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(will not be published) (将不会发布)
(with the Community Forum) (与社区论坛)
... which means somebody else is creating the page at the same time and owns an exclusive page lock. <br/><br/> If however you are sure you want to intercept the page lock or the lock comes from a mistake or failure, you may try to forcibly remove conflicting lock. ……这表示别人同时也在修改页面,并拥有独占的页面锁定。 <br/><br/>然而,若您确定要截断页面锁定,或是该锁定是某个错误或操作失败造成的,您可以尝试强制移除冲突的锁定。
<a href=""></a> registered users 已在<a href=""></a> 注册的使用者
<a href="" target="_blank">what is this?</a> <a href="" target="_blank">这是什么?</a>
<li> We will send you an email with a verification link. Make sure you have access to the mailbox. </li> <li> You will be asked to enter your new password. </li> <li> 我们将向您发送一封包含激活链接的邮件。 请在您的邮箱确认。 </li> <li> 您之后需要输入您的新密码。 </li>
<li>Wikidot staff (they can also contact you by email),</li> <li>Moderators and administrators of any of the sites you are a member of.</li> <li>Wikidot 工作人员(他们也可通过电子邮件联络您)</li> <li>您所加入网站的版主与管理员。 </li>
<li>we will not display any ads on your sites,</li> <li>you will be able to place your own ads, including those from AdSense or other ad networks, and manage ads easily through our panel within Site Manager (right here).</li> <li>我们不会在您的站点上显示任何外来广告,</li> <li>您可以投放自己的、来自 AdSense 或其他广告网站的广告,并可以在控制台(就是这儿)轻松管理。</li>
<p>When you check this option, we remember you're IP address. This means that if you move your computer to another location, you will be asked to sign in again. It is also more secure and hacker-proof. </p><p> However, some firewalls make it look like you're always changing IP address, so if you use a computer that is behind a firewall, and you find yourself being mysteriously signed out, do not use this option.</p> <p>当您选中此选项时,我们会记住您的 IP 地址。这意味着,如果您更换其他计算机,我们将要求您重新登录。它更安全而且可以防止骇入。</p> <p>但是,某些防火墙会导致 IP 地址变化,因此,如果您使用的计算机启用了防火墙,并且发现自己被莫名其妙地登出,请不要使用此功能。 </p>
<strong>Warning!</strong> Our wildcard domain certificate works well only within the domain. If you are using a custom domain for your Wiki (e.g. instead of you browser might produce a warning. Please contact us at <a href=""></a> if you wish to use your own certificate for your domain. <strong>警告!</strong>我们的通配符域证书仅适用于Wikidot.com域名。如果您的 Wiki 正在使用自定义域名(例如 而不是,则浏览器可能会产生警告。如果您希望在您的域名中使用您自己的证书,请通过 <a href=""></a> 联系我们。
The Wikidot toolbars drive traffic between Wikidot sites and provide additional interface elements. If you show the top toolbar on your own site, you will get traffic through the "Random site" button. <br/><br/> Successful sites (those with enough content) are promoted on the bottom toolbar, but if you want your site to be featured even more often, please display the bottom toolbar on your site too! Wikidot 工具列驱动着 Wikidot 网站之间的流量,且提供额外的界面元件。若您在自己的网站显示页顶工具栏,您将会从“随机网站”按钮取得流量。<br/><br/>成功的网站(有丰富的内容者)会在页底工具栏加以宣传,但若您想让您的网站更常曝光,请也在您的网站显示页底工具栏!
The Wikidot toolbars drive traffic between Wikidot sites and provide additional interface elements. The toolbars are displayed by default on all sites, but admins can disable them if they choose not to participate in the traffic exchange. <br/><br/> Individual users can disable seeing toolbars on other sites (thus overriding site settings), but please note that this can limit the user interface, since top toolbar might contain interface elements to interact with pages. Wikidot 工具栏驱动 Wikidot 站点之间的通信,并提供额外的接口元素。默认情况下,工具栏将显示在所有站点上,但如果管理员选择不参与流量交换,则可以禁用工具栏。<br/><br/>个别用户可以禁用其他站点上的查看工具栏(从而覆盖站点设置),但请注意,这会限制用户界面,因为顶部工具栏可能包含与页面交互的接口元素。
WWW Proxy. WWW 代理服务器。
WWW Proxy? 要使用 WWW 代理服务器?
Waiting for incoming payment 等待即将到来的支付方式
Want to create cool breadcrumbs navigation? Create structured site layout? Choose the parent page (one-level-above) for this one. 想要创建很酷的面包屑导航?想要创建结构化的网站布局?请为此页选择父页面(上一层页面)。
Want to learn more? Read our <a href="javascript:;">TLA guides and instructions</a>. 想要了解更多?请参阅我们的 <a href="javascript:;">TLA 使用指南与步骤</a>。
Warning! Classic +/- rating type and five-stars rating are completely independent and one rating does not alter the other one. 注意!经典 +/- 评级类型和五星级评级完全独立,并且一个评级不会改变另一个评级。
Warning! Once you give away your Master status, you will lose a lot of control over this Site. <br/> Also, to get it back, you will have to ask the new Master Administrator to transfer this role to you. <br/> Use only when you trust the other person! 警告!一旦您让出您的主管理员身份,您将会失去很多对本站的控制权。 <br/>此外,若要重新取回,您必须要求新的主管理员将角色转让给您。 <br/>请在您信任对方的前提下使用此功能!
Warning! Please note that pages from private categories can still be included or viewed by ListPages module even if user does not have permission to view it directly. 注意!即使用户没有直接访问“private”分类下的页面的权限,这些页面仍可以被引用(include)并在 ListPages 模组中显示。
Watch Thread 关注讨论串
Watchers 关注者
Watching ​​已关注
We are currently using your Facebook profile picture: 我们当前正使用您的 Facebook 个人图像:
We are glad to confirm your Wikidot account upgrade. 我们很高兴让你的 Wikidot 账户升级。
We are periodically monitoring educational sites if they are really used for educational / research purposes. This is to prevent abuse. 我们会定期检视教育性站点,看看它们是否真的用于教育/研究目的。这是为了防止滥用。
We could not recognize the code 我们无法识别该代码
We have just sent a confirmation email to you. Please check your email box and click on a link. 我们刚刚向您的邮箱发送了确认邮件。请查看您的邮箱并点击激活链接。
We need you to have an account to create a new site 您必须拥有账户以建立新站点
We respect your settings but there are situations where they can be overriden. In particular following people are allowed to send you messages: 我们尊重您的偏好设置,但也可能有被覆写的情形发生。特别地,下列这些人仍可寄送讯息给您:
We will automatically detect your payment and upgrade your account. 我们将检测您的付款并升级您的账户。
We will look closer at the submitted code and contact you if we have more questions. If you wish to contact us, please send an email to 如果我们有更多的问题,我们将仔细查看提交的代码,并与您联系。如欲联络我们,请发送电子邮件至
We'll be sad if you do this. 这样做我们会很伤心的。
Web address 网址
Web address must be at least 3 characters long. 网址长度至少为 3 个字符。
Web address must be present and should be at least 3 characters long. 必须提供网址,且至少为 3 个字符。
Web address name should not be longer than 50 characters. 网址名称不得超过 50 个字符。
Web statistics 网络状态
Website 网站
Website base URL: 网站基本URL:
Website is not valid. 无效的网站。
Website: 网站:
Welcome 欢迎
Welcome page for new members 新成员的欢迎页
Welcome page for new members is too long. 给新成员的欢迎页面过长。
Welcome to Upgrades! 欢迎来到升级页面!
Welcome to! 欢迎来到!
What should you do <em>before</em> setting a custom domain? 设定一个自定义域名<em>之​​前</em>您应该先做什么?
What to do? 要做什么?
What to show? 要展示什么?
What to tell them? 要告诉他们什么?
What will be cloned? 哪些会被复制?
When the page is blocked only Site Administrators and Moderators with enough privileges can edit and modify it. This is sometimes useful e.g. for the starting page. 当页面被锁定时,只有网站管理员与版主有足够的权限可以编辑和修改它。这对起始页面等来说很有用。
Which page will be displayed when people just type http://%1? 当人们仅输入 http://%1 时会显示哪个页面?
Which theme to extend 要扩展哪个主题
While you have been editing the page contents someone else removed your edit lock and started editing the page in a way that your actions conflict. 当您正在编辑页面内容时,其他人移除了您的编辑锁定,并开始以与您的动作相冲突的方式编辑页面。
Who can join 谁可以加入
Who can join: 谁可以加入:
Who can rate? 谁可以评分?
Who invited this guy? 谁邀请了这个人?
Whole site 整个网站
Whom do you want to invite? 您想要邀请谁?
Wiki Settings Wiki设置
Wiki address Wiki地址
Wiki title Wiki标题
Wikidot Wikidot
Wikidot Community Site Wikidot 社区网站
Wikidot Newsletter Wikidot 电子报
Wikidot Toolbars Wikidot 工具列
Wikidot account name: Wikidot 账户名:
Wikidot controls advertising on free sites and some high-traffic paid sites. Our ads are unobtrusive. However we provide a simple way for site admins to gain complete control over advertising by upgrading their account. Wikidot 控制着免费网站和一些高流量付费网站上的广告。我们的广告不引人注目。但是,我们为网站管理员提供了一种简单的方法,即通过升级其账户来完全控制广告。
Wikidot does not modify your Facebook profile nor post any information on your behalf without your acceptance. Wikidot 不会在未经您接受的情况下修改您的 Facebook 个人资料,也不会代表您发布任何信息。
Wikidot for educational purposes 教育用途的 Wikidot
Wikidot independent profile pages 个人资料页面
Wikidot remote API allows 3rd party applications to access your sites by direct communication with Wikidot servers. <br/><br/> To let a 3rd party application access to your Wikidot account, you need an API key. There are two types of keys: read-only and read-write. Wikidot 远程 API 允许第三方应用程序通过与 Wikidot 服务器的直接通信访问您的站点。<br/><br/>您需要一个 API 密钥以使第三方应用程序访问您的 Wikidot 帐户,共有两种密钥可用:只读与读写。
Wikidot toolbars Wikidot 工具列
Wikidot user since: Wikidot 用户始于:
Wikidot was unable to select the user Wikidot 无法选取该用户 - main page — 主页 Account Notifications 账户通知 Blog 博客 Privacy Policy. 隐私政策。 Terms of Service - what you can, what you should not etc. 服务条款 — 您可以做的事,您不该做的事之类的。 User since: 用户始于: account notifications for user 用户账户通知 blog 博客 issues VAT invoices for every purchase. The address below will be used on future invoices. The address also helps us determine the currency best suited to your region and if you are a subject to Value Added Tax. 为每次购买开具增值税发票。以下地址将用于未来的发票。该地址还可帮助我们确定最适合您所在地区的货币,以及您是否需要缴纳增值税。 user since 用户始于 watched forum discussions for user 关注的论坛讨论于使用者 watched pages changes for user 关注的页面变更于使用者
Windows 8 Tile Windows 8 磁贴
With this option you can prevent anonymous (guest) and low-karma users from publishing links in forum posts and page comments. 使用此选项,您可以防止匿名(游客)和低 Karma 用户发布论坛帖子
Write private message 撰写私人讯息
watchers 关注者
widget 小工具
will be charged with the amount presented above. Your Wikidot account will be upgraded within seconds. 将收取上述金额。您的 Wikidot 账户将在几秒钟内升级。
would like to invite you to join members of the wiki website "%1" created at 邀请您成为基于 的“%1”维基的一员。
would like to invite you to the wiki website <a href="%2">%1</a> created at <a href="">Wikidot</a>. 希望邀请您访问 <a href="%2">%1</a> 基于 <a href="">Wikidot</a> 的维基。

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