Translating to: cn
Translation not started
Translation in progress
Currently editing
"%s" is not a valid domain name. | “%s” 不是有效的域名。 |
"%s" is not in the "template:" category. | “%s” 不在 “template:” 分类中。 |
%1 seconds ago | %1 秒前 |
%s accepted the invitation and joined your site %s. | %s 接受了邀请并加入了您的网站 %s。 |
%s accepted your invitation | %s 接受了您的邀请 |
%s has applied for membership on %s, one of your sites. %s | %s 申请成为您管理的网站 %s 的成员。%s |
%s invites you to join! | %s 邀请您加入! |
%s invites you to join! (reminder) | %s 邀请您加入!(提醒) |
%s joined your site %s using the secret password | %s 使用密码加入了您的网站 %s |
%s rejected your invitation | %s 拒绝了您的邀请 |
%s resigned as administrator of your site %s. | %s 辞去了您的网站 %s 的管理员一职。 |
%s resigned as member of your site %s. | %s 放弃了您的网站 %s 的成员身份。 |
%s resigned as moderator of your site %s. | %s 辞去了您的网站 %s 的版主一职。 |
+ Show more | + 显示更多 |
+ show more details | + 显示更多细节 |
<em>%s</em> does not match any existing user name | <em>%s</em> 不匹配任何一个现有的用户名 |
<em>%s</em> is not a valid button type | <em>%s</em> 不是有效的按钮类型 |
<li> <strong>Start a forum</strong><br/> The simplest way to add interactivity to your Site is to start a discussion forum. Click on <em>Forum & discussion</em> >> <em>Settings</em> to learn more. <br/> There is also a nice <a href="http://community.wikidot.com/howto:forum-step-by-step" target="_blank">Step-by-step howto</a> you might want to read. </li> | <li> <strong>创建一个论坛</strong><br/> 为您的网站增添互动性,最简单的方式就是创建一个论坛。请点击 <em>论坛与讨论</em> » <em>设置</em> 以了解更多。<br/> 这里有份很棒的<a href="https://community.wikidot.com/howto:forum-step-by-step" target="_blank">分步教学文件</a>,您或许会想要读一读。</li> |
<li> <a href="javascript:;" onclick="%1">Send email invitations</a> - does not matter if they already have an account at Wikidot.com or not, </li> <li> <a href="javascript:;" onclick="%2">Invite Wikidot.com users</a> by sending them an "internal" invitation, </li> | <li> <a href="javascript:;" onclick="%1">发送电子邮件邀请函</a> — 无论他们是否已有 Wikidot.com 账户,</li> <li>通过发送内部邀请函<a href="javascript:;" onclick="%2">邀请 Wikidot.com 用户</a>,</li> |
<li>sign in using your password first,</li> <li>go to <em>My account</em> » <em>Settings</em> » <em>Connect with Facebook</em>.</li> | <li>请先使用您的密码登入,</li><li>前往 <em>我的账户</em> » <em>设置</em> » <em>连接 Facebook</em>。</li> |
<strong>Site administrators</strong> and <strong>forum moderators</strong> are not mentioned in the table above because they automatically have all the rights within the site. | <strong>网站管理员</strong>以及<strong>讨论区版主</strong>由于自动拥有网站内以上全部权限而未在上方的表格中提及。 |
SSL configuration warning | SSL 配置警告 |
SSL mode value not allowed. | SSL 模式的值不可用。 |
SSL only (recommended for private sites) | 只使用 SSL(私人网站建议使用) |
Save | 保存 |
Save & Continue | 保存并继续 |
Save 15% with Bitcoin | 使用比特币立减 15% |
Save Changes | 保存变更 |
Save Draft | 保存草稿 |
Save Tags | 保存标签 |
Save changes | 保存变更 |
Save layout | 保存布局 |
Save nesting | 保存嵌套设置 |
Save theme | 保存布景主题 |
Screen name | 昵称 |
Search | 搜索 |
Search failed. Try again later. | 搜索失败。请稍后再试。 |
Search is temporarily unavailable, we are working to bring it online! | 搜索功能暂时不可用,我们正在努力修复! |
Search this site | 搜索网站 |
Secret password | 密码 |
Secure Access | 安全访问 |
Secure access | 安全访问 |
Secure access is not enabled for this Wiki. | 此维基未启用安全访问。 |
Secure access mode | 安全访问模式 |
Security | 安全性 |
Security error. | 安全性错误。 |
See pages that link to and include this page. | 检视链接至本页或引用本页的页面。 |
See the <a href="#displaying-places">note below</a> about how to customize the Ads. | 请见下列如何自订广告的<a href="#displaying-places">注意事项</a>。 |
See the <a href="http://www.wikidot.com/plans" target="_blank">plan comparison</a> for the detailed explanation of each plan. | 有关每种方案的详细说明,请参阅<a href="https://www.wikidot.com/plans" target="_blank">方案比较</a>。 |
See the page | 查看页面 |
Select | 选择 |
Select a file on your computer | 从您的电脑选择一个文件 |
Select a template | 选择一个模板 |
Select file: | 选择文件: |
Select output: | 请选择输出内容: |
Select the pages you want to automaticaly fix dependencies for. If successful - the fixed pages will contain links to the renamed page. If not - they will contain broken links. | 请选择您想要自动修复依赖项的页面。如果修复成功,则已修复的页面将含有重新命名后的页面链接,否则这些页面将包含失效链接。 |
Sell links via Text-Link-Ads.com | 通过 Text-Link-Ads.com 出售链接 |
Send | 发送 |
Send decision | 发送决定 |
Send email invitations | 发送邮件邀请函 |
Send invitation | 发送邀请函 |
Send invitations | 发送邀请函 |
Send me a copy of my own forum posts and comments <br/> so that I can have complete records of discussions. | 向我发送我的讨论区帖子和评论的副本<br/>以获取完整的讨论记录。 |
Send me email instant notifications with new events. | 若有新事件,请向我发送即时通知的邮件。 |
Send more invitations | 发送更多邀请 |
Send reminder | 发送提醒 |
Sent | 已发送 |
Sent by Admins only | 只由管理员寄出 |
September | 九月 |
Services purchased: | 已购买的服务: |
Set | 设置 |
Set <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pingback" target="_pingback">pingbacks</a> for pages within the Wiki. The Site must be public (non-private) if you want pingbacks to work. | 为维基中的页面设置 <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pingback" target="_pingback">pingbacks</a>。如果您想要使用 pingbacks,网站必须是开放(非私有)的。 |
Set pingbacks for individual categories | 为单个分类设置广播 |
Set pingbacks for the whole Wiki | 为整个维基设置广播 |
Set up a license for your Wiki | 为您的维基设置授权协议 |
Settings | 设置 |
Share on | 分享于 |
Shopping cart | 购物车 |
Short description of changes | 本次编辑的简要说明 |
Short description: | 简要说明: |
Short inquiry | 简短的调查 |
Shortcuts: | 捷径: |
Show Changes | 显示变更 |
Show Comments | 显示评论 |
Show hidden | 显示隐藏内容 |
Show more | 显示更多 |
Show my "pro" status | 显示我的“专业版”状态 |
Show my karma level | 显示我的活跃等级(Karma) |
Show my profile page to… | 显示我的个人主页于…… |
Show page changes | 显示页面变更 |
Show revision | 显示版本 |
Side-bar: | 侧边栏: |
Sign in | 登入 |
Sign in as Wikidot user | 登入为 Wikidot 用户 |
Sign in to | 登入至 |
Sign me out if I change IP address | 如果我改变了 IP 地址,自动将我登出 |
Sign off | 登出 |
Sign out | 登出 |
Sign up | 注册 |
Signatures | 签名总数 |
Signing in… | 正在登入…… |
Simply rate contents of this page. | 为此页的内容评分。 |
Site | 网站 |
Site %s cannot be found. | 无法找到网站 %s。 |
Site %s does not allow cross-site includes. | 该网站 %s 禁止跨站引用。 |
Site %s is private and you cannot include pages from it. | 该网站 %s 是私人网站,您无法从此处引用页面。 |
Site Administrator | 网站管理员 |
Site Master Administrator | 网站主要管理员 |
Site Moderator | 网站版主 |
Site administrators | 网站管理员 |
Site administrators can send individual invitations to other users to participate in a particular users community. If you want to be able to receive such invitations - check the checkbox. If not - uncheck it and the invitations will be blocked for you. | 网站管理员可以向其他用户发送私人邀请函以邀请他/她加入某个社区。如果您想要收到诸如此类的邀请函,请勾选该项。否则请取消勾选,邀请函将不会发送给您。 |
Site can not be found | 找不到网站 |
Site deleted. | 网站已删除。 |
Site description: | 网站说明: |
Site member | 网站成员 |
Site members | 网站成员 |
Site moderators | 网站版主 |
Site not found. | 未找到网站。 |
Site title | 网站标题 |
Site title should not be longer than 200 characters. | 网站标题不得超过 200 个字符。 |
Site tools | 网站工具 |
Site type | 网站类型 |
Site updates will be posted to Twitter as user <strong>%1</strong>.<br/> For each new page created a Twitter status update will be posted after a few minutes of delay. | 网站更新将会以用户 <strong>%1</strong> 发布于 Twitter (X)。<br/>每创建一个新的页面,都会延迟几分钟之后发布一则 Twitter (X) 状态更新。 |
Site-wide placement | 全局配置 |
Sites | 网站 |
Sites list for the tag | 网站标记为 |
Sites you administer | 担任管理员的网站 |
Sites you are a member of | 担任成员的网站 |
Sites you moderate | 担任版主的网站 |
Sites: | 网站: |
Size | 大小 |
So what do you want to back up? Choose the components. | 想要进行备份?请先选择想要备份的内容。 |
Some links you are trying to add are blacklisted. | 您试图添加的某些链接已被列入黑名单。 |
Some of the pages in the requested category have non-numeric names. Override? | 在请求的分类中有些页面不是数字名称。确定要覆盖吗? |
Some private RSS feeds, e.g. these from non-public sites, require authentication. Your feed login is: <tt>%1</tt>, password: <tt>%2</tt>. | 一些私有 RSS 消息来源(例如来自非开放网站)需要验证。您的消息来源登录名为:<tt>%1</tt>,密码为:<tt>%2</tt>。 |
Some rules are not valid. Nothing has been saved yet. | 有些规则无效。故尚未保存。 |
Somehow no pages have been found… | 页面走丢了… |
Something does not work as expected? Find out what you can do. | 事情不如预期?看看您可以做些什么。 |
Something like MLKBY4B7S7W92W5CR0ST, only letters and digits. | 类似MLKBY4B7S7W92W5CR0ST,只包含英文字母和数字。 |
Something like MLKBY4B7S7W92W5CR0ST, only letters and digits.<br/> You can find it your TLA's account -> Publisher Program -> Install ad code. | 类似MLKBY4B7S7W92W5CR0ST,只包含英文字母和数字。<br/> 您可以在您的 TLA 账户 -> 发布程序 -> 安装广告代码 里找到。 |
Something like MLKBY4B7S7W92W5CR0ST, only letters and digits.<br/> You can find it your TLA's account -> Publisher Program -> Install ad code. | 类似MLKBY4B7S7W92W5CR0ST,只包含英文字母和数字。<br/> 您可以在您的 TLA 账户 -> 发布程序 -> 安装广告代码 里找到。 |
Sorry, "%s" domain is not allowed. | 抱歉!域名 “%s” 不可使用。 |
Sorry, API access is now limited to Pro users. | 抱歉!API 访问现在只限于专业版用户。 |
Sorry, at the moment max %d member limit apply for private Wikis. The Site would have to be upgraded to allow more members. | 抱歉!现阶段,私人维基有最多 %d 的成员人数上限。本站必须升级才能容纳更多成员。 |
Sorry, at the moment max %d viewer limit apply. | 抱歉!现阶段,浏览人数有最多 %d 的上限。 |
Sorry, can not load files attached to the page in this mode. You should specify sources for each image. | 抱歉!在此模式下无法加载页面附件。您应该为每个图像指定来源。 |
Sorry, format for gallery item:<pre>%s</pre> is not supported. | 抱歉!不支持的画廊项目格式:<pre>%s</pre>。 |
Sorry, local files without page name specified not allowed. Use [[file <em>pagename</em>/<em>filename</em>]] | 抱歉!不允许没有指定页面名称的本地文件。请使用 [[file <em>pagename</em>/<em>filename</em>]] |
Sorry, no activity in this range. | 抱歉!当前没有活动。 |
Sorry, no applications. Not a single soul wants to join this Site… ;-) | 抱歉!没有申请书。没有人想要加入这个网站… ;-) |
Sorry, no contacts. | 抱歉!没有联系人。 |
Sorry, no images found. | 抱歉!未找到图像。 |
Sorry, no notifications (yet). | 抱歉!没有通知(暂时没有)。 |
Sorry, no results found for your query. | 抱歉!找不到查询结果。 |
Sorry, no revisions matching your criteria. | 抱歉!没有更新记录符合您的查询条件。 |
Sorry, no user with such an email address. | 抱歉!没有与这个电子邮箱地址匹配的用户。 |
Sorry, no users found. | 抱歉!找不到用户。 |
Sorry, not allowed. | 抱歉!您不能使用。 |
Sorry, there are no templates available in this site. To create a template, simply create a new page named e.g. template:<em>new-template-name</em>. | 抱歉!该网站内现无可用模板。只需创建名如:template:<em>new-template-name</em> 的新页面即可创建模板。 |
Sorry, this option is available only to the Master Administrator this site - | 抱歉!这个选项只开放给本站的主管理员 — |
Sorry, this option is available only to the founder of this site - | 抱歉!这个选项只开放给本站的创建者 — |
Sorry, this option is not available. | 抱歉!这个选项不可用。 |
Sorry, this web address is already used by another site. | 抱歉!这个网址已被另一个网站所用。 |
Sorry, user <em>%s</em> could not be found. | 抱歉!找不到用户 <em>%s</em>。 |
Sorry, we couldn't find any images attached to this page. | 抱歉!此页面找不到任何图像。 |
Sorry, you are not allowed to view this feed. | 抱歉!您不能查看这个消息来源。 |
Sorry, you are not the Master Admin of this Site. | 抱歉!您不是本站的主管理员。 |
Sorry, you can not %s. Only %s are allowed to do it. | 抱歉!您不能 %s。只有 %s 可以这么做。 |
Sorry, you have no permission to change these settings. | 抱歉!您没有修改这些设置的权限。 |
Sorry, you have no permissions to add ads on this site. | 抱歉!您没有向本站添加广告的权限。 |
Sorry, you have no permissions to change URL of this site. | 抱歉!您没有修改本站 URL 的权限。 |
Sorry, you have no permissions to change domain or redirects of this site. | 抱歉!您没有修改本站域名或重定向的权限。 |
Sorry, you have no permissions to clone this site. | 抱歉!您没有复制本站的权限。 |
Sorry, you have no permissions to configure this site. | 抱歉!您没有配置本站的权限。 |
Sorry, you have no permissions to delete this site. | 抱歉!您没有删除本站的权限。 |
Sorry, you have no permissions to restore this site. | 抱歉!您没有还原本站的权限。 |
Source | 源代码 |
Source change | 源代码变更 |
Source info | 源代码信息 |
Source of the footer cannot be longer than 5000 characters. | 页脚的源代码不得超过 5000 个字符。 |
Source page | 来源页面 |
Source type: | 来源类型: |
Space-separated list of tags. | 以空格分隔的标签列表。 |
Specify users that will be granted access to the Site <br/> without having to become Site Members.<br/> Type the user name and hit enter. | 允许指定用户访问网站<br/>而不必成为网站成员。<br/>请输入用户名并按回车键。 |
Stars | 星级 |
Start watching this category | 开始关注该分类 |
Start watching this page | 开始关注该页面 |
Start watching this site | 开始关注该网站 |
Start watching: <a href="javascript:;" onclick="%1">site %2</a> | <a href="javascript:;" onclick="%3">category %4</a> | <a href="javascript:;" onclick="%5">this page</a> | 开始关注: <a href="javascript:;" onclick="%1">网站 %2</a>|<a href="javascript:;" onclick="%3">分类 %4</a>|<a href="javascript:;" onclick="%5">本页</a> |
Start with <em>http://</em> or <em>ftp://</em> | 以 <em>http://</em> 或 <em>ftp://</em> 开头 |
Started | 已开始 |
Started by | 发起由 |
Started editing | 开始编辑 |
State / region / province: | 州 / 地区 / 省份: |
State/Region | 州 / 地区 |
State/province | 州 / 省 |
State/region/province | 州 / 地区 / 省 |
Statistics do not exist for the given period. | 该时段内没有统计数据。 |
Statistics for this Site do not exist | 本站没有统计数据。 |
Status | 状态 |
Status: | 状态: |
Step 1 of 3: Choose your upgrades | 第 1/3 步:选择您的升级类型 |
Step 1 of 3: Extend your pro account | 第 1/3 步:扩展您的专业版账户 |
Step 2 of 3: Checkout and payment details | 第 2/3 步:结账并处理支付信息 |
Step 3 of 3: Confirmation | 第 3/3 步:确认 |
Stickness | 置顶 |
Sticky | 置顶 |
Stop posting updates to Twitter | 停止发布更新至 Twitter (X) |
Stop watching category %1 | 停止关注分类 %1 |
Stop watching site %1 | 停止关注网站 %1 |
Stop watching this page | 停止关注本页 |
Storage | 存储空间 |
Storage left: | 剩余存储空间: |
Storage: | 存储空间: |
Street address: | 街道地址: |
Structure | 结构 |
Subject | 主题 |
Subject: | 主题: |
Subscribers | 订阅者 |
Subscription expired — please renew | 订阅已过期 — 请续期 |
Subtitle should not be longer than 200 characters | 副标题不得超过 200 个字符 |
Success! | 成功! |
Summary | 摘要 |
Suspend this campaign | 暂停活动 |
Suspended | 已暂停 |
Switch to our old uploader | 切换至旧版上传工具 |
The SimpleTodo module must have an id (e.g. id="list1"). | SimpleTodo 模块必须要有一个 id(例如:id="list1")。 |
The SimpleTodo module must have an id. | SimpleTodo 模块必须要有一个 id。 |
The signature you are confirming does not appear to exist | 您确认的签名似乎不存在 |
The site is locked - subscription purchase required | 本站已被锁定 — 必须购买订阅 |
see template | 查看模板 |
select all | 全选 |
select file | 选择文件 |
send reminder | 发送提醒 |
show | 显示 |
show dependencies | 显示依赖项 |
show from all categories | 显示所有分类 |
show page options to | 显示页面选项给 |
sign off | 退出 |
sign the petition | 签署请愿书 |
since | 自 |
single pages | 单页 |
site administrator | 网站管理员 |
site administrators and perhaps selected moderators | 网站管理员与版主 |
site member | 网站成员 |
site tools | 网站工具 |
site wide | 整个网站 |
site-name | 网站名称 |
sites | 网站 |
source | 源代码 |
source change | 源代码变更 |
source changes | 源代码变更 |
start new discussion thread | 发起新的讨论串 |
start with <em>http://</em> or <em>ftp://</em> | 以 <em>http://</em> 或 <em>ftp://</em> 开头 |
strikethrough | 删除线 |
subscript | 下标 |
superscript | 上标 |
suspended | 已暂停 |
See how the translations evolved