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(unused portion of your current subscription) | |
+ Upload a file with contacts | + 上傳附有通訊錄的檔案 |
<li> <strong>Use site tags</strong><br/> If your Site already has some interesting content you should describe your Site by appropriate Tags - it will be easier to find for others. Go to <a href="javascript:;" onclick="%1">General settings</a>. </li> | <li> <strong>使用網站標籤</strong><br/> 如果您的網站已有一些有趣的內容,您應該使用恰當的標籤來描述您的網站 - 其他人會更容易找到您的網站。請前往 <a href="javascript:;" onclick="%1">一般設定</a>。 </li> |
<li>URL of the page containing the image (only if image is public)</li> <li>the numerical ID of the image (only if public)</li> <li>image's URL (click on "all sizes" above the image and grab the single-line photo's URL - option 2.)</li> | <li>附有該圖片(圖片必須是公開的)的頁面 URL</li> <li>圖片的數字 ID(圖片必須是公開的)</li> <li>圖片的 URL(請在圖片上的 "所有尺寸" 點擊,並取得單行圖片 URL - 選項 2。)</li> |
<li>unlimited number of members even if your site is private</li> <li>25 GB for file uploads, each file up to 100 MB, more storage per request</li> <li>SSL security</li> <li>unlimited number of revisions per page</li> <li>other small improvements</li> | |
<strong>Upgrade for only </strong><span style="font-size: 28px">%149.90</span><strong> / year </strong>and get: | |
The uploaded file can not be used as a favicon.<br/>Image is too big. Please upload image size less than 2MB. | |
The uploaded file can not be used as a favicon.<br/>Image is too small. | |
The uploaded file can not be used as a favicon.<br/>Please upload a valid .png, .jpg or .gif image. | |
The user is not a Member of this Wiki. | 這個使用者不是本維基的成員。 |
The user you want to block is a member of this site. Please first remove him/her from the site members list. | 您想要封鎖的使用者是本站成員。請先將他 / 她從網站成員名單除名。 |
The users will be taken to this page after confirming the signature.<br/> Leave blank to produce a standard "Thank you" message. | 確認簽名之後,使用者會被帶至本頁。<br/>保持空白可產出一個標準的 "感謝您" 訊息。 |
URL link | URL 連結 |
URL link wizard | URL 链接生成器 |
URL of the identity: | ID URL: |
URL of the server: | 伺服器 URL: |
URL: | URL: |
USD (United States dollars) | 美元 |
Unable to recreate lock safely | 無法安全地重建鎖定 |
Unfold | 展開 |
Unfold All | 全部展開 |
Unit price | |
Unknow error. | 未知错误 |
Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under | 除非特別註明,本頁內容採用以下授權方式: |
Unless you use custom footer on your Site, every page contains "Flag as objectionable" link in the bottom-right corner. Users can mark particular pages as abusive/objectionable. Here is a list of such marked pages. Your role as an administrator is to review them and react on such reports. You can always refer to our <a href="http://www.wikidot.com/legal:terms-of-service">Terms of Service</a>. | |
Unread | 未讀 |
Unsupported color format. Use "RRR,GGG,BBB" for Red,Green,Blue each within 0-255 range. | 不支援的色彩格式。請使用 "RRR,GGG,BBB" 表示紅、綠、藍,每個值介於 0 ~ 255。 |
Unsupported format for font size. Use px, em or %. | 不支援的字型大小格式。請使用 px、em 或 %。 |
Unsupported format for font size. Use px, em, pt or %. | |
Unsupported math environment " | |
Unsupported payment method. | 不支援的付款方式。 |
Unwatch | 取消关注 |
Unwatch all %1 categories | 取消關注所有 %1 分類 |
Unwatch all %1 pages | 取消關注所有 %1 頁面 |
Unwatch all %1 sites | 取消關注所有 %1 網站 |
Unwatch this category | 取消关注这个分类 |
Unwatch this page | 取消关注这个页面 |
Unwatch this site | 取消关注这个站点 |
Update | 更新 |
Update list | 更新清單 |
Update preview | 更新預覽 |
Upgrade | 升級 |
Upgrade Wikidot account now | 现在升级帐号 |
Upgrade account now | 现在升级帐号 |
Upgrade here | 在这里升级 |
Upgrade now | 现在升级 |
Upgrade now! | 现在升级 |
Upgrade to Pro | 升级到Pro帐号 |
Upgrade to Pro+ | 升级到Pro+帐号 |
Upgrade to Pro+<br/> for | |
Upgrade to Pro<br/> for | |
Upgrade your account in 3 easy steps | 通过简单的三个步骤升级帐号 |
Upgrade! | 上传成功 |
Upgrading… | 正在上传… |
Upload | 上傳 |
Upload a file from your computer | 從您的電腦上傳一個檔案 |
Upload date | 上傳日期 |
Upload file | 上傳檔案 |
Upload file error. Please try again. | 上传失败,请再次尝试 |
Upload from your computer | 從您的電腦上傳 |
Upload multiple files (using Adobe Flash) | 上傳多個檔案(使用 Adobe Flash) |
Upload multiple files (using Adobe Flash, EXPERIMENTAL) | 上傳多個檔案(使用 Adobe Flash,尚在實驗階段) |
Uploaded by | 上傳由 |
Uploaded file "%s". | 已上傳檔案 "%s"。 |
Uploaded multiple files. | 已上傳多個檔案。 |
Uploading… | 正在上傳 … |
Upon confirmation your | |
Use <a href="javascript:;" onclick="%1">Permissions</a> menu for fine-grained access control. <br/><br/> The landing page for unauthorized visitors should at least explain why the site is private and how to get access to it. But this is of course up to you. <br/><br/> You can better manage the style and look of the welcome page for unauthorized visitors by creating a welcome page in a different category (e.g. <tt>unauthorized:welcome</tt>) and disable nav elements for it in the Appearance menu. <br/><br/> To get new members, you can also: | 請使用 <a href="javascript:;" onclick="%1">權限</a> 選單作細部的存取控制。<br/><br/>未認證的使用者所見頁面至少應解釋,為何本站是私人的及如何取得存取權限。但這當然由您決定。<br/><br/>您可在另一個分類(例如:<tt>unauthorized:welcome</tt>)裡創建一個歡迎頁面,並在外觀選單裡停用其導覽元件,會更好管理給未認證訪客的歡迎頁面外觀。<br/><br/>若要招募新成員,您也可: |
Use Google Analytics | |
Use bootstrap | |
Use default permissions | 使用預設權限 |
Use pop-up? | |
Use secure browsing where possible | |
Use side menu bar | |
Use the Wikidot User info pop-up when clicking on avatars, Profile page link will lead to site profile. Note: Unchecking will make user avatars link directly to their site profile. | |
Use the custom domain as the only domain for this site. | 以自訂網域名稱作為本站唯一的網域名稱。 |
Use the custom footer | 使用自訂頁尾 |
Use the following data for authentication: | 使用下列資料來認證: |
Use top menu bar | 使用顶栏 |
Use your real email — people will never see this. | 使用您真實的電子郵件 — 人們不會看到這項資料。 |
Used storage: | |
Useful links | 有用的連結 |
User | 使用者 |
User %1 does not exist. | 使用者 %1 不存在。 |
User %s accepted the invitation and joined your site | 使用者 %s 同意了邀請且加入了您的網站。 |
User %s accepted your invitation | 使用者 %s 同意了您的邀請 |
User %s asked to join one of your sites | 使用者 %s 要求加入您的網站之一。 |
User %s joined your site using the secret password | 使用者 %s 使用密碼加入了您的網站 |
User %s rejected your invitation | 使用者 %s 拒絕了您的邀請 |
User %s reported page %s of your site | |
User %s reported user %s of your site | |
User %s reported user of your site whith used ip %s | |
User %s resigned as administrator of your site | 使用者 %s 不再擔任您網站的管理者 |
User %s resigned as member of your site | 使用者 %s 不再是您網站的成員 |
User %s resigned as moderator of your site | 使用者 %s 不再擔任您網站的版主 |
User Profiles | 使用者個人檔案 |
User does not exist. | 使用者不存在 |
User icons | 使用者圖示 |
User info | 使用者資訊 |
User name | 用户名 |
User profiles | |
User reports | |
User search has been (temporarily) disabled. Sorry! | 抱歉,用户搜索已经停止 |
User to be blocked: | 欲封鎖的使用者: |
User with the email address "%s" has been already invited to this Site. Remove him from the list and send invitations again. If you want to resend an invitation please rather look at the history of sent invitations. | 電子郵件位址 "%s" 的使用者已被邀請加入本站。請先從清單裡移除他後再重寄一次邀請函。如果您想要重寄邀請函,請先看看寄送邀請函的紀錄。 |
User with the email address "%s" is already a member of this Site. Remove him from the list and send invitations again. | 電子郵件位址 "%" 的使用者已是本站成員。請先從清單裡移除他後再重寄一次邀請函。 |
User's contributions: | 使用者貢獻: |
Users | 使用者 |
Users can mark anonymous users using your Site as abusive. Here is a list of such marked users. Your role as an administrator is to review them and react on such reports. You can always refer to our <a href="http://www.wikidot.com/legal:terms-of-service">Terms of Service</a>. | |
Users can mark other users using your Site as abusive after clicking their user name. Here is a list of such marked users. Your role as an administrator is to review them and react on such reports. You can always refer to our <a href="http://www.wikidot.com/legal:terms-of-service">Terms of Service</a>. | |
Users who are members of at least one Site that I am too | 跟我同網站成員的使用者 |
Using custom themes you can easily convert your site into a brand new quality. The idea is simple - you can create your own CSS rules. <br/> Look at the <a href="http://www.wikidot.com/doc:layout-reference" target="_blank">CSS layout reference too</a> and <a href="http://community.wikidot.com/howto:design-your-own-css-theme" target="_blank">Design your own CSS theme</a> howto. | |
Using the "watching" feature you can be instantly notified about activity related to sites, pages and comments, directly to your email inbox. <br/><br/> Read more at <a href="http://www.wikidot.com/faq:watching">Watching FAQ</a>. | |
Using the interface below you can edit special HTML <meta> tags for the page. | |
Using this feature you are able to clone the whole wiki. A new wiki with content copied from this one will be created with the new web address. | |
underline | 底線 |
underline (ctrl+u) | 底線(ctrl+u) |
unlimited | |
unselect all | 取消全選 |
unsupported event type: | |
unwatch | 取消關注 |
upload files | 上傳檔案 |
uploaded a file at | |
uploaded files at | |
url | url |
url link wizard | url 連結精靈 |
username or email address | 用户名或邮箱地址 |
username: | 使用者名稱: |
See how the translations evolved