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+ only T3jjt33htthy
<a href="" target="_blank">our Privacy Policy</a> Dfbhteht2
<li>On open sites, the user becomes a member instantly.</li> <li>On closed and private sites, the user must provide a password or apply to join the site, depending on the access policy configuration.</li> <li>When a user clicks the button, the Join module first ensures that the user has an account (and asks anonymous users to create an account) and then attempts to make the user a member of the site.</li> <li>Note that if the user is already a member, or if the site is by invitation only, the module does not show anything.</li> <li> By oop webwerwe, is die gebruiker onmiddellik 'n lid</li> <li>By geslote en private webwerwe, moet die gebruiker 'n wagwoord verskaf of om aansoek vra, afhangende van die regte van die webwerf, en die toegang tot die beleid soos opgestel.</li> <li>Wanneer 'n gebruiker op die knoppie, die 'aansluit'-module verseker dat die gebruiker 'n rekening het (en vra anonieme gebruikers om 'n rekening te skep) en poog dan om die gebruiker 'n lid van die webwerf te maak.</li> <li>Let daarop dat indien die gebruiker reeds 'n lid is, of indien die webwerf slegs op uitnodiging ingestel is, die module niks sal aanwys nie.</li>
OK Reg ('<em>OK</em>')
October Oktober
Older Ouer
Older message Ouer boodskappe
Once you upgrade: Febfsva
One of tags is too long (max. %d characters) Gfwfgfh
One of the categories marked for deletion was not empty Een van die kategorieë gemerk vir verwydering was nie leeg nie
One of the groups marked for deletion was not empty Een van die groepe gemerk vir verwydering was nie leeg nie
One of the features is possibility to send <em>private messages</em>, i.e. direct messages between registered users. It is advised to enable private messages but you have a few options here (leave boxes unchecked to block all messages): Dbsfwhfwhwf
OneSignal Efwhfnjgwjt
Online account notifications Aanlyn rekening kennisgewings
Only 10 members available in Private Mode Wfbwfbfb
Only 20 members available in Private Mode Evffvbwfwfb
Only 5 members available in Private Mode Abddabqdb
Only a Master Administrator can perform the upgrade. Slegs 'n Meester-Administrateur kan die opgradering verrig.
Only alphanumeric [a-z0-9] and "-" (dash) characters allowed. Slegs alfanumeriese [a-z0-9] en "- " (minus) karakters is toelaatbaar.
Only an administrator of the site may use AdSense Slegs 'n administrateur van die webwerf kan Google '<em>AdSense</em>' gebruik.
Only letters and numbers allowed, e.g. <em>p01</em>. This will be used to point other modules<br/> to the particular campaign with the <em>id="..."</em> attribute. Slegs letters en nommers is toelaatbaar, bv. <em>p01</em>. Dit sal gebruik word om ander modules <br/> op die spesifieke veldtog te wys met die <em>id="..."</em> kenmerk.
Only pages within selected categories will be processed and external links within them will be followed. Efbbefbfedbnf
Only sites with no more than %d pages can be cloned Slegs webwerwe met nie meer as %d bladsye kan gekloon word
Only the Site Administrators are allowed to view this feed. Rgbrbg
Oops! Ethfebebg
Open Oop
Open in the new window: Gbrbgrrgb
Open — anyone can view and become member Tv4vrbgt3thhf3
OpenID Identities 2rf2g1grgr
OpenID is an open, decentralized, free framework for user-centric digital identity. <br/><br/> OpenID starts with the concept that anyone can identify themselves on the Internet the same way websites do-with a URI (also called a URL or web address). Since URIs are at the very core of Web architecture, they provide a solid foundation for user-centric identity. Efjfh
Optional. The cloned Wiki will be given to another user. Fabfb
Options Opsies
Options: Opsies:
Or apply for membership Wdggfw
Order # Bestelnummer
Order by Bestel deur
Order history Dsvdbwsdb
Order no. Ndggbdbeg
Order: Dvbdgn
Original Theme Oorspronklike tema
Original message (with the invitation link) will be included too. Fsbbefb
Other Edhhwfwhfhf
Other actions: Avfcavf
Other interesting sites Ander interessante webwerwe
Other options Rvfvwbffgw
Other pages that depend on this page Ander bladsye wat afhanklik is van hierdie bladsy
Override this warning, add autonumbering Ignoreer hierdie waarskuwing, voeg outomatiese numerering by.
Overview Oorsig
Overwrite Oorskryf
The original message is included below: Dejwhffjjf
of VAT 2grgrwgr
of storage Dwhfhqqfh
on site op die webwerf
only avatar Hfwfhwwhr
or of
or create a new one: 3rgh3rhr
or just <em>number</em> Egwgtwhhrw
original font oorspronklike font
other Dwgwgddwh
others Whdfhhwf
owner (creator) of this page eienaar (stigter) van hierdie bladsy

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