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"root" (default) page | |
301 redirects: | 301 omleiding: |
<li><strong>Read-only key</strong> allows applications to <em>access all the data you are allowed to</em>, but doesn't allow to modify any data.</li> <li><strong>Read-write key</strong> allows applications to <em>read and modify the site on your behalf</em> so make sure you share the API keys only with trust-worthy application.</li> | |
<li><strong>Regenerating a key deletes the old one and makes all applications using it unauthenticated.</strong></li> <li>If you are a developer interested in creating software that uses Wikidot remote API, visit our Developer Site at <a href=""></a></li> | |
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Rating is not allowed on this page, please tell the site admins to enable it | |
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Read more about karma and how to improve it. | Lees meer over karma en hoe deze te verbeteren. |
Read more about the Wikidot API at the <a href=""></a> site. | |
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Relying on incumbents to produce your revolutions is not a good strategy… | |
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Removed tags: %s. | Verwijder tags: %s. |
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Rename site | Hernoem site |
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Rename/move page | Hernoem/verplaats pagina |
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Requested forum category does not exist. | |
Requested post does not exist | |
Requested stats file does not exist. This might be a bug or stats are being regenerated right now. | |
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Restore site: <em>%1</em> | Herstel site: <em>%1</em> |
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Revision | Revisie |
Revision no. | Revisie nr. |
Revision types | Revisie types |
Revisions per page | Revisies per pagina |
Role in this Site | |
Role: | Rol: |
The <em>rename</em> action will change the "unix name" of the page, i.e. the address via which the page is accessed. | |
The report has been sent | |
The requested category belongs to a private site. | |
The requested meta name is not supported. | |
The requested site does not exist. | |
The result of screen name change may not be visible immediately. After you change your screen name you might want to <a href="javascript:;" onclick="%1" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs"><strong>sign out</strong></a> and sign in again. | |
rating | beoordeling |
raw | ruw |
raw text - escape parsing | |
re-enter the same password | |
read | lees |
regenerate | |
registered | |
registered address: | |
related to your Wikidot account: | |
remove | verwijder |
remove from cart | |
remove selected | verwijder geselecteerde |
remove this entry | |
rename | |
rename file attachment in this page | hernoem bestandsbijlage op deze pagina |
rename files | hernoem bestanden |
renamed/moved | |
repeat new password | |
replace existing file attachment in this page | vervang bestaande bestandsbijlage op deze pagina |
replace/move/delete files | vervang/verplaats/verwijder bestanden |
reset | |
resign | |
rev. | rev. |
right | rechts |
right with text wrapping (float) |
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