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Currently editing
(1 year, starting now) | (1 yıl, şimdiden itibaren) |
1 year "Pro Lite" status for your account and your sites, <br/> An entry-level plan with 5 sites and 30 GB storage included. | |
1 year "Pro" status for your account and your sites, <br/> 10 sites and 100 GB storage included. | |
1 year "Pro+" status for your account and your sites, <br/> 30 sites and 200 GB storage included, <br/> SSL for all your sites and priority email support and more. | |
<li> you have misspelled the email address - you can try again; </li> <li>your mail account does not accept emails - is it "full"? is your mail server all right? - check your email account; </li> <li> servers are unable to send the message - try again later and report a problem if we fail again. </li> | |
<li> You should own (or have administrative access to) the domain you want to use, </li> <li> You should point your nameservers (via "control panel" if your provider gives you one - look for advanced DNS settings - or by any other means) to resolve your domain to servers. This should be done by setting a <strong>CNAME record</strong> to "<strong>www.%2</strong>" value. </li> <li> Very often one has to wait (depends on your provider or DNS settings) for the changes to propagate over the internet. </li> <li> Exactly the same procedure should be applied for the redirected domains (URLs) to be handled by servers. </li> <li> Sometimes you might be forced to provide the IP address of the server. In such a case use one of these addresses: <strong>%3</strong>. </li> <li> If you have enabled <em>Use the custom domain as the only domain</em> option, all requests to %1.%2 will be automatically redirected to your custom domain. </li> | |
<li> your site is publicly recognizable and potentially useful, </li> <li> is a collaborative work by several authors, </li> <li> there are other reasons that might make you miss your wiki. </li> | |
<li> you sign up at TLA and submit your Wiki to TLA's inventory </li> <li> you choose where to place ads (by default in a footer of a page) </li> <li> TLA fills your spots with links (very short ads that contain just a few words and point to the advertiser's website); you can choose to review each ad before it is placed </li> <li> when someone wants to place a link on your Wiki, he/she buys the link directly from TLA </li> <li> our server communicates with TLA and includes the link automatically in the TLA advertising area </li> <li> you earn money directly from TLA </li> | |
<p> Your account name: %1<br/> Your account email: <a href="mailto:%2">%2</a> </p> <p> If you have any questions, please contact <a href=""></a>. </p> | |
Yes | Evet |
Yes, I want to delete this site! | Evet, bu siteyi silmek istiyorum! |
Yes, ban | |
Yes, create a account first | Evet, ilk önce bir hesabı oluştur |
Yes, delete block | |
Yes, delete layout | |
Yes, delete theme | Evet, temayı sil |
Yes, overwrite it | Evet, değiştir |
Yes, remove | |
Yes, you <strong>can</strong> delete the whole Site. However even if you delete it, it will not be wiped out from our database but rather you will be able to <strong>undo</strong> the operation. | |
You | |
You are about to <span class="application-type"></span> membership application from <span class="application-user"></span>. Feel free to add additional message below: | |
You are about to invite user <strong class="sm-tmp-not-user-name"></strong> to become a member of this site. You can attach a message to the invitation. | |
You are about to invite user <strong>%%USERNAME%%</strong> to become a member of this site. You can attach a message to the invitation. | |
You are already a member of this site. | Halihazırda bu sitenin üyesisiniz. |
You are already master administrator of %d sites, which is your limit | |
You are already watching this page | Bu sayfayı zaten izliyorsunuz |
You are already watching this thread | |
You are applying to | |
You are blocked by this user. | Bu kullanıcı tarafından engellendiniz. |
You are buying… | |
You are currently using: | |
You are editing a forum post as an anonymous user. Please remember that in such a case your IP address will be revealed to public and your contribution will be signed by the following identity: | |
You are editing a forum post as an anonymous user. Please remember that in such a case your IP address will be revealed to public and your contribution will be signed by the following identity: | |
You are invited to | Davet edildiniz |
You are limited to watching ten pages at most | |
You are limited to watching ten threads at most | |
You are not a member of this site. | Bu siteye üye değilsiniz. |
You are not allowed to alter contents of the parent page. You should have the "edit" permission on the parent page too. | |
You are not watching any individual pages right now. To start watching a page, go to it and click "start watching page" at the bottom page options section. | |
You are not watching any page categories right now. To start watching a category, please visit any of the pages on a site and click "start watching category" option at the bottom page options section. | |
You are not watching any sites right now. To start watching a site, please visit it and find the "start watching site" option at the bottom page options section. | |
You are now allowed to create pages in that category: ask your site admin for help | |
You are trying to use the same label twice, but AdSense requires that each ad unit has a different label | |
You can change the language of the user interface. This setting will not change the Site language set in Site Manager. | |
You can choose which navigation elements (<em>top-bar</em> and <em>side-bar</em>) should appear in pages within a specified category. | |
You can connect your Wikidot account with your Facebook account. The connection allows for quick logging in (using Facebook Connect), easier sharing and inviting friends (coming soon). Wikidot does not modify your Facebook profile nor post any information on your behalf without your acceptance. | |
You can currently create up to %1 sites (%2 already created) | |
You can currently create up to %1 sites (%2 already created) and have total of %3 storage (%4 used). | |
You can delete the page by either move it to a "deleted" category or by just removing it from the Wiki - which is nonrecoverable and should be used with caution. | Sayfayı tamamen silebilir veya münhasır bir "silinen" kategorisine taşıyabilirsiniz. |
You can determine who can edit contents and change the structure of your Wiki. Administrators and moderators always have all permissions. | |
You can easily invite Wikidot users to become members of your Wiki. </p> <p> Upon accepting the invitation the User will automatically become a member. </p> | |
You can maintain a private list of blocked users. Users from the list are not allowed to send you any private messages. <br/><br/> Note: Blocking a user does not prevent administrators from contacting you. Moderators and administrators of the sites that you are a member of are also unaffected by the Blocked users list. | |
You can not "re-rate" it with the same value. What you can do is to: change your mind and your vote or cancel your vote. | |
You can not apply. | Başvuru yapamazsınız. |
You can not simply resign - you are the last admin of this site! | |
You can put maximum 50 slots into the cart. | |
You can read more about educational upgrade at our <a href="">main website</a>. <br/><br/> The educational upgrade are <strong>absolutely free</strong> for educational / research purposes, and is applied instantly, after providing some basic information. <br/><br/> If your project does not fall into educational / research category, or you need more advanced features from your site, please look at our <a href="">Pro upgrade plans</a>. | |
You can resend (remind) the invitation 2 times max. Please do not abuse this. | |
You can restrict access to your Wiki by selecting mode: | |
You can send email invitations to your friends telling them about your Site. If they respond to your invitation (and sign up) they will automatically become members of this Site. <br/><br/> You can send one invitation to a single email address. Also please do not abuse this and do not send spam. | |
You can send up to 200 invitations in one go, as an anti-spam measure | |
You can use <a href="" target="_blank">Wiki syntax</a>. | |
You can use <a href="" target="_blank">wiki syntax</a> in your footer. | |
You can use any other number of signatures displayed. The default is 50. Setting limit="0" will print all signatures. | |
You can write a few words here if you wish: | İsterseniz buraya birkaç kelime yazabilirsiniz: |
You can't connect your account. The Facebook account you want to connect with has been already paired with other Wikidot account. | |
You cannot add yourself to your own contact list | Kendinizi kendi rehberinize ekleyemezsiniz |
You cannot delete your account because you are the Master Administrator of the following sites: | |
You cannot flag yourself as an abusive user | Kendi kendinizi kötü niyetli olarak işaretliyemezsiniz |
You cannot move the file to the same page it is already attached to | Dosyayı hal-i hazırda bağlı olduğu sayfaya taşıyamazsınız |
You cannot remove yourself as site administrator: please ask another admin to do this | Kendi kendinizi yöneticilikten çıkaramazsınız, bu işi başka bir yöneticiden isteyin |
You cannot send more than 3 copies of the invitation | |
You did not change your name | |
You did not correctly confirm the new password: please try again and make sure you enter the same new password twice | Yeni şifrenız doğrulanamadı : tekrar deneyin ve iki kez aynı yeni şifreyi girdığinizden emin olun |
You did not correctly confirm your password: please try again and make sure you enter the same new password twice | Şifrenız doğrulanamadı : tekrar deneyin ve iki kez aynı yeni şifreyi girdığinizden emin olun |
You did not enter the correct password: please try again and make sure you enter your old password correctly | Şifrenız doğru değil : tekrar deneyin ve eski şifrenizi doğru girdığinizden emin olun |
You did not make any changes to the page | Sayfada hiçbir değişiklik yapmadınız |
You do not have a valid AdSense account. | Geçerli bir Adsense hesabınız yok. |
You do not have permission to manage ads on this site. | Bu sitedeki reklamları yönetme izniniz yok. |
You don't have permission to attach the file to that page | Bu sayfaya dosya ekleme izniniz yok |
You follow | |
You have a new private message in your | |
You have already added this user to your contact list | Bu kullanıcıyı daha önce rehberinize eklemiştiniz |
You have already applied to this site | Bu siteye daha önce başvurdunuz |
You have already blocked this user | Bu kullanıcı sizi daha önce engelledi |
You have already changed your screen name twice. This option is no longer available to you. | |
You have already configured an AdSense account | |
You have already uploaded a favicon: | Faviconunuz zaten yüklü: |
You have an exclusive 15-minute lock that will stop others editing this page while you are working.<br/> The lock expires in %1 seconds of inactivity. | Bu sayfa için 15 dakikalık size özel çalışma hakkı tahsis edildi.<br/> %1 saniyelik atalet halinde bu hakkınız sona erecektir. |
You have asked to join <a href="%2">%1</a> as a new user %4. | |
You have been added to administrators of the site | Site yöneticilerine eklendiniz |
You have been added to moderators of the site | Site moderatörlerine eklendiniz |
You have been banned from this site | Bu site tarafından yasaklandınız |
You have been removed from administrators of the site | Site yöneticiliğinden çıkarıldınız |
You have been removed from members of the site | Site üyeliğinden çıkarıldınız |
You have been removed from moderators of the site | Site moderatörlüğünden çıkarıldınız |
You have founded this site - sorry, you can not resign. | Bu siteyi siz kurdunuz, maalesef çekilemezsiniz. |
You have joined the list "%s" at | |
You have no applications at the moment. | Şu anda hiç üyelik başvurunuz yok. |
You have no invitations at the moment. | Şu anda hiç davetiyeniz yok. |
You have no messages at the moment. | |
You have no orders yet. | |
You have no permission to access this site. | Bu siteye giriş izniniz yok. |
You have no petition campaigns defined. | |
You have no sent messages at the moment. | |
You have no users in your contact list. | Rehberinizde hiç kullanıcı yok. |
You have not permission to make this action. | |
You have not uploaded your buddy icon (avatar) yet. So now you are using a default avatar: %1 <br/> Go to <em>my profile</em> >> <a href="javascript:;" onclick="%2"><em>my buddy icon</em></a> to upload your very own image. | |
You have only | |
You have received an invitation to join members of the site | |
You have successfully activated your account. You can now join sites, or start your own wiki, blog, forum, business site, or other web application. You can also [%1 create your own site]. | |
You have successfully activated your account and joined [%2 %1]. | |
You have successfully activated your account but you have not yet joined [%2 %1]. Read the site and contact the site managers if you need help joining the site. | |
You have successfully applied for membership. Now up to some people to decide ;-) | |
You have successfully become a member of this site | Bu siteye başarılı bir şekilde üye oldunuz |
You have successfully subscribed to the email list %1. | |
You just have been accepted as a member of this wiki. | |
You may also delete unwanted sites and/or files to stay under the limits of a Free account. If you have any questions, please contact <a href="mailto:%1">%1</a>. | |
You may change your name twice, at most | |
You might also consider hiding the site from public by making it <a href="javascript:;" onclick="%1">private</a>. | |
You might get better results if you show ads only to non-Wikidot visitors. | |
You must accept Terms of Service before proceeding. | İşleme devam etmeden önce Hizmet Koşullarını kabul etmelisiniz. |
You must be an admin of this site. | Sitenin yöneticisi olmanız gerekiyor. |
You must be an administrator of the site to use AdSense | Adsense kullanabilmek için bu sitede yönetici olmalısın |
You need to be a member of this site in order to send an invitation | Davetiye gönderebilmek için bu sitenin üyesi olmanız gerekir |
You need to define a form - please read the MailForm module documentation | |
You need to have a account and be signed to apply for membership. | |
You need to have a account and be signed to apply for membership. Please sign in or create an account first. | |
You need to provide a name for the style. | |
You need to set text for set-tags button. | |
You provided an invalid password: please try again | Verdiğıniz şifre yanlış, bir daha deneyın |
You receive this email because you have initiated the process of account termination at Wikidot. If you still want to delete the account, please click the link: | |
You received a membership application | |
You received this email because you are watching | |
You received this email because you have enabled email watching. | |
You shall not pass! | |
You should be authorized by your company to purchase services. | |
You should be logged in to create a new site. | |
You should provide a page name | |
You should write something in the box… | |
You signature has been cancelled and removed. | |
You successfully renamed the page | |
You successfully reverted the page to revision number | |
You tried to block yourself but that is not really sensible | |
You want to delete your account. We need you to log in to your account for the one last time. | |
You will be sent a confirmation letter with the verification link. | |
You will receive a verification email to this address. | |
You're not signed in or you are not an administrator of this Wiki. | |
Your "back" contacts | |
Your API keys are… | |
Your Internet address has been banned from this site | |
Your Internet address has been globally banned | |
Your Pro+ plan also includes the priority email support feature. Please send emails to <a href="mailto:%1">%1</a> to get your answer faster. | |
Your RSS link address is not valid. | |
Your VAT ID cannot be validated. | |
Your Wiki has been successfully cloned | |
Your Wikidot account has been created via Facebook Connect. If you wish to be able to log in to Wikidot with your email address and password (without using Facebook Connect), use the form below to set the password. | |
Your Wikidot account is currently connected with your Facebook account: | |
Your Wikidot account will be automatically upgraded within seconds after the payment is complete. From now on your account and all your Sites will have all the extra features enabled. | |
Your Windows 8 tile icon: | |
Your account at expired - please renew | |
Your account at expires in %s days | |
Your account has been successfully upgraded. | |
Your account is now upgraded. Enjoy the new possibilities! | |
Your account will be automatically upgraded within minutes and will be confirmed by a separate email. | |
Your application has been sent. Now administrators of this site need to review it and accept (or decline) it.<br /><br /> You will be notified when you become a member of the site. | |
Your applications | |
Your cart is empty. | |
Your comments | |
Your currency is: | |
Your current billing address is: | |
Your current email address is: <strong>%1</strong>. | |
Your current password | |
Your current screen name is: <strong>%1</strong>. | |
Your customized footer | |
Your email | E-postanız |
Your email has been changed | E-postanız değiştirildi |
Your email invitation was accepted | |
Your email was changed. | E-posta adresiniz değiştirildi. |
Your forum is inactive at the moment. | |
Your forum is inactive at the moment. Activate forum in settings. | |
Your iOS icon: | IOS için Wiki İkonu (İmge) |
Your membership application to the site | |
Your membership invitation was accepted | |
Your membership invitation was declined | |
Your name | Adınız |
Your name or alias | Adınız ya da rumuzunuz |
Your new password must be at least six characters: please try again with a longer and more secure password | |
Your page edit lock has expired | Özel çalışma hakkınız sona erdi |
Your password must be at least six characters | |
Your password must be at least six characters: please try again with a longer and more secure password | |
Your post is too long | İletiniz çok uzun |
Your purchase is now complete. Please wait a moment before we finish upgrading your account… (this might take a while) | |
Your session has expired: please reload the page and/or login again | |
Your signature has been confirmed. | |
Your site has been classified as <strong>high-traffic</strong>. Due to high running cost, we reserve the right to keep the ads running on your site even if the site is upgraded to Pro Lite, Pro or Pro Plus. Please contact <a href=""></a> if you are interested in controlling ads. | |
Your site has been classified as <strong>high-traffic</strong>. In such a cases we reserve the right to run the bottom toolbar for your non-Wikidot visitors in order to promote content from the Wikidot network. | |
Your very own place in the Internet | |
Your website | Websiteniz |
Your website address is not valid. | Website adresiniz geçerli değil |
your email address | E-posta adresiniz |
your name or alias |
See how the translations evolved