Max upload size | 最大上傳尺寸限制 |
Maximum number of categories exceeded. | 最大分類數限制 |
May | 五月 |
Member | 成員 |
Member Applications | 成員申請 |
Member invitation for user %%USERNAME%% | |
Member invitation for user <strong class="sm-tmp-not-user-name"></strong> | |
Member of | 擔任成員於 |
Member of the following sites: | 為以下網站的成員: |
Member of this Site: since | 本站的成員:自 |
Member of: <em>%1</em> | 擔任成員於:<em>%1</em> |
Member since | 加入成員於 |
Members | 成員 |
Members List | 成員列表 |
Membership | 成員 |
Membership application | 成員申請 |
Membership application accepted | 接受成員申請 |
Membership application declined | 拒絕成員申請 |
Membership application from | |
Membership is restricted | |
Membership removal | 移除成員 |
Membership via application is not enabled for this site. | 本站無法經由申請成為成員。 |
Membership via password is not enabled for this site. | 本站無法經由密碼成為成員。 |
Messages | 訊息 |
Messages settings | 訊息設置 |
Meta tags for the page | 頁面的元標籤 |
Min. 6 characters. | 最少要6個字符 |
Minimum 6 characters. | 最少要6個字符 |
Missing your language? Translation incomplete?<br/> Help us <a href="%1">translate Wikidot!</a> | 找不到您的語言?翻譯尚未完成?<br/> 前往 <a href="%1">translate Wikidot</a> 幫助我們吧! |
Moderate forum: | 管理論壇: |
Moderate pages: | 管理業面: |
Moderator | 版主 |
Moderator of | 擔任版主於 |
Moderator of the following sites: | 為以下網站的版主: |
Moderator of: <em>%1</em> | |
Moderators | 版主 |
Month | 月 |
More Options | 更多選項 |
More actions | 更多操作 |
More storage | 更多容量 |
Moreover the page content has been already changed. The safest solution is to stop editing, review changes made to the page and apply your changes again. <br/><br/> It is recommended that you now see the "diff" changes of your current edit, wait until the other lock expires or is released and edit the page source and insert your changes again. | |
Most active | 最活躍的 |
Most recent signatures | 最近簽名記錄 |
Move | 移動 |
Move Thread | 移動訊息 |
Move file | 移動檔案 |
Move thread | 移動訊息 |
My Sites | 我的網站 |
My account | 我的帳號 |
My contacts | 我的聯絡方式 |
My current avatar | 我的目前頭像 |
My offline presence | |
My online presence | |
My profile page is | 我的個人頁面是 |
My website | 我的網站 |
The maximum size of a contact list is 1,000 people | 聯絡列表的上限是1000名用戶 |
The module is temporarily unavailable. Please check back later! | |
The most important things for your Wiki | 在您的維基上最重要的事 |
The most popular <strong>Pro </strong> plan is only <strong style="font-size: 120%">%1 119.90</strong> for the full year, less than <strong style="font-size: 120%">%1 10 per month</strong>. If you need more features or more space, upgrade to a higher plan anytime! | |
[[module <em>%s</em>]] No such module, please <a href="http://%s/doc:modules" target="_blank">check available modules</a> and fix this page. | |
male | 男性 |
math | 數學 |
mathematical equation | 數學方程式 |
medium | 中間 |
members | 成員 |
members of this site | 本站的成員 |
meta data | 元數據 |
meta data changed | 元數據已變更 |
metadata changed | 元數據已變更 |
metadata changes | 元數據變更 |
minus | 減 |
moderators | 版主 |
month | 月 |
more sites | 更多網站 |
more sites + | 更多網站+ |
move file attachment to another page | 將檔案附件移動至其它頁面 |
move this page | 移動本頁面 |
move/rename | 移動/重新命名 |
move/rename pages | 移動/重新命名頁面 |
my Contacts | 我的聯絡方式 |
my notifications | 我的通知 |
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