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(will not be published) | (ei julkaista) |
(with the Community Forum) | |
... which means somebody else is creating the page at the same time and owns an exclusive page lock. <br/><br/> If however you are sure you want to intercept the page lock or the lock comes from a mistake or failure, you may try to forcibly remove conflicting lock. | ...joka tarkoittaa sitä, että toinen käyttäjä muokkaa sivua parhaillaan jonka vuoksi sivu on lukittu. <br/><br/> Jos olet kuitenkin varma, että haluat murtaa lukituksen, tai lukitus on virheellinen tai aiheeton, voit yrittää poistaa lukon voimakeinoin. |
<a href=""></a> registered users | <a href=""></a> rekisteröityneet käyttäjät |
<a href="" target="_blank">what is this?</a> | |
<li> We will send you an email with a verification link. Make sure you have access to the mailbox. </li> <li> You will be asked to enter your new password. </li> | <li> Lähetämme sinulle vahvistuslinkin sisältävän sähköpostin. Varmista, että sinulla on pääsy sähköpostiisi. </li> <li> Tämän jälkeen syötä uusi salasanasi. </li> |
<li>Wikidot staff (they can also contact you by email),</li> <li>Moderators and administrators of any of the sites you are a member of.</li> | |
<li>we will not display any ads on your sites,</li> <li>you will be able to place your own ads, including those from AdSense or other ad networks, and manage ads easily through our panel within Site Manager (right here).</li> | |
<p>When you check this option, we remember you're IP address. This means that if you move your computer to another location, you will be asked to sign in again. It is also more secure and hacker-proof. </p><p> However, some firewalls make it look like you're always changing IP address, so if you use a computer that is behind a firewall, and you find yourself being mysteriously signed out, do not use this option.</p> | <p>Kun valitset tämän, muistamme IP -osoitteesi. Tämä tarkoittaa sitä, että jos siirrät tietokoneesi toiseen paikkaan, pyydämme sinua tietoturvasyistä kirjautumaan uudelleen. </p><p> Jotkut palomuurit muuttavat IP -osoitetta jatkuvasti, joten mikäli sinut kirjataan toistuvasti ulos, älä käytä tätä vaihtoehtoa. </p> |
<strong>Warning!</strong> Our wildcard domain certificate works well only within the domain. If you are using a custom domain for your Wiki (e.g. instead of you browser might produce a warning. Please contact us at <a href=""></a> if you wish to use your own certificate for your domain. | |
The Wikidot toolbars drive traffic between Wikidot sites and provide additional interface elements. If you show the top toolbar on your own site, you will get traffic through the "Random site" button. <br/><br/> Successful sites (those with enough content) are promoted on the bottom toolbar, but if you want your site to be featured even more often, please display the bottom toolbar on your site too! | |
The Wikidot toolbars drive traffic between Wikidot sites and provide additional interface elements. The toolbars are displayed by default on all sites, but admins can disable them if they choose not to participate in the traffic exchange. <br/><br/> Individual users can disable seeing toolbars on other sites (thus overriding site settings), but please note that this can limit the user interface, since top toolbar might contain interface elements to interact with pages. | |
WWW Proxy. | WWW välityspalvelin. |
WWW Proxy? | |
Waiting for incoming payment | |
Want to create cool breadcrumbs navigation? Create structured site layout? Choose the parent page (one-level-above) for this one. | Haluatko luoda leivänmurunavigaation tai sivustokartan? Valitse emosivu (yhtä tasoa ylempää) tälle sivulle. |
Want to learn more? Read our <a href="javascript:;">TLA guides and instructions</a>. | |
Warning! Classic +/- rating type and five-stars rating are completely independent and one rating does not alter the other one. | |
Warning! Once you give away your Master status, you will lose a lot of control over this Site. <br/> Also, to get it back, you will have to ask the new Master Administrator to transfer this role to you. <br/> Use only when you trust the other person! | |
Warning! Please note that pages from private categories can still be included or viewed by ListPages module even if user does not have permission to view it directly. | |
Watch Thread | Seuraa säiettä |
Watchers | Seuraajat |
Watching | Seuraa |
We are currently using your Facebook profile picture: | |
We are glad to confirm your Wikidot account upgrade. | |
We are periodically monitoring educational sites if they are really used for educational / research purposes. This is to prevent abuse. | |
We could not recognize the code | |
We have just sent a confirmation email to you. Please check your email box and click on a link. | Olemme juuri lähettäneet vahvistussähköpostin sinulle. Tarkista sähköpostisi ja klikkaa linkkiä. |
We need you to have an account to create a new site | |
We respect your settings but there are situations where they can be overriden. In particular following people are allowed to send you messages: | |
We will automatically detect your payment and upgrade your account. | |
We will look closer at the submitted code and contact you if we have more questions. If you wish to contact us, please send an email to | |
We'll be sad if you do this. | |
Web address | Internetosoite |
Web address must be at least 3 characters long. | Internetosoitteen tulee olla vähintään kolme merkkiä pitkä. |
Web address must be present and should be at least 3 characters long. | Internetosoitteen tulee olla läsnä ja vähintään kolme merkkiä pitkä. |
Web address name should not be longer than 50 characters. | Internetosoite ei saa olla 50:tä merkkiä pidempi. |
Web statistics | Kävijäseuranta |
Website | Sivusto |
Website base URL: | |
Website is not valid. | Internetsivusto on virheellinen. |
Website: | |
Welcome | Tervetuloa |
Welcome page for new members | Tervehdyssivu uusille jäsenille |
Welcome page for new members is too long. | Uusien jäsenien tervehdyssivu on liian pitkä. |
Welcome to Upgrades! | |
Welcome to! | Tervetuloa Wikidot.comiin! |
What should you do <em>before</em> setting a custom domain? | Mitä sinun tulee tehdä <em>ennen</em> oman verkkotunnuksen asentamista? |
What to do? | Mitä tehdä? |
What to show? | |
What to tell them? | Lähetettävä kutsu (voit antaa lisätietoja halutessasi) |
What will be cloned? | |
When the page is blocked only Site Administrators and Moderators with enough privileges can edit and modify it. This is sometimes useful e.g. for the starting page. | Kun sivu on lukittu, vain sivuston (vaaditut muokkausoikeudet omaavat) ylläpitäjät ja moderaattorit voivat muokata sitä. Tämä saattaa joskus olla tarpeellista esim. aloitussivun suhteen. |
Which page will be displayed when people just type http://%1? | Mikä sivu näytetään ensimmäisenä käyttäjille, kun he menevät osoitteeseen http://%1? |
Which theme to extend | |
While you have been editing the page contents someone else removed your edit lock and started editing the page in a way that your actions conflict. | Muokatessasi sivua, joku toinen käyttäjä poisti muokkauslukituksesi ja ryhtyi muokkaamaan sivua samanaikaisesti. |
Who can join | |
Who can join: | |
Who can rate? | |
Who invited this guy? | Kuka kutsui hänet? |
Whole site | Koko sivusto |
Whom do you want to invite? | Kenet haluat kutsua? |
Wiki Settings | |
Wiki address | |
Wiki title | |
Wikidot | |
Wikidot Community Site | |
Wikidot Newsletter | |
Wikidot Toolbars | |
Wikidot account name: | |
Wikidot controls advertising on free sites and some high-traffic paid sites. Our ads are unobtrusive. However we provide a simple way for site admins to gain complete control over advertising by upgrading their account. | |
Wikidot does not modify your Facebook profile nor post any information on your behalf without your acceptance. | Wikidot ei muokkaa sinun Facebook profiiliasi, eikä myöskään julkaise mitään tietoja puolestasi ilman lupaasi. |
Wikidot for educational purposes | |
Wikidot independent profile pages | |
Wikidot remote API allows 3rd party applications to access your sites by direct communication with Wikidot servers. <br/><br/> To let a 3rd party application access to your Wikidot account, you need an API key. There are two types of keys: read-only and read-write. | |
Wikidot toolbars | Wikidotin työkalupalkit |
Wikidot user since: | |
Wikidot was unable to select the user | Wikidot ei voinut valita käyttäjää | - main page | | Account Notifications | tiliin liittyvät ilmoitukset | Blog | | Privacy Policy. | tietosuojaperiaate | Terms of Service - what you can, what you should not etc. | Wikidotin käyttöehdot - mitä saat tehdä ja mitä et, jne. | User since: | | account notifications for user | -ilmoitukset käyttäjälle | blog | blogi | issues VAT invoices for every purchase. The address below will be used on future invoices. The address also helps us determine the currency best suited to your region and if you are a subject to Value Added Tax. | | user since | Wikidot -käyttäjä alkaen | watched forum discussions for user | seuratut keskustelupalstat käyttäjälle | watched pages changes for user | seuratut sivumuokkaukset käyttäjälle |
Windows 8 Tile | |
With this option you can prevent anonymous (guest) and low-karma users from publishing links in forum posts and page comments. | |
Write private message | Kirjoita yksityisviesti |
watchers | |
widget | |
will be charged with the amount presented above. Your Wikidot account will be upgraded within seconds. | |
would like to invite you to join members of the wiki website "%1" created at | |
would like to invite you to the wiki website <a href="%2">%1</a> created at <a href="">Wikidot</a>. | |
write |
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