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+ only | T3jjt33htthy |
<a href="" target="_blank">our Privacy Policy</a> | Dfbhteht2 |
<li>On open sites, the user becomes a member instantly.</li> <li>On closed and private sites, the user must provide a password or apply to join the site, depending on the access policy configuration.</li> <li>When a user clicks the button, the Join module first ensures that the user has an account (and asks anonymous users to create an account) and then attempts to make the user a member of the site.</li> <li>Note that if the user is already a member, or if the site is by invitation only, the module does not show anything.</li> | <li> By oop webwerwe, is die gebruiker onmiddellik 'n lid</li> <li>By geslote en private webwerwe, moet die gebruiker 'n wagwoord verskaf of om aansoek vra, afhangende van die regte van die webwerf, en die toegang tot die beleid soos opgestel.</li> <li>Wanneer 'n gebruiker op die knoppie, die 'aansluit'-module verseker dat die gebruiker 'n rekening het (en vra anonieme gebruikers om 'n rekening te skep) en poog dan om die gebruiker 'n lid van die webwerf te maak.</li> <li>Let daarop dat indien die gebruiker reeds 'n lid is, of indien die webwerf slegs op uitnodiging ingestel is, die module niks sal aanwys nie.</li> |
OK | Reg ('<em>OK</em>') |
October | Oktober |
Older | Ouer |
Older message | Ouer boodskappe |
Once you upgrade: | Febfsva |
One of tags is too long (max. %d characters) | Gfwfgfh |
One of the categories marked for deletion was not empty | Een van die kategorieë gemerk vir verwydering was nie leeg nie |
One of the groups marked for deletion was not empty | Een van die groepe gemerk vir verwydering was nie leeg nie |
One of the features is possibility to send <em>private messages</em>, i.e. direct messages between registered users. It is advised to enable private messages but you have a few options here (leave boxes unchecked to block all messages): | Dbsfwhfwhwf |
OneSignal | Efwhfnjgwjt |
Online account notifications | Aanlyn rekening kennisgewings |
Only 10 members available in Private Mode | Wfbwfbfb |
Only 20 members available in Private Mode | Evffvbwfwfb |
Only 5 members available in Private Mode | Abddabqdb |
Only a Master Administrator can perform the upgrade. | Slegs 'n Meester-Administrateur kan die opgradering verrig. |
Only alphanumeric [a-z0-9] and "-" (dash) characters allowed. | Slegs alfanumeriese [a-z0-9] en "- " (minus) karakters is toelaatbaar. |
Only an administrator of the site may use AdSense | Slegs 'n administrateur van die webwerf kan Google '<em>AdSense</em>' gebruik. |
Only letters and numbers allowed, e.g. <em>p01</em>. This will be used to point other modules<br/> to the particular campaign with the <em>id="..."</em> attribute. | Slegs letters en nommers is toelaatbaar, bv. <em>p01</em>. Dit sal gebruik word om ander modules <br/> op die spesifieke veldtog te wys met die <em>id="..."</em> kenmerk. |
Only pages within selected categories will be processed and external links within them will be followed. | Efbbefbfedbnf |
Only sites with no more than %d pages can be cloned | Slegs webwerwe met nie meer as %d bladsye kan gekloon word |
Only the Site Administrators are allowed to view this feed. | Rgbrbg |
Oops! | Ethfebebg |
Open | Oop |
Open in the new window: | Gbrbgrrgb |
Open — anyone can view and become member | Tv4vrbgt3thhf3 |
OpenID Identities | 2rf2g1grgr |
OpenID is an open, decentralized, free framework for user-centric digital identity. <br/><br/> OpenID starts with the concept that anyone can identify themselves on the Internet the same way websites do-with a URI (also called a URL or web address). Since URIs are at the very core of Web architecture, they provide a solid foundation for user-centric identity. | Efjfh |
Optional. The cloned Wiki will be given to another user. | Fabfb |
Options | Opsies |
Options: | Opsies: |
Or apply for membership | Wdggfw |
Order # | Bestelnummer |
Order by | Bestel deur |
Order history | Dsvdbwsdb |
Order no. | Ndggbdbeg |
Order: | Dvbdgn |
Original Theme | Oorspronklike tema |
Original message (with the invitation link) will be included too. | Fsbbefb |
Other | Edhhwfwhfhf |
Other actions: | Avfcavf |
Other interesting sites | Ander interessante webwerwe |
Other options | Rvfvwbffgw |
Other pages that depend on this page | Ander bladsye wat afhanklik is van hierdie bladsy |
Override this warning, add autonumbering | Ignoreer hierdie waarskuwing, voeg outomatiese numerering by. |
Overview | Oorsig |
Overwrite | Oorskryf |
The original message is included below: | Dejwhffjjf |
of VAT | 2grgrwgr |
of storage | Dwhfhqqfh |
on site | op die webwerf |
only avatar | Hfwfhwwhr |
or | of |
or create a new one: | 3rgh3rhr |
or just <em>number</em> | Egwgtwhhrw |
original font | oorspronklike font |
other | Dwgwgddwh |
others | Whdfhhwf |
owner (creator) of this page | eienaar (stigter) van hierdie bladsy |
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