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"%s" is not a valid domain name. "%s" não é um nome de domínio válido.
"%s" is not in the "template:" category. "%s" não está na categoria "template:".
%1 seconds ago há %1 segundos.
%s accepted the invitation and joined your site %s.
%s accepted your invitation
%s has applied for membership on %s, one of your sites. %s
%s invites you to join!
%s invites you to join! (reminder)
%s joined your site %s using the secret password
%s rejected your invitation
%s resigned as administrator of your site %s.
%s resigned as member of your site %s.
%s resigned as moderator of your site %s.
+ Show more
+ show more details
<em>%s</em> does not match any existing user name
<em>%s</em> is not a valid button type
<li> <strong>Start a forum</strong><br/> The simplest way to add interactivity to your Site is to start a discussion forum. Click on <em>Forum &amp; discussion</em> &gt;&gt; <em>Settings</em> to learn more. <br/> There is also a nice <a href="" target="_blank">Step-by-step howto</a> you might want to read. </li>
<li> <a href="javascript:;" onclick="%1">Send email invitations</a> - does not matter if they already have an account at or not, </li> <li> <a href="javascript:;" onclick="%2">Invite users</a> by sending them an "internal" invitation, </li>
<li>sign in using your password first,</li> <li>go to <em>My account</em> » <em>Settings</em> » <em>Connect with Facebook</em>.</li>
<strong>Site administrators</strong> and <strong>forum moderators</strong> are not mentioned in the table above because they automatically have all the rights within the site.
SSL configuration warning
SSL mode value not allowed.
SSL only (recommended for private sites)
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Secure access is not enabled for this Wiki. Acesso seguro não está ligado neste Wiki.
Secure access mode
Security error. Erro de segurança.
See pages that link to and include this page.
See the <a href="#displaying-places">note below</a> about how to customize the Ads.
See the <a href="" target="_blank">plan comparison</a> for the detailed explanation of each plan.
See the page
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Simply rate contents of this page.
Site Site
Site %s cannot be found.
Site %s does not allow cross-site includes.
Site %s is private and you cannot include pages from it.
Site Administrator Administrador do Site
Site Master Administrator
Site Moderator Moderador do Site
Site administrators Moderadores do Site
Site administrators can send individual invitations to other users to participate in a particular users community. If you want to be able to receive such invitations - check the checkbox. If not - uncheck it and the invitations will be blocked for you.
Site can not be found o site não pde ser encontrado
Site deleted. Site apagado.
Site description: Descrição do site:
Site member Membro do Site
Site members Membros do Site
Site moderators Moderadores do Site
Site not found. Site não encontrado.
Site title Título do Site
Site title should not be longer than 200 characters. O título do site não deve ter mais de 200 caracteres
Site tools Ferramentas do Site
Site type
Site updates will be posted to Twitter as user <strong>%1</strong>.<br/> For each new page created a Twitter status update will be posted after a few minutes of delay.
Site-wide placement
Sites Sites
Sites list for the tag Lista de sites para a etiqueta
Sites you administer Sites que administra
Sites you are a member of Sites de que é membro
Sites you moderate Sites que modera
Sites: Sites:
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So what do you want to back up? Choose the components.
Some links you are trying to add are blacklisted.
Some of the pages in the requested category have non-numeric names. Override?
Some private RSS feeds, e.g. these from non-public sites, require authentication. Your feed login is: <tt>%1</tt>, password: <tt>%2</tt>.
Some rules are not valid. Nothing has been saved yet.
Somehow no pages have been found…
Something does not work as expected? Find out what you can do.
Something like MLKBY4B7S7W92W5CR0ST, only letters and digits.
Something like MLKBY4B7S7W92W5CR0ST, only letters and digits.<br/> You can find it your TLA's account -&gt; Publisher Program -&gt; Install ad code.
Something like MLKBY4B7S7W92W5CR0ST, only letters and digits.<br/> You can find it your TLA's account -&gt; Publisher Program -&gt; Install ad code.
Sorry, "%s" domain is not allowed. Lamento, o domínio "%s" não é permitido.
Sorry, API access is now limited to Pro users.
Sorry, at the moment max %d member limit apply for private Wikis. The Site would have to be upgraded to allow more members.
Sorry, at the moment max %d viewer limit apply.
Sorry, can not load files attached to the page in this mode. You should specify sources for each image.
Sorry, format for gallery item:<pre>%s</pre> is not supported.
Sorry, local files without page name specified not allowed. Use [[file <em>pagename</em>/<em>filename</em>]]
Sorry, no activity in this range.
Sorry, no applications. Not a single soul wants to join this Site… ;-)
Sorry, no contacts. Lamento, sem contactos
Sorry, no images found.
Sorry, no notifications (yet).
Sorry, no results found for your query.
Sorry, no revisions matching your criteria.
Sorry, no user with such an email address.
Sorry, no users found.
Sorry, not allowed.
Sorry, there are no templates available in this site. To create a template, simply create a new page named e.g. template:<em>new-template-name</em>.
Sorry, this option is available only to the Master Administrator this site -
Sorry, this option is available only to the founder of this site -
Sorry, this option is not available.
Sorry, this web address is already used by another site.
Sorry, user <em>%s</em> could not be found.
Sorry, we couldn't find any images attached to this page.
Sorry, you are not allowed to view this feed.
Sorry, you are not the Master Admin of this Site.
Sorry, you can not %s. Only %s are allowed to do it.
Sorry, you have no permission to change these settings.
Sorry, you have no permissions to add ads on this site.
Sorry, you have no permissions to change URL of this site.
Sorry, you have no permissions to change domain or redirects of this site.
Sorry, you have no permissions to clone this site.
Sorry, you have no permissions to configure this site.
Sorry, you have no permissions to delete this site.
Sorry, you have no permissions to restore this site.
Source Fonte
Source change Alteração da fonte
Source info Informação sobre a fonte
Source of the footer cannot be longer than 5000 characters.
Source page Página fonte
Source type:
Space-separated list of tags. Lista de etiquetas separadas por espaço
Specify users that will be granted access to the Site <br/> without having to become Site Members.<br/> Type the user name and hit enter.
Start watching this category
Start watching this page
Start watching this site
Start watching: <a href="javascript:;" onclick="%1">site %2</a> | <a href="javascript:;" onclick="%3">category %4</a> | <a href="javascript:;" onclick="%5">this page</a>
Start with <em>http://</em> or <em>ftp://</em> Começar com <em>http://</em> ou <em>ftp://</em>
Started Iniciado
Started by Iniciado por
Started editing Edição iniciada
State / region / province:
State/Region Estado/Região
State/province Estado/Província
State/region/province Estado/Região/Província
Statistics do not exist for the given period. Não existem estatísticas para esse período.
Statistics for this Site do not exist Estatísticas para o site não existem
Status Estado
Status: Estado:
Step 1 of 3: Choose your upgrades
Step 1 of 3: Extend your pro account
Step 2 of 3: Checkout and payment details
Step 3 of 3: Confirmation
Stop posting updates to Twitter Parece de postar atualizações no Twitter
Stop watching category %1 Pare de observar caegoria %1
Stop watching site %1 Pare de observar site %1
Stop watching this page Pare de observar essa página
Storage left:
Street address: Morada:
Structure Estrutura
Subject Assunto
Subject: Assunto:
Subscription expired — please renew
Subtitle should not be longer than 200 characters Subtítulo não deve ter mais de 200 caracteres
Success! Sucesso!
Summary Sumário
Suspend this campaign Suspender esta campanha
Suspended Suspensa
Switch to our old uploader
The SimpleTodo module must have an id (e.g. id="list1").
The SimpleTodo module must have an id.
The signature you are confirming does not appear to exist A assinatura que você está confirmando parece não existir
The site is locked - subscription purchase required
see template
select all seleccionar todos
select file
send reminder enviar lembrete
show mostrar
show dependencies mostrar dependências
show from all categories mostrar de todas as categorias
show page options to mostrar opções da página para
sign off fechar sessão
sign the petition assinar a petição
since desde
single pages
site administrator administrador do site
site administrators and perhaps selected moderators administradores e talvez moderadores seleccionados
site member membro do site
site tools ferramentas do site
site wide
site-name nome-do-site
source fonte
source change alteração da fonte
source changes alterações da fonte
start new discussion thread iniciar um novo tópico de discussão
start with <em>http://</em> or <em>ftp://</em> começar com <em>http://</em> ou <em>ftp://</em>
suspended suspenso

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