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"Pro Lite" account subscription
"Pro" account subscription
"Pro+" account subscription
-- Please select -- -- Flev asvalgerul --
<li>page edit history (revisions)</li> <li>forum threads and posts</li> <li>members</li> <li>custom domain settings</li>
P.S. If you do not want to accept this invitation - just ignore it. If you believe this invitation is abusive please report it to: <a href=""></a>
PS. If you did not ask to create an account at <a href="%2">%1</a>, just ignore this email. To report abuse, email us at <a href=""></a>.
Packing method
Page RSS Feed
Page Source Siddewoćeg
Page Tags Sidde-etikets
Page address
Page already exists Sidde ule hewerio
Page blocked Blokkaledsidde
Page can not be found. Sidde ne ottirio er laheled
Page category does not exist: please contact for a better error message Siddekategory ne hewerio: flev lunnadarul til enn benit oćikabesjed.
Page changed Sidde ondeled
Page content preview Folmeét eta sidde-enntak
Page history of changes
Page is locked and you cannot edit it: please contact your site admin Te sidde erio blokkaled eg Ut ne ottirio redir te: flev lunnadarul uts litieadnetalunnt
Page lock conflict
Page locked Sidde blokkaled
Page moved Sidde moseled
Page name Siddeimy
Page name can be max 60 characters long. Siddeimy ottirio er hæm. 60 karakters lanked.
Page name: Siddeimy:
Page rated by:
Page rating
Page ratings
Page ratings are not only a way to enable Users to vote on high/low quality content but also can be used to organize contests, competitions etc. Anyway - the feature has to be enabled first.
Page reports
Page revisions comparison
Page source
Page source for revision no.
Page source too long (max. %d characters)
Page sources are identical.
Page structure is too complex to allow section editing
Page tags Sidde-etikets
Page templates Siddekattehons
Page title Siddetýttel
Page title format:
Page title too long (max. %d characters)
Page with target name already exists Sidde ale ast imy ule hewerio
Page: Sidde:
Pages Sidde
Paid features will allow you to:
Parent Pamat
Parent page Pamatsidde
Parent page %s does not exist Pamatsidde imed %s ne hewerio
Parent page & breadcrumbs navigation Pamatsidde eg liebmoulangimmening
Parent page has not been changed Pamatsidde ne erien ondeled
Parent page name Imy ete pamatsidde
Parent page set to
Parent page to set is not valid
Parent theme can not be found.
Pass the exact URL to the location of the CSS file:
Password Pattewot
Password is incorrect. Pattewot erio neprawil.
Password recovery Pattewotfavaget
Passwords are limited to 64 characters: please try again with a slightly shorter password Pattewot erio begrainseled o 64 karakters: flev prorul otemo ale enn pattewot koroiva
Passwords too long Pattewots ogso lank
Paste the HTML code for custom label
Paste the HTML code for the placement
Paste the list of recipients in the format:<br/> Name &lt;;, Another Name &lt;;<br/> The algorithm should also handle other formats - just try!<br/> Separate entries by a comma or new line.<br/> The adresses you enter here will be <strong>added</strong> to the list below when you click "process".
Pay with Bitcoin Betaler wo Bitcoin
Pay with a credit card Betaler wo kreditsvil
Pay with your credit card (Visa, MasterCard and most major cards) or your PayPal account. For every purchase we will issue a full invoice which you can use for accounting purposes.
PayPal account PayPal-konya
PayPal payment from account: PayPal-betalening fa konta:
PayPal secure payments
Payment amount: Betaleninggelov
Payment confirmation Betaleninggekrahening
Payment method Betaleningmetod
People Persunns
Per page discussion
Per page discussions
Permanent Link Ostaledkissit
Permission denied.
Permission error Efuaningoćika
Permissions Efuanings
Petition confirmation Petininggekrahening
Place your ad on a page using the following code: Litier uts ad at enn sidde brurent te follge kod:
Placement/label must be specified.
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Please enter this information Flev inneforul est enformassion
Please enter your address
Please enter your billing information and choose the payment method. In the next step you will make the final confirmation of your order.
Please enter your first name Flev inneforul uts une-imy
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Please fill this short form. It will help us collect information how Wikidot is used in education.
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Please keep it short. Flev ĉranirul-i koroi.
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Please keep the campaign name to at most 50 characters
Please leave this checkbox blank
Please limit your name to at most 20 characters: shorter is better
Please make me a member of your site.
Please note that you can change your screen name <strong>only twice</strong>. It looks like you have changed yours <strong>%1</strong> time(s).
Please provide a different new name for the site
Please provide a different new name for this page
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Please provide a new page that does not already exist
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Please provide a shorter invitation message
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Please provide a shorter thread description (max. 1000 characters)
Please provide a shorter thread title (max. 128 characters)
Please provide a text
Please provide a thread title
Please provide a valid email address
Please provide a valid email address - this one seems is to long.
Please provide a valid email address.
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Please provide name of your organization.
Please provide the cardholders name
Please provide the complete URL of the image file
Please provide the name you want to use
Please provide the new name for this page
Please provide the postal code or phone number below.
Please provide the site title Flev inneforul te litietýttel
Please provide your name. Flev inneforul uts imy
Please re-solve the equation
Please read and agree to the Terms of Service.
Please repeat to prevent typos.
Please restrict your comments to 300 characters at most
Please select Flev asvalgerul
Please select a currency we support Flev asvalgerul inn valut Nos finesirio
Please select a new Master Administrator.
Please select an option Flev asvalgerul enn molliket
Please select equation label:
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Please set a new password for account
Please sign in
Please specify a page and try again
Please specify an existing user and try again
Please start with the <em>http://</em>
Please stick to letters, digits, and basic punctuation
Please tell us what you will use your site for.
Please try a different name: that one is already taken Flev pror ale ann daloun imy: ist erio ule grafeled
Please type at least two characters! Flev yitterul ati akat dose karakters!
Please upgrade my site now Flev busdorul mist litie aræ
Please use <a href=""></a> to contact us when support is required.
Please use a different name: that one is already taken Flev brurul ann daloun imy: ist erio ule grafeled
Please use a shorter name Flev brurul ann koroiva imy
Please use an email address in a different domain.
Please use an identifier consisting of letters and/or digits
Please use more letters or digits to make a readable name
Please use only lowercase letters, digits, and single hyphens in the web address
Please use the site manager to activate the Forum, or ask your admin to help
Position of the Ads:
Post and comments
Post content preview
Post is empty.
Post it
Post preview
Post revisions
Post title
Posts in forums of the site
Posts in the discussion thread
Posts in the forum category
Posts structure - max nesting level:
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Preview generated
Preview mode error: please contact for a better error message
Preview not supported for data forms.
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Priority support
Privacy Policy
Private IP addresses are used mainly in local networks and are not visible (not routeable) from public internet nodes.<br/> If you see an IP address from a private range here it means a user is using a www proxy for web browsing.<br/> You can not rely on a private IP address for unique computer identification.
Private Wiki?
Private content
Private site options
Private — hidden, only members can access
Privileges error.
Pro Lite
Pro Plus
Pro account upgrade has expired for this site and the site is now locked. If you are the master administrator for this site, please <a href="">renew your subscription</a> or delete your outstanding sites or stored files, so that your account fits in the free plan.
Pro accounts start at %1 49.90 per year, give it a try!
Pro sites cannot be upgraded to educational status.
Pro+ account is required to configure this feature.
Pro+ features enabled (<a href="" target="_blank">see the list</a>).
Problem parsing attribute "category".
Problem saving the file: %s
Problem saving the page: %s
Problem selecting destination page.
Proceed only if you are sure you want to delete your account.
Proceed to checkout »
Proceed to payment details
Proceed with account termination
Processing exception. Error no. 344.
Processing exception. Error no. 345.
Products purchased
Profile key
Profile page
Profile pages are in this category:
Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION
POT-Creation-Date: 2024-10-29 11:45+0000
Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Promote this site on other sites
Proxy server
Proxy server: <strong>%1</strong>
Publicly display
Purchase completed
Push notifications configuration.
Put [[module Join]] somewhere on your pages and select whether you’d like your users to apply for the membership or use a secret password. You can also send e-mail invitations or invite existing Wikidot users.
Put your profile key and wait for the data to collect. View the statistics at <a href="">Google Analytics website</a>.
The Pro trial has been already used for this account.
The page <em>%1</em> you want to access does not exist.
The page <em>[[page_name]]</em> you want to access does not exist.
The page can be only edited with a form.
The page can not be found or does not exist.
The page does not (yet) exist.
The page does not exist
The page has been changed
The page has been moved but…
The page history will show your edit with IP address:
The page is being edited…
The page is currently edited by another user in a way that it is not possible to safely recreate lock. <br/><br/> It is recommended that you cancel your edit session and wait until the lock is released. However if you are sure the imposed lock(s) can be safely deleted you can forcibly recreate your lock by deleting conflicting locks.
The page is currently edited…
The page is currently locked by another user. The details follow:
The page name is not correct
The page name is not correct: please fix it and try again
The page you want to create already exists
The page you want to create is locked…
The page you want to delete has been already deleted.
The page you want to move the file to does not exist
The page you were renaming ceased to exist or was already renamed by someone else
The password above is a hashed version of your login password. It can be used only for your feed access and not for login - so in principle it should be safe to use.
The password above is a hashed version of your login password. It can be used only for your feed access and not for login - so in principle it should be safe to use.
The password is invalid
The password is not valid.
The photo can not be loaded.
The post was edited by someone else: please reload the page and start again
The post you want to delete has responses. If you delete the post you will also delete all responses to it. <strong>Usually it's better to edit the post than to delete it.</strong>
The procedure has been initiated. Please check your mailbox!
page creator
page link siddekissit
page link wizard siddekissit-magýunnt
page move/rename
page name changes
page renamed/moved
page revision
pages and forum siddes eg foro
pages and forums siddes eg foros
pages only not siddes
pagination;previous;page;of;next siddening;tidilge;sidde;et;follge
parent pamat
password pattewot
password: pattewot;
per month per manne
per year per hæm
perform this action lufgor ast haling
posted at
print raspezar
proceed prodor
public publiked

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